Monday, July 11, 2022

Writing the Best Attorney Bios and Attracting More Leads 

Discover what the best money-making attorney bios include and get a FREE checklist, tips, and tricks!

Did you know that attorney bio pages capture at least 80% of a typical law firm’s website traffic? It may take minutes to brainstorm what to write in your attorney bio but look at things from your client’s point of view. 

On one hand, most prospects seeking legal services are relatively uninformed regarding legal matters, including decisions about hiring an attorney. Moreover, their client journey typically involves jumping online and ‘Googling.’ If by X or Y reason they end up on your website, they’ll likely want to put a face behind the firm, and thus, they’ll start looking into your firm’s staff, including the attorney biographies. 

Attorney bios are crucial because your clients are coming through more places than your website. This may include online directories, backlinks from other sites, and social channels. When done right, your “digital breadcrumbs” trail should lead prospects from one section to another. Ideally, when prospects follow this stream, they should convert to a lead.

Remember that your attorney bio is a prospect’s first impression of you; again, it’s one of the most visited pages of your website. Besides being informative, your bio should help visitors keep their eyes on you rather than competitors. Eventually, it should serve as a bridge that connects you directly to those in need of legal services. 

If you’re looking for new, fresh, innovative ways to amp up your attorney and staff bios, you’re in the right place to find out how to optimize a money-making bio.


All Attorneys Have a Story To Tell 

Even before diving into the 5 must-haves, recognize that all attorneys have a story to tell, and this is the place to showcase yours.  

Law firms offer a service, not a product, and buyers look at the people behind the services. A complete bio can make all the difference and yield the best attorney-client relationship. With that said, here are the essential components of an effective bio: 


1. Attorney Name and Title 

Obviously, your name and title should be front and center. Take a look at one of our client’s bio introductions

This bio also immediately makes good use of space by adding contact information (phone and email) and a call to action to entice the user right off the bat.

Here’s an example of the opening bio for another attorney

Pro-tip to implement in your name and title: 

  • Feel free to think outside the box! As you can see, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all or cookie-cutter template you need to follow. To help you get started, these are the two ways you can organize your bio: 
  1. Prose: If you’re narratively inclined and have a story to tell, use this format. 
  2. Lists: If you want to keep it short, sweet, and simple without much “fluff,” then adding lists and bullet points is best. 


2. Headshot

Whether you opt for a DIY or professionally taken photo, a quality headshot can boost your first impression. The most important tip when it comes to headshots is making sure the background is not overly distracting, which is why a neutral backdrop works best. Take a look at our client’s headshots:  

Are you opting for a DIY photo session for you and your team? We’ve got you. 

Download the FREE DIY Headshot Tips & Tricks for All Legal Professionals. 

3. Expertise and Experience

This is the “meat” behind your bio. Although a lot could be included here, try to be succinct by keeping this section between 1-3 paragraphs. It should include: 

  • Who the attorney is 
  • What they do 
  • Why do they do it 
  • How long they have been doing it 

Pro-tip to implement in your attorney expertise and experience section: 

Should you use a first-person or third-person tone of voice? It’s generally recommended that bios are written in the third person as it lends authority and makes it easier to describe accomplishments without sounding boastful. 


4. Accolades, Publications and Cases

By adding accolades, publications, and verdicts, you’re not just telling; you’re showing! This section is critical because it’s where you get to sell yourself. 

While this section should be around 1-2 paragraphs, don’t be afraid to add lists and videos, or pull quotes, and reviews from online directories like Avvo and leverage a unique design to showcase these. Our client and attorney, Brian Zeiger, made excellent use of this in his bio:

 Pro-tip to implement in your bio’s accolades, publications and cases: 

This is where prospects are looking to see what you have to offer and what you have accomplished, so if there’s something you feel is worth bringing up, now’s the time.


5. Education Breakdown and Notable Accomplishments 

Lastly, adding your education and notable accomplishments helps establish further authority and allows prospects to dig in deeper and find a connection with the attorney, e.g., attending the same university. 

If you Zoom in on the bio above, it’s clear that he keeps his educational background to the point:

Pro-tip to implement in your education background: 

Try to use approximately 10 bullet points for this section. If you need to add a sentence, make sure it’s no longer than 1 sentence per bullet point. 


Leaving “Breadcrumbs” In The Attorney Bio  

Those are the must-haves in a legal bio, but if you’d like to go the extra mile, you can leave “breadcrumbs” to encourage users to eventually book a call or schedule a meeting so you can nurture them into cases. 

This is where you can use your attorney bio to link to other lead converting pages like the Contact Us page. For example, attorney Harvey B. Morris adds 3 strong calls to action that help capture leads and obtain their information: 

Is Your Attorney Bio Set to Convert?

As one of the most visited pages of a law firm’s website, the attorney bio should be set to convert. So, we’d like to end with our last pro-tip: don’t forget to update your biography! 

Your web profile isn’t static, especially when firms are growing. Ideally, you should tweak this page at least once a year. This could be as simple as changing the call to action, updating the headshot, or adding a new article/video. 

While it may seem overwhelming to check all the boxes mentioned above, crafting an impactful biography can be the differentiating factor between gaining and losing a quality lead. 


If you’d like to ensure your legal bio showcases the best of what your firm has to offer, we’re here to help.

The post Writing the Best Attorney Bios and Attracting More Leads  appeared first on Consultwebs.

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