Thursday, July 21, 2022

The Before and After Case of A Criminal Defense Law Firm

The Power of Digital Marketing Done Right

The legal sector is one of the most competitive industries, which is why many law firms invest time and money into digital efforts that boost traffic to their websites, increase leads and eventually boost their bottom line results. 

To survive and, most importantly, thrive, firms need to “fish where the fish are,” and today that is online. Statistics show that 96% of people looking for legal services and advice begin their search online. To fish where the fish are, firms are turning towards digital efforts like SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and Digital Advertising services like PPC (Pay-Per-Click) and LSA (Local Services Ads). 

To showcase such efforts’ effects on a micro level, we’ll be covering the case of a law firm that partnered with us, Consultwebs, the go-to legal marketing agency for law firms. To protect the firm’s identity, we’ll refer to them as ‘the firm’ throughout this case study. Here’s a little backstory for the firm: 

The firm is based in Las Vegas, Nevada, and focuses on criminal defense. For over a decade, they’ve been helping residents and out-of-state visitors facing criminal charges in Las Vegas. This includes charges related but not limited to:

  • Sex crimes 
  • Domestic battery 
  • DUI
  • Weapon crimes
  • Record sealing 
  • Drug crimes 

The firm has handled a wide range of complex cases and continues to enjoy a successful track record. Like most, if not all, firms, they continuously venture into new ways to extend a helping hand to the prospects that need their legal services and advice. To paint the picture a little more clearly, we’ll consider the firm’s past, present, and future. 

How are they doing? Let’s find out.

The Firm’s Turning Point 

Before delving into the details of the firm’s current progress, it’s informative to take a step back. 

Initially, they had at least 3 websites that were up and running, which unfortunately were hacked. Soon after, they opted for Avvo, another online marketplace for legal services. During a one-to-one interview with the partners of the firm, they said, “We actually started to develop a website with Avvo, but they were not quite hands-on about the whole thing, and we were looking for more expertise and a company that we believe would be able to move quickly, so that we could be more hands-off with it [the digital marketing].” 

At this point, their website was down and had been down for a while, both partners were barely making ends meet, and in order to maintain their staff’s paychecks, they were even skipping their own salaries. 

Although they were in deep waters, with their prior experience in Internet advertising in mind, they said, “We did go in knowing, based on our prior success with Internet advertising, that it would be successful and knowing it takes the right company to get us the results, which is why we were fumbling around a little bit. We did know another attorney was using Consultwebs and had just switched over probably within a year of us signing up with Consultwebs. He is pretty savvy when it comes to that [digital advertising], so we were looking at what Consultwebs had already done for him. We knew the quality was there.

Ultimately, they opted to partner with Consultwebs. As the partner says: 

On The Crest of The Digital Wave  

With that part of the story as background,  here’s a look at the firm’s current status. 

The firm is currently investing in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and two robust Digital Advertising services: PPC (Pay-Per-Click) and LSA (Local Services Ads). 

Growing traffic and users 

With the help of legal SEO, the firm’s website is gaining traction. Although one may argue that traffic doesn’t equal the bottom line, in a highly complex and interconnected service such as digital marketing, the collective attribution does propel the firm forward. 

When done right, SEO can pay off. However, firms opting to invest in it should arm themselves with patience and trust that the bottom line results will eventually reflect those efforts. Research shows that every industry has a different time to break even in SEO efforts, and as a rule of thumb, legal services need to nurture their investment a solid 14 months before breaking even:

SEO ROI / Time to break even per industry

The partner notes that the firm was well-prepared for this: “In that first year, we were told ‘you guys have to be patient, this takes time to develop, and there is a process here.’ So while the first year was uncomfortable, we did see some return within a short period of time once the website was up and running.

In this case, the firm effectively gained traffic and users, which means more visibility. In a recent year-to-year comparison, the number of users increased by 61.98%. Check it out: 

year to year comparison seo metrics

In the most recent 2-year comparison, the firm’s organic growth is also apparent: 

2 year seo growth comparison

Over time, more visibility and traffic means a higher likelihood of nurturing those users into leads and eventually turning them into cases. 

And that’s not all!

Securing The Top Keywords Based On Their Client’s Search Intent 

For a criminal defense firm, SEO efforts must be combined with the right keyword strategy. 

Think of keywords as the bridge between what users are searching for and the content you’re providing, and these words must match the user’s search intent. In this case, the firm is securing some of the top keywords related to their industry, including: 

  • Nevada weed law
  • Weed legal in las vegas
  • Vegas recreational weed
  • Open carry Nevada
  • Gun laws in las vegas 

While these are just examples, the firm continues to secure a vast number of other top keywords related to their prospect’s search intent: 

increase in organic keywords

Propelling Forward With The Help of Digital Advertising 

For this criminal defense firm, it doesn’t stop there! They’re also leveraging off profitable digital advertising efforts. 

When investing in PPC efforts, one of the essential aspects is decreasing the cost per conversion while maximizing the conversion rate. In this case, the firm has: 

  • Reduced the cost per conversion by 31% when comparing the same month in year-to-year growth.
  • Increased the conversion rate by 232% when comparing the same month in year-to-year growth.

They’re also investing in LSAs, and it’s also paying off. Recently, LSAs have become one of the most sought-after digital advertising services, especially for service-based businesses such as law. Here’s how it’s paying off for this criminal defense firm: 

  1. Leads increase: 
  • In the first year of investing with Consultwebs, the firm saw its leads increase by 74%


  1. Cases Increase: 
  • When comparing the initial firm’s caseload to the caseload growth by month 11, the firm saw an incredible increase of 800%


  1. Cost per case decrease:
  • When comparing the initial investment, by month 11, the firm saw a remarkable cost per case decrease of 87% 

The Firm’s Future Plans and Aspirations 

Believing that there is always room for improvement, this criminal defense firm isn’t stopping here! 

With a secure website, digital ads running, and SEO efforts in place, the firm is considering the possibility of expanding its reach by covering other locations and areas of law. As their legal marketing partner, Consultwebs is happy to be there every step of the way. 

As the partners originally stated, based on their Internet advertising experience, they did strongly believe that they could be profitable with the help of the right legal marketing company. The numbers speak for themselves; they’ve generated over $1 million in revenue, and now, they believe the best is yet to come. 

Although no two firms are alike, one thing is certain: you can have a solid and reliable team by your side. Find out how Consultwebs can help you get the results your firm has been looking for. 



The post The Before and After Case of A Criminal Defense Law Firm appeared first on Consultwebs.

from Consultwebs

The Uncertain Future after Roe v. Wade Overturned

You would be hard-pressed to find anyone who is a regular consumer of news that isn’t up-to-speed on the Supreme Court’s recent ruling in the Dobbs v. Jackson case that overturned Roe v. Wade. From the leaked draft opinion in May to the ruling on June 24th to today, and no doubt beyond, the effects of the decision will be strongly felt and widely discussed. An immediate effect, of course, was the turmoil that erupted at the state level as individual states began to cope, some with the implementation of “trigger laws,” and others grappling with next steps. With individual states struggling with the repercussions of the decision and public protests on both sides of the issue, the heated feelings are unlikely to subside any time soon. Many of the “what-ifs” that were being asked before the Court’s decision have become “what-now’s.” 

Preparing for Criminalization of Abortion

The National Law Review has, before the anticipated ruling and since, been replete with articles discussing both the what-ifs and the what-nows, as well as others urging a call to action for lawyers themselves.

For example, in the article “Preparing for the Demise of Roe v. Wade and the Criminalization of Abortion in Some US States: Practical Considerations for a Post-Roe World,” the authors state that “the effect of this decision on US companies cannot be understated. Any organization whose operations touch family planning services in any way should immediately examine their precise services, geographic footprint, corporate structure and organizational priorities…Employers, insurers, and other health plan service providers that cover or provide access to abortion services or benefits should also immediately evaluate their operations and the potential risks of offering such coverage or access in certain states.” 

This statement makes clear the immense scope of the change in law, as it is difficult to imagine companies that won’t be required to make changes to comply and protect themselves. The article concludes by encouraging companies “to involve in-house or outside counsel directly in strategy and planning discussions so they are protected by the attorney-client privilege as much as possible. Companies should also be thoughtful about public statements (internally or externally).” 

The authors of another article, SCOTUS Overturns Roe v. Wade – What Employers Should Consider concurring, saying “There is no question that the Dobbs ruling will impact employers in areas including discrimination, health confidentiality, workplace conduct, employee benefits, and regulatory compliance.” The legal stakes are high for companies as they navigate individual state laws and the complexity of compliance, especially for those that conduct business over larger geographic regions or even nationally. 

However, these discussions seem far removed from the intense emotions of the individuals on either side of the abortion issue. What some individuals perceive as a win with the overturn of Roe v Wade is a gross infringement on the personal rights of others. The ACLU was quick to denounce the decision, saying “On June 24, 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a shameful ruling overturning Roe v. Wade, the nearly 50-year-old landmark decision recognizing the federal constitutional right to abortion. This decision is an unprecedented attack on women’s rights and reproductive freedom, and the effects will be immediate and far-reaching.” 

The Stance of The ACLU

Another ACLU statement on the decision points to the unequal effect of the ruling on those who are already marginalized in our society: “The impacts of pushing abortion out of reach fall disproportionately on the same women and other people who have always faced systemic barriers to care — communities of color, people living on low-incomes, undocumented immigrants, young people, the LGBTQ+ community, and people with disabilities.” The ACLU maintains its commitment to reproductive freedom despite the recent ruling and has pledged to continue to fight, with lawsuits in already set in motion to challenge individual states’ restrictive abortion laws.

Not only is the ACLU committed to continuing the fight for reproductive freedom as a civil liberty, but some religious groups are also mounting legal challenges to their state’s abortion laws. As NPR reports, “A new Florida law prohibiting abortion after 15 weeks with some exceptions violates religious freedom rights of Jews in addition to the state constitution’s privacy protections, a synagogue claims in a lawsuit….The lawsuit filed by the Congregation L’Dor Va-Dor of Boynton Beach contends the law that takes effect July 1 violates Jewish teachings, which state abortion ‘is required if necessary to protect the health, mental or physical well-being of the woman’ and for other reasons.”

In terms of the legal profession itself, it is not hard to imagine scenarios in which corporate, civil, family and even personal injury lawyers have a role to play as the repercussions continue to unfold. From the reactive (companies shifting gears to accommodate and comply with legal requirements) to the proactive (ACLU and religious objections to the demise of Roe v. Wade), overturning what was once described as “settled law” by some has resulted in a multi-leveled dynamic shift. Although the shock wave effect may have been predictable, it is unclear that the long-term results are so predictable, and will continue to be “unsettled” for some time to come. 

If you are interested in connecting with your clients about current legal issues through your blog, our team of seasoned experts in legal content creation is ready to help. 

The post The Uncertain Future after Roe v. Wade Overturned appeared first on Consultwebs.

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Wednesday, July 20, 2022 Lists Consultwebs As One of The Best SEO Agencies in North Carolina

Ever wonder what differentiates a great SEO agency from good agencies? A great SEO agency goes the extra mile in all endeavors and has a well-rounded approach, from best practices to reputation management and professionalism. 

For over two decades, Consultwebs has continuously helped law firms increase their caseload growth through profitable efforts, one of which is SEO. 

Located in Raleigh, North Carolina, Consultwebs offers a full range of tailored services for lawyers, including: 

  • Digital Advertising Campaigns (including PPC and LSAs) 
  • SEO Optimizations 
  • Social Media Marketing 
  • Web Design and Development
  • Public Relations and Reputation Management 
  • Email Marketing 

Find out more ways we can help your firm here! 

Our vision is to provide innovative and comprehensive marketing solutions for law firms across the US by focusing on ROI as the primary metric of success. This is possible with the help of a strong team of fully-seasoned digital marketers.

Today, those efforts have been acknowledged by, which named Consultwebs ed one of the best SEO agencies in Raleigh, North Carolina! is a highly-regarded business that finds and reviews the top service professionals in more than 200 industries across the US.


The award is based on reputation and professionalism. 

1. To measure reputation, scours the Internet for reviews of well-known resources. This is how Consultwebs scored: 

2. To measure professionalism, they anonymously call the service provider and make a judgment based on responsiveness, questions answered, and courteous communication. This is how Consultwebs scored: 


As a company, we would like to extend our gratitude to the team at for recognizing and publicly acknowledging our efforts. Most importantly, we’d like to thank the team at Consultwebs for constantly striving to produce excellent results for our clients, as well as our law firm clients who take the time to rate and review our work.

Discover What Other Firms Are Saying About Consultwebs Here.

The post Lists Consultwebs As One of The Best SEO Agencies in North Carolina appeared first on Consultwebs.

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Monday, July 18, 2022

Top FAQs For Law Firms Going Agile with Agile Marketing

Find out how Agile could propel your firm’s efforts 10x forward and download a FREE Kanban board for better workflow visibility.  


The buzz around Agile is continuously growing. Today, even some corporate giants are switching and opting to go Agile in hopes of boosting productivity levels. Ultimately, with the goal of acquiring and retaining more clients, law firms are also starting to jump on this bandwagon. 

It is said that the teams that are going agile are 25% more productive. Moreover, 71% of US companies are now using Agile, and the number is expected to grow. While there are plenty of figures demonstrating the powerful benefits behind going Agile, there’s an apparent reason why some of the top fortune 500 businesses are already implementing this. Here’s a quick example of a giant that went Agile

Cisco Systems, a multinational tech company, initially used the waterfall technique. This approach slowed the company’s development process, resulting in many problems, from quality issues to missed deliveries. In light of this, they opted for an Agile framework known as SAFe, the Scaled Agile Framework, and introduced agile training with their internal team. The results? 

  • Reducing defects by 40% 
  • Increasing efficiency by 14% 

And that’s not all! Research shows that many industries, including the legal profession, adopt Agile for 5 main reasons. Check it out: 

By now, you may be thinking, “So, what’s agile? How can firms like mine go agile in this day and age?” You’re in the right place. Next we cover some of the top Agile FAQs, with additional tips and tricks:

Top FAQs For Law Firms Going Agile

1. What exactly is Agile for law firms?

 Agile is all about adapting to evolve and thrive in today’s highly dynamic, complex, and competitive business world – especially for those in the legal profession. By definition, Agile is “the ability to create and respond to change. It is a way of dealing with, and ultimately succeeding in, an uncertain and turbulent environment.”

This brings us to the next question…


2. What’s the difference between Agile and Waterfall?

Most involved in the marketing, advertising, and business process are familiar with the good old Waterfall technique. It involves the creation of monthly, quarterly, and yearly plans combined with a series of launches throughout the year. While it’s pretty straightforward, in today’s highly dynamic world, it may be challenging to foresee the market 6 or even 12 months from now, and this is where Agile comes in. 

Agile focuses on shorter sprints and shorter campaigns that reflect current market conditions. Unlike waterfall’s rigid structure, Agile focuses on the ability to pivot to thrive in today’s dynamic environment. 


3. What are the main characteristics of a legal Agile team?

Whether you’re looking to implement this internally or with your legal marketing agency, there are 4 main characteristics of an Agile team: 

  • Teamwork and collaboration 
    • Working with more collaboration across teams, ensuring everyone contributes ideas. The more, the merrier. 
  • Data-driven decision making 
    • Data in today’s world is one of the most valuable assets, and decisions driven by data are worth their weight in gold!
  • Rapid and iterative releases 
    • To regularly adapt and adjust to your firm’s current needs, it’s best to work in short sprints that allow room for improvement as you go.
  • Adherence to the agile marketing manifesto 
    • Last but not least, the team should stick to the Agile Marketing Manifesto. If you want to know the history behind the Manifesto and its 4 values, check out this short explanatory video


4. “Can you name a few benefits my law firm can expect from going Agile?”5. “What are some of the top Agile techniques my law firm can implement?”

  • Sprints A sprint refers to the timeframe you’re giving your team to complete the current projects. This isn’t set in stone, but sprints typically last between 2-6 weeks. More significant projects might not fit into this timeframe. Therefore you can break the tasks into pieces. 
  • Stand-up meetings – AKA a daily scrum, this is a short daily meeting where your team gets together to check in. Each member goes over what they did, goals for the team, roadblocks, etc. 
  • Teamwork – Everyone in your team should be prepared to collaborate and assist.
  • A board to track your firm’s progress – It’s your choice whether you prefer sticky notes or a digital Kanban board. The point is to have a central tracking record of your sprint efforts. 

Want a FREE Kanban template? We’ve created one for you! 

Want to try it? Download, print a copy and put sticky notes in the categories!

6. “Let’s say I want to implement a Kanban board. How do I define the ‘In Review’ section?”

The previous Kanban board offers a general birdseye view of how your team’s workflow works with Agile, but Kanbans can be 100% adjustable according to your firm’s process. Usually, it begins with an idea and follows through with the to-do and doing, but confusion may arise under the ‘review’ stage.  

A basic Kanban board would typically stick to one ‘review’ section, but you can break it down into multiple sections. For example: 

  • Ready for review: The work is done, and the person in charge of reviewing needs to go over the task. 
  • Review in progress: The person in charge of reviewing is already going through the task.
  • Waiting on 3rd party: The work is done, except the team is waiting on an external party to check it.


7. “Does daily stand-up really help my team? I feel a sprint is enough. What added value do daily stand-ups offer?” 

We’ve discussed some Agile techniques, two of them being sprints and stand-up meetings. Firms looking to go agile should incorporate both. Here’s why. 

Things move fast; a week from now, your team might have different priorities, and going an entire week without checking in on your teammate’s progress introduces a high level of risk. This is one of the main reasons many businesses are going Agile;  they want to be able to switch gears rapidly without compromising team communication and quality work. 

8. “How do I get my team on board with real agility vs last-minute pivots?”

Frequent last-minute changes impact a team’s staff and clientele in more ways than one might expect. If we were to revisit the case of Cisco Systems, the waterfall technique with strict timelines and “last-minute pivots” impacted the company’s delivery and bottom line. 

On the contrary, real agility relying on sustainable techniques like stand-up meetings, sprint projects, and cross-functional team collaboration helps build “moldable guardrails” around the team. Because Agile focuses on shorter periods, it allows the team to focus on what’s essential now while keeping an open mind to any future changes.


Eventually, All Roads Should Lead To… 

Your clients! 

One of the most potent underlying benefits of Agile is the ability to remain consistent with your success, your team, and, most importantly, your clients. In the business of law, consistency beats predictability. Most people prefer to avoid the unknown, and if a client knows a firm can consistently deliver the same level of service, they will be comfortable because they know what to expect from you. 

The ability to consistently scale up is here, and we can help you upkeep all your digital efforts with the most robust framework. Ready to see agile in action? Keep a leading position? Improve your firm’s digital workflow? We’re here to help.

The post Top FAQs For Law Firms Going Agile with Agile Marketing appeared first on Consultwebs.

from Consultwebs

Monday, July 11, 2022

Writing the Best Attorney Bios and Attracting More Leads 

Discover what the best money-making attorney bios include and get a FREE checklist, tips, and tricks!

Did you know that attorney bio pages capture at least 80% of a typical law firm’s website traffic? It may take minutes to brainstorm what to write in your attorney bio but look at things from your client’s point of view. 

On one hand, most prospects seeking legal services are relatively uninformed regarding legal matters, including decisions about hiring an attorney. Moreover, their client journey typically involves jumping online and ‘Googling.’ If by X or Y reason they end up on your website, they’ll likely want to put a face behind the firm, and thus, they’ll start looking into your firm’s staff, including the attorney biographies. 

Attorney bios are crucial because your clients are coming through more places than your website. This may include online directories, backlinks from other sites, and social channels. When done right, your “digital breadcrumbs” trail should lead prospects from one section to another. Ideally, when prospects follow this stream, they should convert to a lead.

Remember that your attorney bio is a prospect’s first impression of you; again, it’s one of the most visited pages of your website. Besides being informative, your bio should help visitors keep their eyes on you rather than competitors. Eventually, it should serve as a bridge that connects you directly to those in need of legal services. 

If you’re looking for new, fresh, innovative ways to amp up your attorney and staff bios, you’re in the right place to find out how to optimize a money-making bio.


All Attorneys Have a Story To Tell 

Even before diving into the 5 must-haves, recognize that all attorneys have a story to tell, and this is the place to showcase yours.  

Law firms offer a service, not a product, and buyers look at the people behind the services. A complete bio can make all the difference and yield the best attorney-client relationship. With that said, here are the essential components of an effective bio: 


1. Attorney Name and Title 

Obviously, your name and title should be front and center. Take a look at one of our client’s bio introductions

This bio also immediately makes good use of space by adding contact information (phone and email) and a call to action to entice the user right off the bat.

Here’s an example of the opening bio for another attorney

Pro-tip to implement in your name and title: 

  • Feel free to think outside the box! As you can see, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all or cookie-cutter template you need to follow. To help you get started, these are the two ways you can organize your bio: 
  1. Prose: If you’re narratively inclined and have a story to tell, use this format. 
  2. Lists: If you want to keep it short, sweet, and simple without much “fluff,” then adding lists and bullet points is best. 


2. Headshot

Whether you opt for a DIY or professionally taken photo, a quality headshot can boost your first impression. The most important tip when it comes to headshots is making sure the background is not overly distracting, which is why a neutral backdrop works best. Take a look at our client’s headshots:  

Are you opting for a DIY photo session for you and your team? We’ve got you. 

Download the FREE DIY Headshot Tips & Tricks for All Legal Professionals. 

3. Expertise and Experience

This is the “meat” behind your bio. Although a lot could be included here, try to be succinct by keeping this section between 1-3 paragraphs. It should include: 

  • Who the attorney is 
  • What they do 
  • Why do they do it 
  • How long they have been doing it 

Pro-tip to implement in your attorney expertise and experience section: 

Should you use a first-person or third-person tone of voice? It’s generally recommended that bios are written in the third person as it lends authority and makes it easier to describe accomplishments without sounding boastful. 


4. Accolades, Publications and Cases

By adding accolades, publications, and verdicts, you’re not just telling; you’re showing! This section is critical because it’s where you get to sell yourself. 

While this section should be around 1-2 paragraphs, don’t be afraid to add lists and videos, or pull quotes, and reviews from online directories like Avvo and leverage a unique design to showcase these. Our client and attorney, Brian Zeiger, made excellent use of this in his bio:

 Pro-tip to implement in your bio’s accolades, publications and cases: 

This is where prospects are looking to see what you have to offer and what you have accomplished, so if there’s something you feel is worth bringing up, now’s the time.


5. Education Breakdown and Notable Accomplishments 

Lastly, adding your education and notable accomplishments helps establish further authority and allows prospects to dig in deeper and find a connection with the attorney, e.g., attending the same university. 

If you Zoom in on the bio above, it’s clear that he keeps his educational background to the point:

Pro-tip to implement in your education background: 

Try to use approximately 10 bullet points for this section. If you need to add a sentence, make sure it’s no longer than 1 sentence per bullet point. 


Leaving “Breadcrumbs” In The Attorney Bio  

Those are the must-haves in a legal bio, but if you’d like to go the extra mile, you can leave “breadcrumbs” to encourage users to eventually book a call or schedule a meeting so you can nurture them into cases. 

This is where you can use your attorney bio to link to other lead converting pages like the Contact Us page. For example, attorney Harvey B. Morris adds 3 strong calls to action that help capture leads and obtain their information: 

Is Your Attorney Bio Set to Convert?

As one of the most visited pages of a law firm’s website, the attorney bio should be set to convert. So, we’d like to end with our last pro-tip: don’t forget to update your biography! 

Your web profile isn’t static, especially when firms are growing. Ideally, you should tweak this page at least once a year. This could be as simple as changing the call to action, updating the headshot, or adding a new article/video. 

While it may seem overwhelming to check all the boxes mentioned above, crafting an impactful biography can be the differentiating factor between gaining and losing a quality lead. 


If you’d like to ensure your legal bio showcases the best of what your firm has to offer, we’re here to help.

The post Writing the Best Attorney Bios and Attracting More Leads  appeared first on Consultwebs.

from Consultwebs

Monday, July 4, 2022

Law & Entrepreneurship: Keys to a Modern Law Firm’s Success


 Tanner Jones, your host and Vice President of Business Development at Consultwebs, welcomes you to another episode of the LAWsome Podcast by Consultwebs.

In today’s episode, Tanner is accompanied by Philip Danisi and David Gassman, two lawyers who have been friends since childhood. They went to law school together, but each initially took a career direction outside the law. 

Their unique paths ultimately led them back together, and as of 2022 they have started their own law firm, Danisi & Gassman. Together they handle all aspects of venture capital and corporate law.


Key Takeaways:

00:19 Introduction 

01:21 The start of entrepreneurship and law part 1

04:55 The beginning of entrepreneurship and law part 2 

07:59 Finding your competitive advantages in law 

10:45 Tangible and intangible keys to legal entrepreneurship success 

12:10 The benefits of merging law and marketing 

14:32 Entering the legal world in today’s market

18:00 How attorneys can embrace newer technology 

19:19 Networking strategies for lawyers 

23:56 Advice from practicing lawyers to new lawyers 

28:34 A firm’s future aspirations and growth strategy 

30:14 Ending thoughts 


Best way to contact Philip Danisi & David Gassman 


Discover More About the Podcast and Consultwebs:

Subscribe to the LAWsome Podcast by Consultwebs on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify


Visit the LAWsome website


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Get Inspired By The Best Law Firm Websites

Get inspired by some of the best law firm websites and discover 5 unique elements you can apply today.

While you sleep at night, a sales assistant is working for you 24/7 – your law firm’s website. However, does the work stop once you have a professionally built website? The truth is that today the most profitable legal websites remain on top because they’re consistently keeping their design elements and user experience up to date. 

The “behind the scenes” of a website are more important than you might think. Research shows that 94% of a website’s first impression is based on its design, but what keeps users on a website is a positive user experience. When done right, a website can increase conversion rates by up to 400%! 

Beyond looks, a robust website should help: 

  • Increase on-page conversions
  • Boost quantity and quality of traffic 
  • House all your stellar content in a secure web portal 
  • Improve local SEO and Google My Business activity 
  • Work alongside PPC efforts, e.g., by housing your advertisement landing pages 

Perhaps the most unique feature of a tailored website is that it provides a safe space and complete control over your firm’s voice. This probably explains why more firms are investing in their websites, from 77% in 2018 to 94% in 2021. 

If you want to get inspired, continue on and explore some of the top law firm websites, their unique design elements, and pro-tips you can start implementing.

Olson Law Firm 

From the get-go, Olson’s homepage is visually appealing. Take a quick look:


Please note: Feel free to click on the image above and explore the rest of the firm’s website. 

Olson Law Firm makes the most of its main page by adding the following elements: 

  1. A video 
  2. Quick social proof based on their results
  3. Clear CTAs (Call-to-Actions) 
  4. A free downloadable piece of content – the word “free” is one of the most enticing and powerful words. Besides, who doesn’t love gifts?! 
  5. An image of the attorneys that helps put “a face” to the firm.

Besides a visually inviting home page, they’re also leveraging the power of visuals through their video library. Here’s a snippet: 

What your firm can learn from this website

Did you know that the brain can process visuals 60,000 times faster than text? It’s possible to build credibility with the help of videos. With video, you can provide clients with success stories, verdicts, and answer FAQs. On the flip side, it gives your firm a face and places you as the expert in all things law. 

Erez Law Firm 

Erez’s homepage has a solid visual hierarchy. Take a look:  

Please note: Feel free to click on the image above and explore the rest of the firm’s website. 

In web design, a robust visual hierarchy includes the following design elements: 

  1. Sizing and scale: Anything scaled larger should attract attention. In this case, the headline and the financial recoveries are what initially catches the eye. 
  2. Balance and symmetry: The images, text boxes, and menu bar are aligned and add geometric balance.
  3. Color: In the science behind colors, blue helps signal professionalism, power, security, and success.

As with the previous firm, they also leverage the power of visuals with a video FAQ section. What’s more, they’re making good use of their page’s space by redirecting the user to other relevant parts of the website:  

What your firm can learn from this website 

In design, navigability is what helps us get from A to Z. For example, add the navigation bar at the top (just like they did for their homepage), and for the other pages, interlink relevant pages with the help of a navigation bar to the right side.

Kreger Brodish Law Firm 

From the start, the orange pop of color on Kreger Brodish’s homepage attracts the eye towards immediate actions like, “Contact Us For Your Free Consultation.” Yet, they remain on-brand with the firm’s logo and consistently use typography, colors, space, position, and size of images. 

Please note: Feel free to click on the image above and explore the rest of the firm’s website.

For this specific firm, a unique element that stands out is their secure payment portal. They realize that people today want the convenience of online payments. Although this is common in other industries like fashion and shopping, the legal profession is still getting accustomed to this practice.

What your firm can learn from this website

Legal payments can be complicated, but firms are starting to reduce the work of manually accepting and managing costs by leaving it to secure legal payment portals like LawPay.


Joye Law Firm 

Like the previous firm, Joye Law Firm uses contrasting colors, a live chat feature, and videos well. 

Please note: Feel free to click on the image above and explore the rest of the firm’s website.

The 3 other unique elements that can be seen at first glance: 

  1. Using a distinctive slogan like “Just Call Joye” attracts attention, helps differentiate the firm, and facilitates easy recognition in a person’s mind. 
  2. Adding the word “free” in the call-to-action reduces a prospect’s indecisiveness because something considered free signals the brain that it’s a good bargain. 
  3. Simplifying the menu bar by adding a hamburger menu makes the design look less clustered. 

What your firm can learn from this website

To strengthen your firm’s branding, you can implement small changes like a punchy slogan that can be used everywhere, from your website to your videos and ads. To help you get your slogan creativity flowing, here are a few tips:

  • Keep it simple and succinct, Roughly 4-6 words.
  • Think of what makes you unique, e.g., is there something you offer others don’t?
  • Mix rhythm and rhyme

Herrman & Herrman Law Firm 

The psychology of colors has taught us that colors evoke specific reactions and moods. In this case, Herrman & Herrman is using the color green, which is calming and refreshing, yet motivating and optimistic. Check it out:  

Please note: Feel free to click on the image above and explore the rest of the firm’s website.

Like the other firms, Herrman & Herrman is leveraging the power of visuals, live chats, enticing calls to action, and an amplified menu bar. Apart from that, they’re reinforcing their branding by:

What your firm can learn from this website

To secure success means tapping into your users, and these questions can help you tap into their world: 

  • How do they behave? How do you think they act? 
  • What do they want? 
  • What problems do they have? 
  • How can you educate them? Inspire them? And most importantly, how can you help them? 

What do the best law firm websites have in common? 

The best websites all actively maintain a visually appealing website that helps them convert calls and cases without headaches by partnering with the experts in all things legal marketing: Consultwebs. 

If you want to assure your firm is keeping up and surpassing expectations,- we can help you take your website to even greater heights. 


The post Get Inspired By The Best Law Firm Websites appeared first on Consultwebs.

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