Thursday, March 23, 2023

3 Link Building Pitfalls to Avoid When Promoting Your Law Firm Online

Are you investing or planning to invest in SEO? Then, this blog post is for you! Stay with us to discover the top mistakes and myths behind one of the most critical practices in law firm SEO. 

Law firm SEO is a crucial player behind a firm’s marketing ecosystem. To increase visibility, secure high-quality cases, increase credibility, and more, many firms are incorporating a wide range of marketing practices including creating high-quality content to rank higher in search engines and ultimately, to lure clients in and offer a helping hand. 

One way law firms are securing all of this is through blogging. The latest tech report by ABA finds that: 

As law firms continue to invest heavily in content creation in various forms (blogs, social posts, videos, etc.) it’s critical to make the best use of it all. While there are many best practices around legal content creation, we’ll start with one critical one: the link-building strategy.

 In this article, we’ll review the top 3 red flags and myths you should avoid. 

But, before that, let’s clarify the basics. 

What’s link building and why should law firms care about this?

Link building refers to getting other websites to link to your law firm’s page. Although the average user may not notice it, links are one of the most important ranking factors used by search engines like Google. 

Links are a critical part of your law firm’s SEO because: 

  • It boosts credibility 
  • It can boost your website traffic
  • It gives you an authoritative voice
  • It enhances referral traffic from one website to yours
  • It increases visibility, exposure & more. 

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s touch on the top 3 myths around link building. 

Myth 1: “Link Building is Unnecessary” 

Link building is one of the most important elements of SEO for any business. Unfortunately, there are still a lot of myths and misconceptions about link building, and one of the most common myths is that link building is unnecessary.

 Like in any business, relationships are essential. In SEO, you build bridges and relationships through link building! 

Think of link building as your way of digitally building relationships with other websites. Ultimately, it’s about giving people a reason to link to your website. In addition to increasing exposure, link building can help you build authority. When other websites link to your website, they endorse you, which is extremely beneficial for your rankings. 

Myth 2: “Link Building is All About Quantity” 

Is quantity better than quality? In this case, no. Link building is essential to SEO, but it’s important to understand that it’s not all about quantity. Having more links can help increase your page’s visibility and rankings, but having too many low-quality links can do more harm than good.

Think of it this way: a quality link is a far more potent ‘vote’ of trust from Google than having 10 links directed to low-domain authority sites. Thus, the quantity can hurt your online reputation and ultimately signal Google to penalize your website!

Want to learn more about the industry’s bad practices and avoid the pitfalls? 

Uncover the Bad Practices in the Legal Marketing Industry

Myth 3: “Links Are Permanent” 

Links aren’t permanent. Like most digital marketing assets, they’re dynamic. Links can be removed, changed, or even broken over time.

For example, a website may decide to remove a link from one of its pages for any number of reasons – like a change in content strategy, or a change in website ownership. If that link goes away, then any SEO benefits associated with that link are gone as well.

In addition, even if the link remains in place, the page it points to may no longer exist or be updated regularly. This is known as a broken link.

Takeaway: Don’t Be Afraid to Dip Your Toes in SEO 

If you want the most (and the best) results from an SEO investment, it’s important to focus on even the ‘tiniest’ details, including link building.  

The abovementioned myths often lead people astray when building links, but link-building is still essential! While link building can be difficult, it is well worth the effort.

You’ve learned about the mistakes many law firms make in their backlink strategy. Uncover the 5 biggest link-building myths now and make sure you identify them before it’s too late.


The post 3 Link Building Pitfalls to Avoid When Promoting Your Law Firm Online appeared first on Consultwebs.

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