Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Maximizing Your Law Firm’s Reach: The Power of Social Media Collaborations

Are you looking for a way to boost your online presence and get noticed by potential clients and peers in your industry? Look no further than LinkedIn!Did you know that a whopping 87% of law firms with a social media presence are leveraging the power of LinkedIn to market their practices? That means that you have a golden opportunity to connect with like-minded professionals, share your expertise, and showcase your unique brand to a wider audience.

Let’s be real, it feels like the legal market is crowded. While that may or may not be the case depending on your legal jurisdiction, one thing’s for sure: your law firm needs to connect with potential clients and industry peers, establish your authority, and showcase your unique brand. 

How can you do that? 

There are many types of collaborations, from team collaborations to community collaborations. But one critical type when it comes to your socials is social media network collaboration. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of social media collaboration, its benefits, and best practices for law firms to get started and succeed. 

Social Media Collaboration for Law Firms: What It Is & Why It Matters

Social media collaboration for law firms is a powerful strategy that involves partnering with other legal professionals, firms or influencers to create engaging content, expand the reach and drive more traffic to their social media platforms.

It’s like a symphony orchestra, where individual musicians come together to create a masterpiece. Just as each instrument has its own unique sound and role to play, businesses can collaborate on social media to bring their own strengths and expertise to the table. By harmonizing their efforts, they can create a cohesive and memorable brand experience for their audience.

But, is joining forces really just about that? There’s more to it than meets the eye, so let’s start with a fact. 

Today, it’s proven that the average user (AKA your potential client), bounces between around 7 different social networks per month. Take a look: 

While diversifying your digital assets is great, if you’re looking to take it up to the next level it’s best to collaborate. By doing so you’re also:

  1. Increasing Visibility: Collaborating with other legal professionals, firms and legal professionals can increase your firm’s online visibility by tapping into their networks and audience. 
  2. Expanding Reach: If you think about it, it’s all connected. By extending your reach you can help your firm cast a wider net and capture the attention of a broader audience. Perhaps you’ll reach an audience in need of your legal services that you might’ve never thought of before! 
  3. Enhancing Credibility: By collaborating with other legal professionals, you’re also solidifying your reputation and earning the trust of other professionals and prospects.
  4. Boosting Engagement: Social media collaboration encourages more engagement from followers. It can create a (positive) domino effect and ultimately spark even more discussions and interactions.
  5. Gathering Deeper Insights: In the end, there is always something new we can learn from others. By collaborating on social media you’re not only gathering expert insight from others, you’re also revealing valuable insights and information about your target audience and industry that perhaps you might’ve missed!

The Art of Collaborating With Legal Professionals: Proven Tactics 

Below you can find some creative strategies to work better together with others in the legal industry: 

  1. Choose the Type of Collaboration

    Who do you want to be associated with? When it comes to first impressions, you don’t get a second chance. If you’re looking to make an ever-lasting first impression with a new audience and a new company, you’ll need to define a few critical items related to the type of collaboration. This includes: 

    • Identify Compatible Partners:
      • Look for collaborators who share your target audience, practice area, or values, and have a strong social media presence (or at least looking to actively boost their presence). Ensure the partnership aligns with your firm’s goals and brand image. For example, law firms looking to cross-collaborate on a video should look into the trailblazers behind #LawyerTikTok 
    • Determine Collaborative Content and Format:
      • Would you like to collaborate on a guest blog post? Webinar? Video? Have fun with this one! But, if you’d like a push forward we’ll recommend going for guest blog posts and most importantly, videos and webinars!

    Looking for more inspiration? 

    Uncover The 5 Video Formats your Law Firm Should be Using

  2. Assess Potential Benefits and Risks

    Evaluating the advantages of a social media collaboration and the potential risks of each collaboration type is key to ensuring success.

    Besides looking at potentials, we want to help protect your firm’s reputation which is why you should assess risks related to: 

    • Reputational risk: Does this person have a questionable reputation? Conduct thorough research to know who you’ll be linking your name with. 
    • Misaligned messaging: Are there any potential inconsistencies behind the messaging? More on this in the following pointer!
    • Intellectual property risks: Is this person using any copyrighted content? Could this lead to any potential legal disputes? 
    • Negative audience feedback: Does the content seem overly promotional or is it more authentic? How is the audience reacting to their content?
  3. Develop a Framework: Where, When, and What to Post

    • Where to Post:
        • We recommend your firm starts with LinkedIn as it’s proven to be lucrative for legal professionals and professionals overall. However, you don’t have to limit yourself to one place. 
        • Identify the platforms most frequented by your target audience e.g. are younger audiences looking for your services? Perhaps you can diversify and add Instagram reels. 
    • When to Post:
      • Research optimal posting times for your target audience, considering factors such as time zones, work schedules, and user activity patterns.
      • Schedule posts to coincide with peak engagement times or key industry events to maximize visibility and relevance.

    • What to Post:
        • Do you want to inspire others? Entertain? Understand? Motivate? At the end of the day, you set the tone and the pace. But, all in all, collaborative content should be valuable and address the needs and interests of your audience.
        • To start with you can host a Q&A session, speak on a successful verdict, explain the billing procedures, and pretty much anything you deem necessary.
  4. Disclose the Partnership

    Above all, you need to embrace transparency. An essential aspect of social media collaborations is disclosing the nature of your partnership. 

    Clear and transparent disclosure not only fulfills legal requirements set by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and other global regulatory bodies, but it also cultivates trust between your law firm, your collaborator, and your audience.

    To ethically disclose your partnership, keep these best practices in mind:

    • Label Sponsored Posts: Ensure that users can quickly identify collaborative content by using appropriate labels, such as #ad or #sponsored, and platform-specific features like Instagram’s “Paid Partnership” tag.
    • Integrate Disclosure into Content: Seamlessly incorporate disclosure statements into your collaboration, whether through written or verbal mentions in blog posts, videos, or captions. This approach reinforces your commitment to transparency without detracting from the content’s overall message.
    • Prioritize Clarity and Consistency: Make it easy for your audience to recognize and appreciate your firm’s collaborative efforts.

Bonus Tip: Share Results and Data 

Data is worth weight in gold and sharing it is a win-win. The beauty of digital marketing is its trackability. By sharing results, you’ll be able to identify areas of future opportunities and fine-tune your future strategies. This ensures both parties can optimize their efforts, enhance engagement and maximize the impact of their collaborative content.


To implement these best practices successfully, you’ll need to carefully plan, strategize, and weigh the pros and cons of a potential social media collaboration. Luckily, you don’t have to do it all alone.

If you’d like a helping hand with a social media partnership, assess the current state of your social media strategy and much more – we’ve got a team of experts ready to help. 


The post Maximizing Your Law Firm’s Reach: The Power of Social Media Collaborations appeared first on Consultwebs.

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How to Use Video to Brand your Firm

Take it from the experts – using video to brand your law firm doesn’t have to be complicated. Come on, let’s show you. 

In today’s saturated legal market, it can be challenging to brand your law firm in a way that stands out. 

Branding is all about creating a personality for your law firm. It’s the art of tailoring the way you present yourself to elicit an emotion from clients. Think of it as your digital fingerprint, the harmonious symphony of your firm’s ethos, image, and communication style.

There are quite a few avenues you can go about building your brand, like focusing on aspects such as:

  • Client interactions
  • Web design
  • Thoughtful blog content
  • Graphics

But perhaps one of the most efficient of these ways is undoubtedly video marketing for law firms. In fact, 91% of consumers want to see more online video content from the brands they love. That just goes to show how powerful video can be when it comes to connecting with your audience!

In this article, we’ll delve into the top 4 video strategies that can effectively help you brand your law firm. 

  1. Emphasize your Unique Selling Points

    What makes your firm different from the thousands of other personal injury firms out there? Before you make any video content, you should give this question some thought. One goal in video production is to identify and emphasize the points that set your firm apart. For example, your law firm may have a track record of successfully handling hundreds of cases of a particular type, specialize in a niche area of law, or have won substantial damages for clients in high-profile cases. Alternatively, you may want to highlight your firm’s culture of compassion and dedication, showcasing your attorneys’ commitment to making a positive impact on clients’ lives. No matter what makes your firm unique, emphasizing these differentiators through video can help you create a brand that stands out.

  2. Share Client Testimonials

    While we’ve discussed the importance of client testimonial videos in previous blogs, it’s worth bringing up again to underscore just how important they are. A well-executed video testimonial is more valuable than any one written Google review. Reach out to clients you know had a positive experience with your firm, and ask if they would be willing to provide a video testimonial.Here’s an example of an effective client testimonial video:

  3. Host webinars

    Surveys show that 73% of marketers believe that webinars are the best way to generate quality leads.
    Law firms can (and should) use webinars as an educational tool for their clients. By hosting webinars, law firms can create informative content that not only helps clients better understand complex legal topics but also positions the firm as an authority in the industry.
    Here are some pro-tips to help you get started:

    • Define the purpose and topic: Do you want to host a Q&A? Talk about legal challenges facing your clients? Discuss recent legal developments or rulings that may impact your audience?
    • Plan and promote the event: Your where is as important as your what. Today, Linkedin is the #1 platform for B2B marketing. On top of that, more than half (69%) of US users are on LinkedIn daily. 
    • Prepare and rehearse content: Lawyers are natural storytellers – you can enhance your webinars by focusing on the power of legal storytelling. Remember to also structure your content to allocate time for introductions, main content, Q&A, and closing remarks.
    • Engage and follow up with attendees: This is the key behind all webinars. You’ll want to encourage interaction with a Q&A session at the end. You can also capture attendees’ contact information for future communication to send follow-up emails, event recordings, and additional resources. 
  4. Recycle videos through social media

    Did you know that you can repurpose longer videos into bite-sized snippets for social media?Suppose you work really hard on a video. It’s informative, engaging, and captures the essence of your brand perfectly. But what happens after that initial burst of views and engagement dies down? 

    Don’t let that valuable content go to waste! By repurposing longer videos into shorter, shareable snippets for social media, you can extend the lifespan of your content and reach a wider audience over time.

    Learn How to Take Full Advantage of Your Media 


    By leveraging the different types of video content available, you can begin to carve out a unique and authentic brand personality for your law firm.
    To help you develop a successful digital branding strategy, we’ve created the “Video Strategy Checklist. This resource provides you with practical tips and expert advice on how to create effective video content that will help you connect with your audience and grow your law firm. With our checklist, you’ll have the guidance you need to start creating engaging video content that makes your firm stand out!

The post How to Use Video to Brand your Firm appeared first on Consultwebs.

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Thursday, March 23, 2023

The Seven Legal Marketing Stats You Need to Know

We reviewed the most important legal marketing statistics so you didn’t have to. 🔥You’re welcome. 😎 

Each year, numerous reports are released that provide insights into the state of legal marketing. While these reports are chock-full of statistics, not all of them are equally useful. We understand that it can be easy to get lost in a sea of percentages in articles filled with tens or even hundreds of statistics.

Not to worry; we did the research for you. This article will cut through the noise and discuss seven of the most compelling legal marketing statistics from the latest reports.

42% of the time, law firms take three or more days to reply to a voicemail or web-generated form from a prospective client.

What it means: This is one of the most astonishing statistics and easiest fixes for law firms to implement on this list. The solution is simple: prioritize responding to clients.

Time is money. Especially in the present economy, funds are tight, and every lead is a potential source of revenue for the firm. Don’t let an inefficient intake process be the reason your clients go elsewhere. Streamline your intake process by designating a support staff member to respond to voicemail and web-generated forms at least once a day. 

Only 57% of attorneys surveyed said their firm had an annual marketing budget.

What it means: So if only 57% of law firms have an annual marketing budget, how do the other 43% approach getting the word out about their services? The answer, sadly, is a random sporadic blog and social media posts. Such attempts are (at least most of the time) infrequent and unoptimized for SEO, which spells disaster for growing your law firm’s revenue.  

Don’t leave your marketing to chance – even the best product in the world won’t matter if nobody knows about it. Nobody wants to be known as the best kept secret, right? Investing in a strategic marketing plan can make all the difference in attracting clients.

87% of law firms surveyed said that their firm has a website. 

What it means: Frankly, we’re a bit surprised this number isn’t higher. In today’s digital age, Google is often the primary way that potential clients discover law firms (see the statistic below). Without a website, your law firm could be missing out on a significant amount of potential business. 

Pro Tip: If you’re not experienced in web design, it’s best to hire a professional for your law firm’s website. By outsourcing your web design needs, you can focus on what you do best – practicing law – while leaving the technical aspects of website design to the experts.

Only 14% of attorneys surveyed said that their law firm’s website offered the ability to schedule a consultation.

What it means: The name of the legal intake game is simplifying the consultation process for new clients as much as possible. You have a limited window of time to capture clients’ attention and sell them your services. Assuming you can even get this far, it becomes critical to pin down a time to speak before they lose interest.

From a dead phone to being in a loud social setting, there is any number of reasons why a client would prefer to schedule a consultation online rather than over the phone. It’s therefore up to your firm to give clients this option.

A whopping 83% of legal firms hire external marketing firms to do their marketing work

What it means: With over 2000 billable hour requirement minimums, attorneys likely don’t have the time to dedicate to marketing efforts. On top of that, marketing isn’t a billable activity, so it can be tough to justify taking time away from client work. That’s why many law firms choose to outsource their marketing efforts to external agencies – it’s a smart way to ensure their marketing is done right, without sacrificing valuable time. 

If you’re part of the 17% that choose not to work with external agencies, you’re essentially competing against firms that have teams of people dedicating over 100 hours per month to marketing efforts. These numbers can be daunting and can leave you competitively disadvantaged if you try to muscle your way through the road less traveled. 

Only 31% of respondents said their firms produce video as a marketing tool. 

What it means: Considering the power of video content to engage and connect with potential clients, we think this statistic can improve – substantially! With so much untapped potential, video can be a fantastic way to showcase your firm’s expertise, personality, and unique selling points. Not only that, but it’s a great way to build trust with potential clients before they even meet you in person.

For 85% of potential clients, Google is the preferred research tool for finding a lawyer.

What it means: That’s right, 85% of clients are out there Googling away, searching for the perfect match. But if your law firm isn’t showing up on the first page of search results, chances are they’ll never even know you exist. That’s why search engine optimization (SEO) is so important for law firms – it’s the key to unlocking a world of potential clients who are just waiting to find you.


While it’s easy to get lost in a sea of percentages and statistics, it’s important to focus on the key points of these reports. From the importance of having a website and optimizing your SEO strategy to streamlining your intake process and embracing video content, there are many ways to attract and retain clients through effective marketing tactics. 

If you’re just starting out on your legal marketing journey, be sure to check out our blog post “The Attorney’s Beginner Guide to Marketing Your Law Firm for more tips and tricks. Remember, the key to standing out from the competition and reaching more clients is investing in a strategic marketing plan that aligns with your unique goals and strengths.


The post The Seven Legal Marketing Stats You Need to Know appeared first on Consultwebs.

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3 Link Building Pitfalls to Avoid When Promoting Your Law Firm Online

Are you investing or planning to invest in SEO? Then, this blog post is for you! Stay with us to discover the top mistakes and myths behind one of the most critical practices in law firm SEO. 

Law firm SEO is a crucial player behind a firm’s marketing ecosystem. To increase visibility, secure high-quality cases, increase credibility, and more, many firms are incorporating a wide range of marketing practices including creating high-quality content to rank higher in search engines and ultimately, to lure clients in and offer a helping hand. 

One way law firms are securing all of this is through blogging. The latest tech report by ABA finds that: 

As law firms continue to invest heavily in content creation in various forms (blogs, social posts, videos, etc.) it’s critical to make the best use of it all. While there are many best practices around legal content creation, we’ll start with one critical one: the link-building strategy.

 In this article, we’ll review the top 3 red flags and myths you should avoid. 

But, before that, let’s clarify the basics. 

What’s link building and why should law firms care about this?

Link building refers to getting other websites to link to your law firm’s page. Although the average user may not notice it, links are one of the most important ranking factors used by search engines like Google. 

Links are a critical part of your law firm’s SEO because: 

  • It boosts credibility 
  • It can boost your website traffic
  • It gives you an authoritative voice
  • It enhances referral traffic from one website to yours
  • It increases visibility, exposure & more. 

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s touch on the top 3 myths around link building. 

Myth 1: “Link Building is Unnecessary” 

Link building is one of the most important elements of SEO for any business. Unfortunately, there are still a lot of myths and misconceptions about link building, and one of the most common myths is that link building is unnecessary.

 Like in any business, relationships are essential. In SEO, you build bridges and relationships through link building! 

Think of link building as your way of digitally building relationships with other websites. Ultimately, it’s about giving people a reason to link to your website. In addition to increasing exposure, link building can help you build authority. When other websites link to your website, they endorse you, which is extremely beneficial for your rankings. 

Myth 2: “Link Building is All About Quantity” 

Is quantity better than quality? In this case, no. Link building is essential to SEO, but it’s important to understand that it’s not all about quantity. Having more links can help increase your page’s visibility and rankings, but having too many low-quality links can do more harm than good.

Think of it this way: a quality link is a far more potent ‘vote’ of trust from Google than having 10 links directed to low-domain authority sites. Thus, the quantity can hurt your online reputation and ultimately signal Google to penalize your website!

Want to learn more about the industry’s bad practices and avoid the pitfalls? 

Uncover the Bad Practices in the Legal Marketing Industry

Myth 3: “Links Are Permanent” 

Links aren’t permanent. Like most digital marketing assets, they’re dynamic. Links can be removed, changed, or even broken over time.

For example, a website may decide to remove a link from one of its pages for any number of reasons – like a change in content strategy, or a change in website ownership. If that link goes away, then any SEO benefits associated with that link are gone as well.

In addition, even if the link remains in place, the page it points to may no longer exist or be updated regularly. This is known as a broken link.

Takeaway: Don’t Be Afraid to Dip Your Toes in SEO 

If you want the most (and the best) results from an SEO investment, it’s important to focus on even the ‘tiniest’ details, including link building.  

The abovementioned myths often lead people astray when building links, but link-building is still essential! While link building can be difficult, it is well worth the effort.

You’ve learned about the mistakes many law firms make in their backlink strategy. Uncover the 5 biggest link-building myths now and make sure you identify them before it’s too late.


The post 3 Link Building Pitfalls to Avoid When Promoting Your Law Firm Online appeared first on Consultwebs.

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Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Legal Link-Building: Boost Your Authority and Challenge Industry Giants

Discover the power of strategic link-building techniques tailored for law firms, as we unveil the secrets to gaining authority and outperforming long-established competitors.

First things first, why are links important? Why should your firm care? Let’s take a look at the facts: 

Links are factors in Google's page ranking algorithm


Backlinks basically refer to links other sites cite back to your firm. They are the equivalent of votes for Google and every time you get a backlink, consider this a BIG WIN! But, why should firms focus on quality over quantity? Simple: For law firms, prioritizing a high-quality backlink strategy over sheer quantity is the key to unlocking long-lasting growth over time, as it signals to both search engines and potential clients that your firm is a credible, authoritative, and trustworthy source of legal expertise.

There are quite a few strategies that’ll help boost your backlink strategies. However, it’s incredibly important you start by monitoring and maintaining your law firm’s backlinks

If you’d like proven strategies to secure this while avoiding shady backlink strategies, we’ve got you covered!


Claim Your FREE Backlink Cheat Sheet Here.

Create Compelling Content 

If you are creating quality content, it will speak for itself. Crafting compelling content is the cornerstone of a successful link-building strategy for law firms, as it not only showcases your expertise and thought leadership but also magnetizes organic backlinks that amplify your online authority and credibility.

While there are many tips and tricks you can implement, we’ll start by saying: 

  • Understand your audience: What are their needs? Preferences? Pain points? 
  • Keep up-to-date with legal trends, industry news, and recent verdicts to ensure your content remains fresh, informative, and valuable to readers
  • Experiment with diverse content formats e.g. blog posts, videos, podcasts, etc. 
  • Create attention-grabbing headlines that pique curiosity
  • Incorporate relevant keywords

If you’re looking to learn more, check out ‘The Attorney’s Beginner Guide to Marketing your Law Firm’.

Leverage Local Directories 

You should also submit your law firm’s website to reputable local directories and legal-specific listings. Why is this still relevant? Harnessing the power of local directories is a vital link-building strategy for law firms, as it not only bolsters local search visibility but also generates targeted backlinks that amplify credibility, driving a steady stream of potential clients right to your virtual doorstep.

Here are some local directories we recommend leveraging: 

Guest Posting 

Are you looking to build relationships with other legal professionals? Showcase your expertise? Enhance your reputation? Drive targeted traffic? One way to boost all of this is through guest posting. By contributing insights and offering your legal expertise with reputable legal blogs or news websites you are not only generating valuable backlinks but also positioning your law firm as an authority figure above the rest.

Learn How to Create an SEO-Driven Blogging Strategy

Takeaway: You Can Rise Above the Competition

Law firms must prioritize building bridges through strategic link-building, as it serves as the foundation for online success. 

If you’ve been looking to create valuable connections, foster credibility, secure a thriving future, and above all, cement your authority in the most profitable legal sites, we’ve got something you’ll like. 

Uncover the Secret to Skyrocketing Your Firm’s Search Rankings Here.


The post Legal Link-Building: Boost Your Authority and Challenge Industry Giants appeared first on Consultwebs.

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Monday, March 20, 2023

The Fascinating Journey of Legal Advertising

Uncover the secrets behind the evolution of legal advertising and discover how your law firm can harness the power of historical insights to craft a cutting-edge marketing strategy that dominates the digital age today. 

Imagine a world before billboards, social media, and even newspapers—a time when word of mouth and handwritten notices were the only means to promote one’s services. It’s hard to fathom, isn’t it? Yet, that’s where the captivating tale of advertising began. Well, kind of. 

Let’s get to the facts. 

Did you know it’s believed the first advertisement comes from Egypt? The closest educated guess is that the first advertisement has an unfortunate focus. It was written in papyrus by fabric seller and slave owner, Hapu, who asked local citizens to return Shem, one of his laborers, in exchange for a gold coin. Take a look: Early Advertisement in Papyrus

From the first ad to the catchy jingles of the golden age of radio, advertising has come a long way, evolving with each new medium, technological innovation, and cultural shift. In the legal realm, this evolution has been particularly fascinating, as it navigated through the murky waters of ethical dilemmas and regulatory constraints to ultimately reach the modern, data-driven strategies that have become the standard for law firms.

Join us on a thrilling journey through time as we unravel the history and progression of legal advertising, exploring the ingenious methods used by our predecessors and examining how these lessons from the past can help shape the future of your law firm’s marketing success.

The Birth of Advertising in the United States

The dawn of the 18th century marked a significant turning point in the world of advertising. It was during this time, 1704, the very first newspaper advertisement graced the pages of the Boston News-Letter, a publication that held the distinction of being America’s first continuously published newspaper. 

The pioneering ad, which sought to sell an Oyster Bay, Long Island estate, was a simple text-based notice. Take a look:  

Early Print Legal Advertisement

This groundbreaking moment heralded a new era in advertising—one that would forever change the landscape of communication, commerce, and promotion.  

But, what has happened since then? Let’s continue. 

A Century of Brilliance: The Golden Age of Advertising 

If we skip forward to the 1900s we find ourselves in the Golden Age—a time of legendary ad campaigns, marketing mavericks, and creative breakthroughs that would forever redefine the industry.

This is the era where we officially witness the first iconic slogans, memorable jingles, and bold ideas capture the hearts and minds of consumers. But, what pushed the advertisement? 

During this time there were quite a few inventions, including high-speed printing presses which enabled low-cost newspapers and mass-production of magazines. This is also known as the rise of consumerism. 

Soon after, radio and television became the “it” factor during the 1920s and 1940s. It was during this time period, 1941, the first television advert aired. It was a ground-breaking 10-second commercial by watchmaker Bulova. It aired before the baseball game between the Brooklyn Dodgers and the Philadelphia Phillies. See for yourself!   

And the best part? They paid a mere $9 for this ad placement. 

Pixels and Progress: The Digital Age and Rise of Legal Advertising

Picture this: the 1980s and 1990s, a vibrant world of neon lights, synthesizers, and the irresistible scent of technological progress, where a digital revolution was brewing and poised to take the advertising industry by storm. This groundbreaking era marked the birth of digital advertising and the World Wide Web. 

And yes, we also saw the good, the bad, and the ugly. With this boom, we also saw the growth of….spam. Gary Thuerk, often dubbed the “Father of Spam,” crafted the very first spam email advertisement to land in unsuspecting inboxes.

But, did it end there? For law firms, this was just the beginning! 

Lawyer advertising was banned throughout the 1900s! And it’s true, it’s hard to imagine a time when this was banned but this was considered a crime and the bar could go after an attorney and remove their license (ouch!) In the groundbreaking 1977 case, Bates v. State Bar of Arizona, a small law firm made history by daring to publish an advertisement in a local newspaper. Take a look:

19th century Legal Advertisement

Facing disciplinary action from the State Bar of Arizona, Bates and O’Steen appealed the lower court’s decision with the Arizona Supreme Court, and eventually, the U.S. Supreme Court. In a historic decision, it was ruled that the ban on law firm advertisements violated First Amendment rights, thus opening the door for legal professionals to actively market their services.

The Development of Digital Territories: The 2000s – Now 

In the early 2000s, Google developed Google ads, and soon after Facebook created Facebook ads in 2007. Since then, ads have proven to be lucrative for all industries. Since this time the advertisement revenue has increased by billions.

Adspent graph since 2001

Unveiling the Most Effective Law Firm Advertising Today

In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, law firms are continuously searching for innovative and effective ways to attract new clients and stand out among their competitors. Today many firms are boosting their bottom line results by harnessing the power of SEO and digital advertising.

But, with so many forms of advertisement which ones should your firm focus on? Here are a few forms of legal advertisement proven to boost ROI: 

  1. PPC (Pay-Per-Click): By leveraging targeted, cost-effective pay-per-click campaigns, you can capture the attention of potential clients right when they’re in need, turning clicks into clients and objections into billable hours.
  2. LSAs (Local Service Ads): Today, it’s all about showing up for the right people, at the right time. This type of advertisement has become lucrative for many law firms as it focuses on taking the lead directly to a “click-to-call” functionality.
  3. ADC (Accident Data Center): One of the most competitive legal practices is personal injury but luckily, today there are many ways PI firms can set themselves apart – one of them being ADC. This comprehensive resource offers real-time insights on car accidents and traffic collisions across the United States. Click here to find out how law firms advertise their services in ADC with the help of Consultwebs

Takeaway: The Future of Legal Advertising is Promising 

As we gaze into the crystal ball of legal advertising, it’s clear that the future is not only promising but filled with limitless opportunities for growth and success – and you don’t have to do it all alone. 

If you’re interested in learning more about today’s legal advertising market or better yet, get a head start – we’re here and ready to help out.  


The post The Fascinating Journey of Legal Advertising appeared first on Consultwebs.

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The 5 Video Formats your Law Firm Should be Using

Which videos are your law firm competitors using? Read to learn more about the must-have video types that make a difference. 

So your law firm is hesitant to adopt video into their marketing strategy

Well, consider this: did you know that the average internet user spends 88% more time on a website with video content? 

And, not only do internet users spend more time on a website with video, but they’re also more likely to find the website to begin with. Research shows that by including video on your website, you’ll have up to a 50x greater chance of ranking organically. 

Law firms possess the unique opportunity to utilize the power of video for establishing trust and credibility with potential clients, but seizing this opportunity is entirely up to you! In this post, we’ll delve into the top types of videos your law firm should be incorporating into your marketing strategy. 

Let’s take a look: 

Client Testimonials

Let your satisfied clients be your loudest cheerleaders.

Client testimonial videos can be the secret ingredient to establishing credibility and trust with potential clients. There’s nothing quite like hearing real-life success stories from satisfied customers to demonstrate the value of your legal services.

A well-crafted client testimonial will be succinct, genuine, and focus on the client’s personal positive experience working with your firm. 

Here’s an example of a Consultwebs-approved testimonial: 

About Us Videos

‘About Us’ or ‘Introduction to the Firm’ videos are typically featured on a law firm’s landing page, which means they will be among the first things clients see when visiting your website. Our advice? 

Make it count. Use it as an opportunity to humanize yourself. 

An engaging ‘About Us’ video can create a meaningful connection with potential clients. Highlight the most important things you want a client to know about your firm. Whether that be your firm’s values, mission, or the team behind your legal services, your goal should be to provide a glimpse into the driving forces that set your practice apart. 

Legal Explainer Videos

If you choose only one video avenue to ongoingly invest your firm’s time and resources into, we recommend legal explainer videos. Explainer videos are rapidly growing in popularity (especially among younger audiences) and are convenient mediums to build and grow your firm’s brand. 

 Explainer videos come in two primary flavors: short form and long form. 

Short-form legal explainer videos (under 60 seconds) are well-suited to social media platforms like TikTok, where users seek quick, flashy, and informative content. 

If you’ve ever stepped your virtual foot into #LegalTiktok, you’ll find many attorneys offering insights into legal news stories and pop culture events, reacting to viral videos from a legal perspective, or answering fun legal hypotheticals. To give you an idea of the quirky subjects attorneys are covering, we’ve seen topics like: 

  • Strange state laws you probably didn’t know about
  • What do you do when the police tell you to unlock your phone?
  • Illegal questions for employers to ask during a job interview 
  • What to do if you’re involved in a hit-and-run? 

On the other hand, long-form videos on platforms like YouTube provide an in-depth exploration of legal topics. This allows viewers to gain extensive knowledge on specific legal subjects.

If you’re looking for a good example of what a long-form legal explainer video might look like, we recommend checking out LegalEagle’s Youtube channel. LegalEagle is a popular attorney YouTuber that made a name for himself by attempting to give viewers “an insider’s view into the legal system.” His brand is focused on making the law layman accessible, with an often humorous or quirky angle. 

His videos focus on everything from recent legal news developments: 

To covering fun topics like whether ghosts are legally real (surprisingly, the answer is yes!):

Insider tip: Crafting the right explainer video series in particular can require research, time, and preparation. Check out our tips on how to approach this process here


Interested in educating your clients while giving your fingers a break from typing? FAQ videos might be the answer. 

FAQ videos are the perfect way to address commonly asked questions about your legal practice or area of expertise. Not only do they save you time by reducing the need for repeated explanations, but they also help establish trust with potential clients by demonstrating your knowledge and understanding of their concerns.

Types of questions often addressed in FAQ videos include:

  • Fee structures
  • The legal process for specific cases
  • What to expect during a consultation
  • Common misconceptions about your area of law

Recruiting Videos

What better place to showcase your firm’s culture than by creating recruiting videos that humanize your firm and tell prospective employees what it’s like to work there?

Okay, so recruiting videos aren’t directly related to marketing your firm to clients – but they are an excellent tool for marketing yourself to prospective attorney applicants

Part of building a law practice worth marketing is attracting the best talent possible so you can competently represent your clients. And you can’t attract the best talent if your personal injury firm looks like every other personal injury firm!

As a former attorney, I can testify that many small to midsize law firms are superficially indistinguishable from one another. Even if you’re not working in big law, billable hour requirements and salary brackets tend to be similar. Therefore, where an applicant chooses to apply comes down to cultural differences. 

You can use recruiting videos to:

  • Share insights into the firm culture and work environment
  • Include interviews with current employees discussing their experiences
  • Highlight company events and team-building activities

This will help attract top talent who share your firm’s values and vision, ultimately contributing to the overall success of your law practice.


Incorporating video into your marketing strategy helps build trust and credibility, and keeps you in tune with the evolving preferences of today’s tech-savvy clients. Jumpstart your video marketing strategy with this 8-point checklist toward video marketing success.

The post The 5 Video Formats your Law Firm Should be Using appeared first on Consultwebs.

from Consultwebs

Thursday, March 16, 2023

The Attorney’s Beginner Guide to Marketing your Law Firm

Are you tired of seeing your competitors snagging all the top spots in search engine results? Wondering how to get your law firm on the first page? Allow us to introduce you to the world of SEO, PPC, social media, and content marketing.

Picture this: You’re a top-notch lawyer with a wealth of legal expertise, but for some reason, your law firm is struggling to attract new clients. Frustrating, right? The culprit could very well be your digital marketing strategy, or lack thereof.

But with countless marketing strategies available, it can be overwhelming to know where to begin. That’s why we’ve put together this guide, which will walk you through the basics of SEO, content marketing, PPC advertising, and social media marketing and show you how each of these techniques can benefit your law firm.

Search Engine Optimization

You know what they say: “If a tree falls in the forest and no one’s around to hear it, does it make a sound?” Well, if your law firm has an amazing website but it’s buried on page 10 of Google search results, does it even exist? (Considering 75% of people never scroll past the first page of search engine results, the answer is no).

That’s where  Law Firm SEO (search engine optimization) comes in. Simply put, SEO is the process of optimizing your website to increase organic (non-paid) traffic from search engine results pages.

SEO improves a website’s visibility and ranking on search engines like Google. It implements techniques including optimizing website content, such as using relevant keywords, meta descriptions, and header tags, as well as improving website architecture and navigation to improve the website’s discoverability by search engines.

Insider Tip: Link building is an important part of SEO, as search engines evaluate the number and quality of links that lead to a website as an indicator of its authority and relevance. 

Content Marketing

Content marketing – the buzzword of modern-day marketing – is all about creating and sharing valuable content to attract and engage a specific target audience. It’s a strategy that puts the focus on creating content that is informative, relevant, and interesting, rather than interruptive, salesy, or pushy. 

And it’s cost-effective, too: Content marketing generates about three times as many leads and costs 62% less than traditional marketing.

Content marketing allows a law firm to showcase its expertise and provide value to potential clients without directly promoting its services. By creating content that helps people solve problems, learn about the law, or stay informed about industry trends, a law firm can establish itself as a trusted authority and build stronger relationships with its audience.

Pay-Per-Click Marketing

Have you ever noticed that the moment you search for a specific product or service, ads for it start popping up everywhere? That’s the power of pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, a type of online advertising where businesses pay each time someone clicks on one of their ads.

PPC advertising is effective because it allows firms to target their ideal audience with precision. Rather than paying for advertising space that may or may not be seen by the right people, PPC ads are displayed to users actively searching for relevant products or services. This means that firms can target their ads to users who are most likely to convert into customers.

However, PPC advertising is not without its challenges. With so many law firms vying for the top spot, competition for keywords can be fierce. This can drive up the cost of bidding, and make it difficult for smaller law firms to compete. So, if your firm is considering engaging in a PPC campaign, consider consulting a marketing professional

Social Media Marketing

Surveys show that 77% of marketers believe that social media marketing has been effective in improving their business. And, with billions of people using social media every day, it’s no wonder that social media has become a common tool for law firms to connect with their clients. 

Law firms can leverage social media platforms to promote a brand, product, or service. This can include organic posts, paid advertising, and other forms of social media marketing. 

Social media platforms (think: Facebook, LinkedIn and TikTok) allow you to: 

  • Share updates about your firm
  • Post links to news articles or firm blog posts
  • Upload short ‘explainer’ videos on relevant legal topics
  • Live stream events like webinars or speaking engagements.

And the best thing about social media marketing? It’s free! (at least, for the most part). You don’t have to spend anything at all to share content on social media, making it a great option for small and medium-sized law firms with limited budgets.

Of course, there are paid options available as well, like Facebook Ads or LinkedIn Sponsored Content. These can be a great way to reach a larger audience or target specific demographics, but it’s important to approach them strategically and with clear goals in mind.

Insider tip: Curious about incorporating social media marketing into your law firm’s game plan? Don’t miss our article on building a social media presence for your firm right here. 


It’s clear that the digital marketing landscape offers numerous opportunities for law firms to grow their online presence and attract potential clients. To jumpstart your journey to digital marketing success, we’re offering our FREE cheat sheet packed with insider tips and tricks.

We understand the unique challenges faced by law firms in the digital marketing space. That’s why our team of experts is at your service, committed to crafting a customized, comprehensive marketing strategy designed specifically for your firm.

The post The Attorney’s Beginner Guide to Marketing your Law Firm appeared first on Consultwebs.

from Consultwebs

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Beyond Words: How to Use Video in Your Law Firm’s Marketing Strategy

Feel like your firm’s website looks impersonal? Here’s how adding video to your marketing strategy can change that.  

Law firm marketing campaigns should aim to answer the one question every client has: 

Can I trust you? 

And it’s not just about competence – clients want to know they’re talking to someone who empathizes with them, a human being that doesn’t just see them as another number.

But let’s face it; it can be tough to establish trust through the typical law firm website. They often read as impersonal or dull, and they don’t do much to set you apart from the competition. It’s hard to establish personal connection when you’re working with such a sterile canvas. 

That’s where video comes in. 

Why is video so important? 

As of 2023, 90% of marketers say incorporating video into their marketing plan helped them generate leads. 

With video, you can showcase your personality, brand, and expertise in a way that written text simply can’t. Whether you’re explaining a complex legal concept or sharing a client testimonial, video helps clients associate a name with a personality, allowing you to connect with clients before they even pick up the phone. 

What are ways a firm can incorporate video into their digital marketing strategy? 

Marketing videos come in two forms: short form and long form. Short form videos are typically 30-60 seconds long, whereas long form videos cover topics more in-depth. 

Short form videos typically lend themselves well to: 

  • Client testimonials 
  • FAQs
  • Short ‘explainer’ videos that simply explain a common legal problem
  • Legal Tik-Toks 

Long form videos, on the other hand, work well with content such as: 

  • ‘About us’ videos
  • Videos speaking to the firm’s mission or services
  • Longer ‘explainer’ videos that provide an in-depth explanation of a complex legal issue

If you’re just starting your legal video-marketing journey, our experts strongly recommend beginning with a client testimonial video.

Take look at an example of a well-crafted client testimonial video:

Tips for Crafting a Strong Video

Identify Your Brand Voice

Whether or not a client chooses your firm largely depends on how you make them feel. Do you want to make them laugh? Make them feel safe? Project confidence? Showcase your ability to verbally navigate sensitive issues? 

Pick a branding goal that makes sense for your audience and your firm’s mission, and develop your video content around achieving it. 

Choose the Face of your Brand

Pick one person to be the face of your firm’s video brand. They will become the standout spokesperson for your law firm, appearing in most of your videos and helping you establish a consistent message.

When selecting who from your firm could take on this role, try to objectively evaluate which associate could best get across your firm’s brand message. For instance, if you’re trying to come across friendly, funny, and approachable, pick an engaging orator with lively energy. Or, if you want to showcase your firm’s expertise and professionalism, you might select an attorney with a calm and confident demeanor who can convey complex legal concepts in an easy-to-understand way. 

The bottom line is to choose someone who can effectively embody your firm’s brand. 

Write a Script

You don’t just want to wing your law firm videos. That’s why it’s important to write a script beforehand – it helps you stay on track and ensures your message is clear, concise, and on-brand.

Plus, writing a script can help you identify any potential issues or roadblocks in your content, allowing you to address them before filming. Trust us: it’s a lot easier to edit a script than to try and piece together a disjointed video. 

Identify your Platform

It’s not enough to just upload videos to your website and call it a day. In order to get your content in front of as many people as possible, it’s important to diversify your platforms. That means deciding which social media platforms you want to use to promote your videos. 

Different social media platforms have their own strengths and benefits, so it’s important to think about where your target audience spends their time online.

For example, TikTok is a great option if you’re looking to connect with a younger demographic through short-form videos. On the other hand, YouTube is a better choice if you want to build a deeper relationship with your audience through longer-form videos. Each platform has its own unique set of features and benefits, so make sure to tailor your content to the platform you’re using.

If you’re interested in starting with TikTok but simply don’t know where to start, we’ve got a gift for you! 

Download My FREE List of Legal TikTok 

Do Your Research

Especially if you’re new to video production, producing firm videos can feel like a daunting task. To ensure success, it’s crucial to gather as many resources as possible to guide you through the process. 

To help you get started, we’ve created a video strategy checklist which offers: 

  • 10+ proven strategies to make your videos engaging, visually appealing, and reflective of your brand identity
  • A blueprint that includes a content calendar, distribution strategy,  metrics & more. 

Claim My Firm’s Video Strategy Checklist

Avoiding Common Video Production Mistakes

Let’s get one thing out of the way: not making videos at all is the biggest mistake you can make. Video is an incredibly powerful tool for engaging with potential clients, building trust, and establishing your firm’s brand.

That being said, here are some common additional common mistakes you should avoid: 

  • Not tying everything together: We often see firms uploading Youtube videos without accompanying descriptions, keyword optimizations, or links to other social media pages. These videos are doomed for failure.  Your videos shouldn’t exist in a vacuum – they should be part of a larger strategy that ties together your website, social media channels, and other marketing efforts.
  • Using a third-party as your video spokesperson: We get it: lawyers are busy people, and it can be tempting to hire a third party to be your video spokesperson. However, it’s always better to use an internal attorney that’s more in touch with your firm’s values and mission. Plus, having an in-firm spokesperson reads as more trustworthy to potential clients.
  • Not recycling your content: Spent a long time crafting the perfect long-form video? Good news: they can be cropped and recycled on other marketing channels. Learn more about content recycling here. 


Nothing that’s worthwhile is ever easy. As intimidating as producing video content may be, it’s a powerful tool that can help your law firm establish trust with potential clients, showcase your expertise, and set you apart from the competition.

If you’re interested in incorporating video into your law firm’s marketing strategy, but aren’t sure where to start, our team can help. We offer a range of video production services, from concept development to post-production, to help you create engaging and effective video content that resonates with your clients. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help. 

The post Beyond Words: How to Use Video in Your Law Firm’s Marketing Strategy appeared first on Consultwebs.

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