Wednesday, January 25, 2023

How to Get Personal Injury Clients

Unlock the full potential of your personal injury practice with the right clients – here’s how to attract and retain calls and cases. 

Did you know that studies found the market size of the personal injury industry in the US has grown on average 4.8% per year between 2018-2023? Specifically, in 2023 the market size is expected to increase 5%.

As a personal injury law firm, acquiring new clients and signing valuable cases is crucial for the growth and success of your business. However, the challenge lies in not only acquiring new clients, but also in attracting the best and most valuable cases. 

To boost bottom-line results and the overall image of a firm, many are investing in digital marketing. 

The task of acquiring new personal injury clients can be challenging, but you don’t have to figure it all out by yourself. 

Stay with us as we uncover a few clever strategies you can implement to attract and retain clients despite high-level competition.

Clever Ways to Get More Personal Injury Clients 

  1. Recognize Why Firms Fail to Scale 

    Do you know why your law firm practice isn’t growing? Despite rising costs, many firms fail to scale not because of monetary issues but because money isn’t managed the smartest way possible. Here are 3 red flags you should be on the lookout for:  


    Today, the smartest (and most profitable) law firms are: 

    • Setting measurable goals that are aligned with the firm’s direction, purpose, and vision. 
    • Leveraging digital investments like PPC or Digital Advertising to activate both short and long-term sales. 
    • Driving their marketing, sales and overall business strategy with data-driven decisions.
  2. Secure Your Foundation

    Niche down to scale up But first thing first: you’ll need to secure the foundation with a website. Think of your law firm website as your home. It not only houses everything your clients and prospects need but it also houses all your creative assets such as videos, blogs, guides, ebooks, and pretty much anything you can think of! 

    We have pro-tips to get you started here:

    • Think of factors that differentiate you from the rest of the competition. This is somewhat related to your business’s unique value proposition, the statement where you let prospects know: 
    • How clients benefit from your legal service(s) 
    • How your services address and solve their legal urgency 
    • What makes your firm’s offer different than the rest 
  3. Fortify the Lead Intake Process

    The legal intake process is considered a vital aspect within a law firm. Receiving a lead is a huge business opportunity that shouldn’t go to waste! 

    To help you secure more business, feel free to check out our guide with the 9 proven lead intake tactics

    We’ll give you two tips now: 

    1. Make sure you discuss your payment process and accepted methods of payment.
    2. Ask the right questions. For example, you’ll want to ask questions related to the likelihood of the lead converting to a case.
  4. Need to Boost Your Lead Pipeline? Protect the Intake Process 

    Besides securing the lead intake, you’ll want to consistently nurture your lead pipeline. For starters, you’ll want to optimize your website to convert the most leads. Here are some best practices for that: 

    • Use simple language, avoid legalese and legal jargon 
    • Keep the copy visually appealing by adding bullets….like this!
    • Add a mix of images and videos 
    • Add calls-to-action 
    • Above all, provide value 

    Find the best lead generation strategies here.


    The personal injury market may be competitive, but that shouldn’t stop your firm from getting a bigger bite of the market pie. 

    While we hope these tips and tricks give you a head start, if you’d like to see all of this in action – we’re here to help. 


The post How to Get Personal Injury Clients appeared first on Consultwebs.

from Consultwebs

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