Thursday, January 26, 2023

Don’t Let Your Career Take Over: Tips for Balancing Work and Life in Law

Are you struggling to balance the demands of work and personal life? You’re not alone. Read ahead to learn about the state of well-being in law and how to work smarter.

The legal field is known for its demanding nature, and it’s easy to become burned out. To get to the heart of what causes burnout, we need to raise awareness as well as provide optimal solutions that’ll help you understand and surmount hurdles along the way. Let’s begin by looking into the state of well-being in law. 

The latest ABA profile of the legal profession found that:

  • Two-thirds of women (67%) and almost half of men (49%) report having moderate or severe stress
  • Over a quarter (28%) said they do not take adequate breaks during the workday 
  • More than half (51%) of all lawyers say they work long hours

Some negative contributing factors many legal professional face include: 

  • High expectations when it comes to skills and overall success 
  • The inherently conflict-driven environment of law 
  • Tight deadlines with time constraints 
  • Depletion of (mental and physical) energy due to constant high demands at work 

Now that we’ve looked at one side of the coin, let’s look at the other: the areas of opportunities. 

  1. Provide Necessary Training to Supporting Your Firm’s Staff

    Although widely accepted, the idea that lawyers are gladiators is a myth. We all share the human experience; as such, the workplace is a critical setting to equip all staff to handle the inevitable challenges more easily. Here are some approaches to consider: 

    1. Practice “sleep leadership.” This means encouraging and enabling better sleeping habits amongst all staff. Thus, improving job performance and overall well-being. Some of the best managers and leadership boards are jumping on board with this idea.
    2. Train managers and leadership with the proper skills needed to support staff. For example, the Workplace Mental Health Institute (WMHI) offers a course on mental health training for leadership
    3. Evaluate stress, burnout, anxiety, etc., with anonymous surveys. Ask the uncomfortable, complex questions necessary to pinpoint improvement areas.
    4. Develop and support a mental health space/group/guide. Here are more tips: 

    Supporting Employee well-being

  2. Tap Into One Of The Most Powerful Skills: Creativity

    Litigators rely on creative storytelling abilities to disclose their client’s story the best way possible, but it doesn’t end there. 

    While it’s often overlooked, creativity is one of the most sought-after skills in today’s market, and for a great number of reasons. Being creative means: 

    • Solving complex problems 
    • Finding new solutions that were perhaps never considered before
    • Encouraging your innovative thinking
    • Improving your brain’s plasticity (rewiring your thinking for the better!)
    • Enhancing your imagination 
    • Challenging conventional thinking 

    Because law firms work in a fast-paced, high-stress environment, creativity is one of the keys that can help you tap into more potential (both professionally and personally). If you’ve been waiting for those “aha” moments, here are some quick tips to help:  

    Mental break for legal professionalsAre you in need of more hacks (backed up by science and legal experts)? 

    Learn How to Boost Your Creative Thinking Here 

  3. Work Smarter, Not Harder: Use a Digital Management Dashboard

    The legal profession is competitive, and many law firms invest in digital assets to set themselves apart. To achieve this (without the headaches of doing it all alone), most law firms are investing in technology, software, websites and overall marketing. 

    But as you invest, you’ll want to ensure your assets and decisions are driven by data instead of pure gut feelings and instincts. This is exactly what the smartest businesses are doing. Thanks to tech tools, firms can automate around 23% of the labor-intensive tasks, and you can, too. 

    If peace of mind is one of your priorities, then we recommend investing in an asset like LawEval, an all-in-one hassle-free real-time data insight platform that on top of all that is 100% designed for law firms. In it you can monitor your entire digital investment and have immediate answers to critical questions like: 

    • Is my website running? 
    • Are all my contact forms working? 
    • How many leads came through last month versus this month? 
    • Where are leads converting? 
    • How’s my revenue looking? 


    The legal profession is demanding, and although achieving balance is not always as easy, the rewards are worth the effort. 

    By making a conscious effort to optimize labor-intensive work and prioritize your well-being, you’ll be better equipped to handle high demands.

    We hope the tips discussed help you work smarter, not harder. If you’re looking to delegate your digital assets with a team of legal experts, we’re here and ready to help out. 


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Navigating the Personal Injury Market with Confidence: Building Trust with Clients

The personal injury market is growing. Learn why law firms should explore new strategies to grow their business.

When it comes to building a successful law firm, trust is everything. Imagine walking into a store and not trusting the salesperson to give you accurate information or a doctor not earning your trust before performing a procedure. The same applies to the legal industry; clients will look for representation elsewhere without trust. But how do you establish trust with potential clients in a competitive market? How can you identify the gaps within your business? 

To answer this question, we need to take a step back and analyze where clients find, compare and ultimately choose a law firm nowadays?

Let’s take a look:

Where would you search for a lawyer? Put yourself in the client’s shoes. Legal services are a high-ticket purchase, and you would want to be in the hands of the best. So while you may start by asking your circle of friends and family for possible legal referrals, there’s also a high chance you’d go online and check Google reviews, testimonials, etc. 

What does this all mean? Personal recommendations are influential, but online research is equally (if not more) important. 

Personal Injury Marketing is Growing. Is There Untapped Potential? 

The personal injury market is set to grow by 5% in 2023. Take a look at the findings:

Market Size bar Graph

This market growth is an excellent thing for both clients and firms. It is also driving more firms to secure increased business through a mix of digital marketing strategies


But why should your firm keep up? 

  1. Reach a wider audience: If you’re not boosting your online presence, but your competitors are, there’s a chance clients will keep your competitors top of mind instead of you. 
  2. Establish expertise: Know of any updates in law? Building on high-quality content helps establish your firm as the expert. 
  3. Personalization: Want to be memorable? Create a unique customer experience. Clients today want to be something other than a number in your books; they want to feel special and seen. 
  4. Enhance your reputation: By providing valuable content, maintaining a social media presence, and investing in a high-quality website, etc., you will truly build a positive (and sustainable) reputation. 
  5. Stay competitive: As the personal injury market grows, you can set yourself apart from the rest and target the people who need you through consistent marketing. 
  6. Build relationships: In business, relationships are everything. With the help of social and email marketing, you can nurture relationships with prospects and clients. 
  7. Improve your client retention: Did you know that acquiring a new customer costs 5X more than retaining one? Retention is key. 

The most critical reason for firms to keep up is to build trust.

Find Out Why Trust Is The Key For Profitable Firms

Digital Marketing Strategies Proven to Boost Profitability

Firms can establish their expertise, reliability, and credibility with a mix of the following assets:

  1. High-quality website: A professional and well-designed law firm website can establish a firm’s credibility and expertise. It can also provide potential clients with information about your firm’s services and attorneys, building trust and confidence in its abilities.
  2. Valuable content: Creating helpful and informative content such as blog posts, infographics, and white papers can establish a firm as a thought leader.
  3. Testimonials and reviews: Positive testimonials and reviews from previous clients can be a powerful way to build trust as they showcase your track record of success and client satisfaction.
  4. Social media presence: An active presence can help law firms build trust with potential clients by showcasing the firm’s personality and humanizing the attorneys.
  5. Email marketing: Email marketing can reach clients directly in their inboxes and provide them with valuable information.
  6. Digital advertising: Digital advertising methods such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and LinkedIn Ads can help you target specific audiences in your legal jurisdiction.
  7. SEO: Search Engine Optimization uses various optimization strategies, e.g., adding links, keywords, and publishing quality content. All of this signals search engines and prospects that your website is valuable. 


You don’t want to be the best-kept secret! As more clients search for legal advice and services online, you must boost your firm’s online presence to reach the people in need of your legal services. 

As the personal injury market grows, what about your firm? If you’re looking for more clever solutions and strategies, we’ve got you – learn what you can do about it here. 


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Wednesday, January 25, 2023

How to Get Personal Injury Clients

Unlock the full potential of your personal injury practice with the right clients – here’s how to attract and retain calls and cases. 

Did you know that studies found the market size of the personal injury industry in the US has grown on average 4.8% per year between 2018-2023? Specifically, in 2023 the market size is expected to increase 5%.

As a personal injury law firm, acquiring new clients and signing valuable cases is crucial for the growth and success of your business. However, the challenge lies in not only acquiring new clients, but also in attracting the best and most valuable cases. 

To boost bottom-line results and the overall image of a firm, many are investing in digital marketing. 

The task of acquiring new personal injury clients can be challenging, but you don’t have to figure it all out by yourself. 

Stay with us as we uncover a few clever strategies you can implement to attract and retain clients despite high-level competition.

Clever Ways to Get More Personal Injury Clients 

  1. Recognize Why Firms Fail to Scale 

    Do you know why your law firm practice isn’t growing? Despite rising costs, many firms fail to scale not because of monetary issues but because money isn’t managed the smartest way possible. Here are 3 red flags you should be on the lookout for:  


    Today, the smartest (and most profitable) law firms are: 

    • Setting measurable goals that are aligned with the firm’s direction, purpose, and vision. 
    • Leveraging digital investments like PPC or Digital Advertising to activate both short and long-term sales. 
    • Driving their marketing, sales and overall business strategy with data-driven decisions.
  2. Secure Your Foundation

    Niche down to scale up But first thing first: you’ll need to secure the foundation with a website. Think of your law firm website as your home. It not only houses everything your clients and prospects need but it also houses all your creative assets such as videos, blogs, guides, ebooks, and pretty much anything you can think of! 

    We have pro-tips to get you started here:

    • Think of factors that differentiate you from the rest of the competition. This is somewhat related to your business’s unique value proposition, the statement where you let prospects know: 
    • How clients benefit from your legal service(s) 
    • How your services address and solve their legal urgency 
    • What makes your firm’s offer different than the rest 
  3. Fortify the Lead Intake Process

    The legal intake process is considered a vital aspect within a law firm. Receiving a lead is a huge business opportunity that shouldn’t go to waste! 

    To help you secure more business, feel free to check out our guide with the 9 proven lead intake tactics

    We’ll give you two tips now: 

    1. Make sure you discuss your payment process and accepted methods of payment.
    2. Ask the right questions. For example, you’ll want to ask questions related to the likelihood of the lead converting to a case.
  4. Need to Boost Your Lead Pipeline? Protect the Intake Process 

    Besides securing the lead intake, you’ll want to consistently nurture your lead pipeline. For starters, you’ll want to optimize your website to convert the most leads. Here are some best practices for that: 

    • Use simple language, avoid legalese and legal jargon 
    • Keep the copy visually appealing by adding bullets….like this!
    • Add a mix of images and videos 
    • Add calls-to-action 
    • Above all, provide value 

    Find the best lead generation strategies here.


    The personal injury market may be competitive, but that shouldn’t stop your firm from getting a bigger bite of the market pie. 

    While we hope these tips and tricks give you a head start, if you’d like to see all of this in action – we’re here to help. 


The post How to Get Personal Injury Clients appeared first on Consultwebs.

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Thursday, January 19, 2023

The Power of Paid Advertising for Law Firms

An effective marketing strategy needs to be based on both long-term and short-term goals and actions. Paid advertising, or PPC, is a quick and effective way to boost reach and conversions. Here’s what it’s all about and how you can implement it for your law firm today. 

Here’s a shocking statistic: 

That means that if you’re not using paid search as part of your law firm marketing strategy, you’re missing out on potential clients. Let’s change that.


It’s true, all successful legal marketing requires a long-term strategy. But, is it enough? We’ll start by saying, a strong legal marketing strategy requires targeted and specific actions to boost your brand image and awareness while increasing traffic and leads. Here we’ll cover why paid marketing is such an important strategy and how you can implement it into your law firm business today.

Paid Advertising: A Key Marketing Strategy for Law Firms

Paid strategies like PPC,( pay-per-click), activate short-term sales, an essential part of your firm’s long-term success. 

PPC (pay-per-click) advertising is one of the main paid marketing strategies for law firms. 

In short, advertisers pay a fee each time someone clicks on their ad. PPC ads are shown to your target demographic when a user searches for key terms related to your business, like “lawyer near me” or “best personal injury lawyer.” You only pay when someone clicks on the ad. 

Like a billboard along the highway, with PPC, you pay for advertising “space” on search engines such as Google when someone searches for keywords associated with your law firm. 

The beauty behind PPC and other digital marketing strategies is that it is also relevant on other search engines (i.e., Yahoo! or Bing), but naturally, with 80% of the market share, most law firms and businesses choose to focus first on Google.  

Here are some of the main benefits of PPC for law firms:

PPC ads can be competitive and bidding for keywords against competitors can get costly. 

For this reason, it’s important to have a thorough and expertly executed PPC advertising campaign. For more details, check out the top 9 PPC questions every law firm should have answers to

PPC vs. SEO for Law Firms

It can’t go without saying that another profitable marketing strategy employed by many law firms is SEO or Search Engine Optimization. This is the process of optimizing your website and content so that Google and other search engines organically rank your site higher based on what the user is searching for. 

The main difference between SEO and PPC is that SEO is a long-term lead generation strategy focused on organic reach whereas PPC can lead to quick, even instant, results-focused on paid reach. 


Now the question is, should firms focus on PPC or SEO? The best strategy for your law firm will depend a lot on your budgeting and goal strategy. However, if you are looking to boost your sales leads and inquiries from prospective clients, PPC, and paid marketing can help you get there faster. 

If you’re unsure where to start with PPC campaigns and paid search strategies for your law firm, feel free to go over this PPC for law firms guide. And if you’re looking to take this conversation outside and see the different digital advertising options available, we’re here to help


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The Market is Booming. Is Your Law Firm Keeping Up?

The market is growing, but your firm isn’t. Learn what you can do about it here. 

The legal services market is expanding rapidly, and many firms rely on digital marketing services to shoulder more responsibilities. Because the legal market is rapidly growing, now is the time for law firms to take advantage of the opportunities available.

While many law firms are taking advantage of digital marketing opportunities to expand their reach and increase their client base, some are lagging.

Despite the growing demand for legal services, many law firms need help to grow their business. This can be attributed to two main reasons:

  1. Low visibility online 
  2. Under-optimized marketing strategies. 

By not keeping up with the latest digital marketing strategies and technologies, firms risk falling behind in an increasingly competitive market…but it doesn’t have to be this way. To help you plan, let’s look at the gaps and what you can do to counteract their effects.

Problem 1: Low Visibility Online 

Low visibility online is a common issue faced by many law firms. This can be due to a variety of reasons, such as:

  • Lack of a strong online presence
  • Inadequate search engine optimization
  • Lack of a comprehensive digital marketing strategy

When a law firm has low visibility online, potential clients need help finding them quickly when searching for legal services. This can be damaging to the law firm as it means missing out on valuable leads and potential clients. 

Here are some strategies that can help:

  1. Develop a comprehensive website that is easy to navigate and includes all relevant information about the firm and its services.
  2. Invest in SEO, search engine optimization, to improve your firm’s visibility in search engine results.
    • SEO focuses on your long-term sales activation. 
  3. Invest in Agile Advertising to generate leads and drive traffic to your website.
    • Agile Advertising focuses on your short-term sales activation. 
  4. Utilize social media platforms to connect with potential clients and build a strong online presence.
  5. Incorporate social proof: online reviews, video testimonials, quotes, and any positive feedback clients have given about your legal services.  

Problem 2: Under-Optimized Marketing Strategies 

Under-optimized marketing strategies is another common issue faced by many law firms. This can happen when firms are not:

When your marketing strategy needs to be more optimized, it also means the messaging doesn’t resonate with your prospects, which could steer leads away. Additionally, an under-optimized marketing strategy can lead to a lack of trust and credibility in the eyes of potential clients, who may assume that a law firm unable to market itself effectively may not be reputable or successful.

Here are some strategies that can help:

  1. Conduct market research to identify target audience, their needs and preferences and tailor the messaging accordingly.
  2. Utilize data analytics and marketing metrics to track the performance of marketing campaigns and make adjustments as necessary.
  3. Keep up-to-date with the latest digital marketing trends and technologies, and incorporate them into your marketing strategy.
  4. Invest in marketing automation tools to streamline and optimize your marketing efforts.
  5. Work with a professional digital marketing agency to develop and implement a comprehensive marketing strategy that includes all of these elements and more.


By taking these steps, law firms can optimize their marketing strategies, reach their target audience more effectively, and ultimately grow their business.

Interested in more ways to improve your firm’s positive footprint online?


Check Out our 6-step Checklist


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Wednesday, January 18, 2023

ChatGPT: the Potential and the Pitfalls

ChatGPT is a powerful and flexible language generation model developed by OpenAI. It can be used for a variety of natural language processing tasks, such as generating human-like text, answering questions, and summarizing information. It’s well-suited for use in chatbots, virtual assistants and other applications that require a high level of natural language understanding. 

ChatGPT is creating a buzz around the world and has disrupted practically every industry. For example, you can pump out essays, blogs, and articles in seconds. This is powerful, and big tech corporations are taking note. Specifically, Microsoft is set to invest $10 billion in OpenAI. 

Why is Microsoft investing in ChatGPT? 

  • A bet on ChatGPT will help boost Microsoft’s efforts in web search (which is currently dominated by Google). 

What does this mean for the average user? 

  • With Microsoft’s current investment, there’s a chance ChatGPT will be monetized and users like you and I will have to pay in order to leverage it. For now, it is still running for free. 

Whether it’s going to be monetized in the near future or not, many are noticing the potential behind it, including us! According to the director of ROI at Consultwebs, Grant Brott, the platform holds great potential for users as well as some pitfalls. 

Quote about ChatGPT from Our ROI Director

The Potential of ChatGPT

ChatGPT has the potential to generate human-like responses and automate some repetitive tasks.

From an efficiency standpoint, it can drastically reduce some of the research and ideation part of the writing process as it automatically generates text based on the prompts written. Because it can generate human-like text, it’s important to know what kind of prompts will generate the best responses. 

Usually, the best prompts tend to: 

  • Be specific, clear, and concise 
  • Request a specific action. (For samples, check out this ChatGPT Prompts Repository)
  • Be written with clear grammar in a way AI can understand 
  • Contain descriptions/ examples 

The Pitfalls of ChatGPT

One of the main pitfalls of using ChatGPT for a law firm’s marketing strategy is that it is a language model, not a legal expert. While it can generate human-like responses, it does not have the same level of knowledge and understanding as a lawyer. 

Besides that, there are 2 main challenges associated with ChatGPT: 

  1. ChatGPT creates text that at times can be erroneous. Thus, the plagiarism aspect poses a challenge for those fully leaning on ChatGPT for content creation. 
    • As an example, we ran a piece of content written by ChatGPT through a checker and it was 30% plagiarized – this is high risk.
  2. In the beta version of ChatGPT, OpenAI acknowledges the chatbot’s limitations, including the fact that it can generate incorrect information or biased content.
    ChatGPT Home page image
  3. ChatGPT creates content that is highly recognizable as AI-generated content and Google is on the lookout for this.


In conclusion, ChatGPT is a powerful tool that has both potential and pitfalls. But overall, it is a powerful chat where we humans can have an actual conversation of sorts with ChatGPT.

I think we’ll see the lower-quality content, vendors and websites being [negatively] impacted. Their content may read well and, look good but when you put it in a search engine it’s not going to compare to content that’s edited, tweaked, fact-checked, etc.” – Grant Brott, Director of ROI Strategy 

If you’re looking to amp up your firm’s customer service, and integrate new marketing strategies – we’re here to help.


The post ChatGPT: the Potential and the Pitfalls appeared first on Consultwebs.

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Thursday, January 12, 2023

6 Types of Emails Every Law Firm Should Send

Unlock the full potential of your firm’s email marketing strategy and start building stronger relationships with clients by using the 6 types of emails every law firm should be sending out.

Email marketing is a powerful tool for law firms to use to nurture leads, keep clients informed, and build relationships. But with so many different types of emails to send, it can be difficult to know where to start. In this post, we’ll go over the 6 types of emails that every law firm should send to help you get the most out of your email marketing efforts.

Before diving in, let’s discuss why email marketing is essential for law firms. 

Email marketing has been shown to have a high return on investment (ROI) thanks to its high open rates, cost-effectiveness, the ability for personalization, automation capabilities, and ease of tracking and measuring performance. Would you like to see proof of success? Take a look at this specific case: 

Uncover the Rest of the Case 


The smartest firms are securing a higher email ROI through putting different emails in place. The following are the top 6 emails you can leverage: 

  1. Welcome Emails
    The first type of email that every law firm should send is a welcome email. This is the first point of contact with a new subscriber, and it’s essential to make a good impression. Welcome emails should be brief and include an introduction to the law firm and a call to action that encourages the subscriber to learn more about the firm. They are crucial for building relationships, communicating the firm’s value, providing a clear call to action, setting expectations, and building trust and credibility.
  2. Nurturing Sequence for Lead Magnets
    Lead magnets are a great way to generate new business, and email is an effective way to nurture those leads. A lead magnet nurturing sequence is a series of emails sent to new subscribers over time to convert them into clients. By providing valuable information about the firm and its services, the nurturing sequence helps to build trust and credibility with leads, making them more likely to convert. Nurturing sequences for lead magnets are also cost-effective, targeted, automated, and measurable.Note: A lead magnet is something you give someone in exchange for their email address, like a free guide or ebook, a webinar, or a consultation. It is a way to get people interested in what you offer and get them to give you their contact information so you can follow up with them in the future. It is a way to attract people who are interested in your expertise and want to learn more.
  3. Blog Post Emails
    Blog post emails are a way for law firms to keep their subscribers engaged and informed about the latest developments in the legal industry. They allow the firm to position itself as a thought leader in their area of expertise and can help drive traffic to the firm’s website, leading to new leads and clients. Blog post emails also showcase the firm’s knowledge and skills while communicating consistently with the audience.
  4. Curated Emails
    Curated emails allow law firms to provide value to their subscribers without creating new content. They keep subscribers informed about the latest developments and relevant information from the legal industry and position the firm as a resource for legal information. Curated emails help to keep communication consistent and exciting, encouraging engagement and reducing the chances of unsubscribing.
  5. Newsletter Emails
    Newsletter emails are a way for law firms to keep their subscribers informed about the latest developments and updates from the firm. They also allow sharing of client success stories, testimonials, and upcoming events. This helps to build trust and credibility with subscribers. Additionally, newsletter emails encourage engagement and create anticipation among the audience, which can lead to higher engagement.
  6. Asking Emails
    Asking emails are designed to elicit a specific response from the subscriber, such as scheduling a consultation or signing up for a webinar. They include a clear call to action that is easy to follow and create an opportunity for the law firm to promote its services while encouraging the next step in the relationship with the firm. Asking emails are also easy to track and measure, which can help optimize future campaigns.



Law firms can benefit greatly from a strong email marketing strategy because of the ability to reach potential clients very efficiently, nurture leads, and build relationships with existing clients. 


Do you want to see what email marketing can do for your firm’s bottom line? Get in touch with us today and find out!


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Tuesday, January 10, 2023

ChatGPT in the Legal Industry

One of the newest chatbots, ChatGPT, is disrupting every industry – including law. Discover all your firm needs to know about this here. 

ChatGPT became available to the public in November 2022 and since then has broken records and crossed the 1 million users mark within one week of launching. It surpassed giants like Netflix and Twitter regarding usage adoption. Take a look at the findings: 

Graph- How long did ChatGPT (OpenA.I) take to reach 1M users



And more law firms are adopting AI (artificial intelligence) tools to transform their business in many areas, including:

  • Mergers & acquisitions 
  • Legal procedures
  • Contract reorganizing 
  • Legal document analysis 

What’s ChatGPT? 

ChatGPT is a variant of the popular language model GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3) that has explicitly been fine-tuned for generating human-like text in a chatbot setting. 


Like GPT-3, ChatGPT is trained on a massive dataset of human-generated text, but it has been further adapted to be more fluent and natural in conversation. With this, the variant can:

  • Answer your questions and queries 
  • Provide information
  • Engage in small talk, all while maintaining a natural, human-like style of communication

Why Should Firms Care About ChatGPT? 

One of the biggest legal marketing trends in 2023 is AI. Specifically, moving from generative AI to explainable AI tools. We’ll briefly recap the difference: 

  • In 2022 the “it” thing behind AI was tools generating, e.g., text to an image. (This is still relevant!) 
  • In 2023, AI incorporates text-to-text and images/videos into text-to-anything! 


With this shift and ChatGPT entering the public market, there’s no better timing to leverage this new popular model. 


Today, law firms are integrating or at least considering leveraging ChatGPT for many reasons, including: 


  1. Improved customer service: The chatbot can handle routine inquiries and provide information to clients quickly and efficiently, freeing human staff to focus on more complex tasks.
  2. 24/7 availability: It operates around the clock.
  3. Reduced labor-intensive workload: By automating specific routing tasks, e.g., ‘write an email template,’ you’ll be saving time 
  4. Cost savings: Besides being a free platform, ChatGPT can help reduce the need for additional staff or other resources.
  5. Legal research assistance: For example, it could be programmed to find relevant case law or statutes when given a specific topic or question. It can identify exact keywords or phrases in legal documents and makes it easier for attorneys to find and access the information they need.

Try ChatGPT Here

Best Practices for ChatGPT: 

ChatGPT won’t turn you into the best content writer of all time, but it’ll facilitate your firm’s process around research and writing. We’ll provide 3 best practices to help you get started:

  1. When looking into a particular niche, start by explaining to ChatGPT who it must become to answer. 
    • For example: “You are a legal copywriter with expertise in personal injury law.” 
  2. Now, give it a task to perform. ChatGPT is excellent at rapid ideation, so don’t be afraid to ask for expert advice and creative solutions. 
    • For example: “Create an actionable plan in a list for a legal copywriter looking to sell personal injury services.

  3. Don’t be afraid to ask out-of-the-box questions. (Think back to things you usually wouldn’t search on the web) 
    • For example: “You are a legal copywriter with expertise in personal injury law. Create a 5-pointer how-to guide showing the best practices behind legal copywriting.”

If we plug this into the chatbot, it’ll provide an answer. Like this: 

We want to clarify that ChatGPT can help to an extent. However, it relies on the data it can find, and for now, its knowledge base ended in 2021. Nonetheless, feel free to explore and leverage its capabilities, as this could facilitate any process from email drafting to blogging, etc. For more information about prompts, feel free to look into the different types of commands here. 


With its ability to provide quick and accurate information, handle routine tasks and inquiries, and assist with legal research, ChatGPT chatbots can help law firms improve their efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance the client experience. 

If you’d like to learn more about AI tools and, in addition, learn how to mix and match AI tools with your current digital asset(s) – let’s have a chat.

The post ChatGPT in the Legal Industry appeared first on Consultwebs.

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Thursday, January 5, 2023

Exposing Bad Practices in the Legal Marketing Industry

What does your firm want from a digital marketing agency partnership in 2023? Learn how to recognize and avoid legal marketing scams here. 

One of the most astonishing findings under ABA’s latest report is the number of lawyers in the dark about how their firm uses technology to attract clients. Around 47% of firms do not know whether they have policies regarding publishing on social networks, blogs, etc.

The report goes on to show that firms are hiring an external consultant to take on the following: 

  • Site design (50%)
  • SEO (28%)
  • Social media (25%)
  • Print marketing (14%)
  • Phone leads (9%)
  • Online leads (5%)
  • AdWords/PPC and directory listings (5%)
  • Direct mail (4%)

These tasks take time, effort, and skills, which is why many firms rely on the help of a legal marketing agency. But how can you find the best fit for your firm? What kind of ‘red flags’ should you be on the lookout for? 

We’ll start by saying no two legal marketing agencies are alike, but you’ll want to steer clear from snake oil salesperson tactics that promise a ‘quick fix for all.’ To help you better identify this, let’s look into 2 major bad practices in the legal marketing industry. 

Bad Practice 1: Backlink Strategy Focused on Quantity

A backlink refers to the link connecting one page to another. Here’s a basic overview

A backlink may not mean much to the everyday Internet user, but backlinks are powerful for those investing in digital marketing. With a solid backlink strategy, you can:

  • Increase rankings 
  • Improve your visibility in search engines like Google 
  • Get more referral traffic
  • Boost your domain and page authority 
  • Drive more traffic, and thus more leads 

Although links are a significant factor in where your firm’s page and the site will show up, recent findings state Google finds backlinks have less impact on your rankings than before. In other words, more links do not mean better results, rankings, etc. In this case, quality will always beat quantity. 

According to the Director of ROI Strategy at Consultwebs, Grant Brott, a good legal backlink should include the following:

  1. Broader industry relevance: Links related to your topic or have some standing in the legal field you’re in.
  2. Practice area relevance: Links are highly relevant by topic/ practice area. For example, a motorcycle firm getting a link from a motorcycle club about accidents is relevant to the practice area.
  3. Location relevance: Links that are specific to your legal jurisdiction.

Some agencies might want to shift their focus to quantity, but this is a slippery slope with Google’s helpful content update; its best that firms focus on creating content for people first. Again, this reinforces the previous concept that a good legal backlink focuses on providing relevance above all.

Bad Practice 2: Buying Engagement for Law Firms

Please note: Buying engagement refers to buying likes, clicks, and followers, which is entirely different than advertising. 

Behind every successful digital advertising campaign, there’s a high probability there’s money involved. You have to spend money on social media to get it in front of people, which is possible through legal digital advertising.

Sadly, one of the most common social media mistakes is buying followers. Technically, purchasing followers, likes and shares is legal, but at best, this is just a quick way to make your firm appear more popular than it is, and ultimately it won’t impact your bottom line.

Firms starting on socials may be tempted to fall for such shortcuts, but purchasing engagement means:

  • Increasing spams 
  • Reaching bots (inauthentic, inactive audiences) 
  • Engagement is still not guaranteed 

Buying engagement is different from advertising. With advertising, you can promote your content and put it in front of audiences that need you. Clients using a mix of organic and paid advertising (SEM) see a higher ROI. Take a look at this case:

See How Firms Get 4X Leads with SEM

Takeaway: Get the Most of Your Marketing Investment 

Don’t let your marketing dollars go to waste in 2023. 

To help you protect your firm’s investment, we have created a resource to facilitate your decision-making process as you search for the ideal legal marketing agency. It includes a list of 15+ printable questions related to: 

  1. Your budget 
  2. Your decision-making process 
  3. Your ideal results-based mindset

Download My Decision-Making Handbook

In addition to that resource, if you’re looking for the best ways to improve your firm’s overall health, then let’s take this conversation to the next level – feel free to schedule your 1-1 here.  



The post Exposing Bad Practices in the Legal Marketing Industry appeared first on Consultwebs.

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