Monday, December 12, 2022

Last-Minute Holiday Marketing Ideas for Law Firms

In need of last-minute creative marketing ideas? 🥳 We’ll show you the top 6 ways your law firm can give back this holiday season.

It seems like the holidays sneak up on us every year and leave us feeling stressed and behind schedule. At such a busy time of year, a holiday marketing strategy for your law firm may not have crossed your mind. But don’t despair, there is still time to plan a promotion while spreading some holiday cheer. 

So, why now? 

People who are in the holiday spirit are more likely to invest their time and money, which paves the way for::

  • Increased traffic to your website 
  • Additional interactions/followers 
  • Brand exposure 
  • Relationship building


Whether you’re looking to build on relationships, increase followers, or all of the above, we encourage you to set realistic goals, such as increasing the number of Instagram likes by 10+ interactions, nurturing 1-2 referral relationships, etc.

With the goals in mind you can: 

  • Determine what you need to do to get started 
  • Achieve the expectations you have for your campaign
  • Help measure your success 

With that said, let’s dive in.

The Top 6 Law Firm Holiday Marketing and Branding Ideas 

1. Run a Contest

During this time of year, people actively purchase gifts for loved ones, friends, daycare providers, teachers, colleagues, and more. Giving people the opportunity to win something they could use as a gift will often inspire them to take time out of their day to enter a contest, leading additional traffic to your website or social accounts and increasing followers.

Contest prizes can range in a variety of types and values, such as: 

  • Scholarship
  • Gift card  
  • Tickets to a local sporting event 
  • Cash prizes

Take advantage of your website by adding the contest information to a landing page.  

  • If applicable, utilize local avenues that could publish your contest information to increase reach. 
  • Partner with your voluntary bar association. 



Find Out Why Voluntary Bar Associations Are Great for your Law Firm

2. Sponsor Drives

When you sponsor a drive, you’re supporting a good cause and creating positive publicity and brand recognition among potential clients and local organizers.

The type of drive that you run will determine which organizations you reach out to.

A few examples of drives can include: 

  • Toy drives
  • Food drives
  • Clothing drives
  • Fund drives, while matching donations 

We’ve covered more ways law firms can give back to their community here.


3. Add Promotional Freebies

This type of campaign typically requires more planning but carries big potential for great results. 

Law firms have many great options for promotions and giveaways. Some examples could be: 

  • Free taxi rides home (within a certain distance) 
  • Uber codes for safe rides home
  • Coupons or a percentage off of a good or service 

Putting specific parameters for users to qualify for the promotion or giveaway will help ensure that you see some return on investment. The parameters could include the following: 

  • Linking your social accounts 
  • Tagging 2-3 people in the comments 
  • Sharing the post on social stories and tagging your firm
  • Adding a link to the promotion on their blog or website

4. Create Your Charity Event

Giving back to your community is just as important as growing your business. 

While there are several charities you can focus on, decide on something that speaks to you and your firm. Take the case of Fine, Farkash & Parlapiano, P.A., a personal injury firm that endowed 2 permanent scholarships to honor the victims of two wrongful death cases.

Firms can develop a unique approach to branding through niche social responsibility campaigns like the one Fine, Farkash & Parlapiano, P.A. has.


Discover How Firms Leverage Social Responsibility Campaigns 

5. Take Time to Celebrate Referral Relationships 

Like any business, the business of law is about people. 

You can do more than send your referral partners a holiday card that will potentially go unread. Please take this time to acknowledge your top referral sources. For example, a face-to-face meeting or dinner can strengthen these valuable relationships. 

On this note, you can also….

Take Care of Attorney Referrals 

Perhaps some small firms and solo practitioners have an abundance of caseloads during this holiday season, and their staff might want to take time off. If you know of a case and have the capacity, the holidays can be a great time to market your referral program and handle cases on behalf of others.


6. Host a Holiday Promotion

We’ll steer away from saying you should offer discounts as this may change a client’s perception of a firm’s rate. However, you can offer a fee relief!  

Offering a fee relief helps your clients with short-term struggles but still maintains the integrity of your rates. Thomson Reuters states, “Bringing forward ideas like fee relief or fixed fees allows a law firm to provide much-needed assistance to clients, but on the firm’s terms.



The holidays are a time to be thankful, express our gratitude, and ultimately sparkle with joy (with a few shameless branding plugins). 

Many businesses investing in marketing capitalize on these efforts throughout the year and if you’d like some help with this, we’re here.


The post Last-Minute Holiday Marketing Ideas for Law Firms appeared first on Consultwebs.

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