Thursday, October 6, 2022

The Best Ways Your Firm Can Request and Acquire Reviews

Got any happy clients? Congratulations, they might be your best salespeople! Discover some unique ways your firm can get more online reviews. 

You’re offering the best legal services, your clients are satisfied, your team is motivated, you’re going the extra mile, closing more cases, and overall you are…winning! So, how can you ensure clients and prospects walking through your door know all of this? Through reviews!

While it’s incredibly important your business strives for excellent customer service, it’s also critical you cover the last steps within a customer relationship cycle, and that includes asking for reviews. Research shows that reviews are more powerful than you might have thought. Take a look: 




Reviews are powerful for many reasons, primarily because customers do not believe everything they read or hear. By now, most people know that brands will focus on the positives  and downplay any weaknesses Through client reviews, your firm can: 

  • Increase genuine trust 
  • Increase exposure
  • Increase rankings 
  • Increase conversions

In reality, reviews put your firm out there. We understand no firm wants to be known as the best-kept secret. So, how can your firm get clients to spread the word? Let’s dive in.


Unique Ways Firms Can Request and Acquire Reviews

Before diving into the fun part, let’s quickly touch on a real-life scenario: bad reviews (ouch!) They can happen, but if and when they do, you’ll want to ensure you know how to respond to a bad online review. We’ve covered all of this here:  


Now that we got that out of the way…let’s get to the fun part! Here are the best ways firms can get reviews: 

1. Meeting With Clients Online? Use Those Last Minutes Wisely! 

Are you meeting any clients through video conferences? Take advantage of the last minutes of the call. Our best advice here is, to know when it’s the right time to ask by observing the client’s behavior. If you think it’s the right moment to ask, ask away! 

Make sure to ask for the client’s permission to record and state why and how the recording might be used. In addition, make sure to ask for disclosure details, e.g., name, backstory, etc., and stick to your client’s wishes. Here are a few questions that’ll help you get the conversation started:


In Need of More Reviews for Your Firm? Ask These Questions! 

  • What was it like before you found us?
  • Where did you hear about us?
  • What made our firm stand out from the rest? What sold you on sticking with our services?
  • Is there anything we could have done differently?
  • On a scale of 1-5, how likely are you to recommend our firm to others?
  • Is there anything you’d like to add? 


2. Send Out a Text Message

There are 2 ways you can go about this: 

  • You can send a personal message with a link redirecting the client to your review site of choice, or you can use SMS service. 
  • You can use platforms like TrueReview to help customize and automate SMS review requests. 


3. Sending Out a Text Message? Use Short Codes

Would you like to offer some incentive for a review? Then, shortcodes might help. By definition, this is when a customer texts a keyword back to your firm and it prompts the customer towards an action, in this case, reviewing.  

AskNicely allows you to collect real-time customer feedback and customize your surveys. They include a diverse number of experience metrics like 5-Start and NPS. In addition, it fits your channel of choice: email, SMS, or web.

  1. Forward a Post-Purchase Targeted Email 

Email can also be powerful for reviews. Keep an email concise with 1 call-to-action prompting the user to one of your review sites. 


And great news for the firms running their email marketing services with Consultwebs – we can work out a personalized campaign centered around reviews!

  1. Add it Under Your Email Signature 

While it surely does help, you don’t necessarily have to create an entire email sequence for reviews. A simple yet effective way is to add a link to one of your review pages under your email signature. 


Think it might not work? Just think back to the hundreds of emails you’re sending every week!

  1. Leverage an Automated Video Review Service 

Written testimonials are great, but video testimonials are best, and today there are many tools to help you with getting them. 


Vocal Video is a video testimonial platform that allows you to create and send clients a ready-to-use video template. Feel free to check out what their customers are creating.

Your Best Salespeople: Your Clients! 

Besides other positive qualities, every business wants to be known for its excellent customer service. Today, it may be the key differentiating factor between you and the rest of the competition. But ultimately, your best salesman is your client! 


As you gain exposure, grow your business, and close more cases, don’t miss out on those last steps of your client relationship and getting those reviews. If you’d like a helping hand or want to ask more questions – we’re here to help.


The post The Best Ways Your Firm Can Request and Acquire Reviews appeared first on Consultwebs.

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