Friday, October 28, 2022

How to Build and Maintain Your Firm’s Email List

Investing in email marketing? Managing your email campaigns? Whatever the case, you’ll want to build and maintain an email list to reach all your clients right in their inboxes! Find out how here.

ABA conducted a survey and found that more and more firms are opting for email newsletters, from 26% in 2020 to 41% in 2022. This is no surprise since other sources also found that the overall email marketing revenue is estimated to reach 11 billion by the end of 2023. Take a look: 

Because email is so much a part of a way of life for most of us, using email for marketing is also a powerful tool for all businesses. However, the difference between a good and the greatest email strategy lies in how well you define your different clients, their needs, wants, etc. This is where email lists come in handy!

Email lists are emails a business gathers from users who would like to receive their firm’s newsletters sent to their inboxes. It’s tempting to want to skip the intricacies behind a solid email marketing strategy, but the devil is in the details! It’s worth putting in the work early on as your email list is one of the most important elements behind all email marketing campaigns.

With that said, let’s look at a few different ways you can build and maintain your firm’s email list. 


Best Ways to Build and Maintain Your Email List 

Before diving into details, we want to clarify something: 

The following practices will help you grow and nurture your email list the right way:

1. Choose a trustworthy email platform

In the beginning, sending emails to your first contacts may seem feasible. But, as your email list grows, you’ll want to fully capitalize on your email’s potential by either managing it through a platform like Mailchimp or, better yet, leaving it in the hands of email marketers.

When we say you should ‘fully capitalize your email’s potential,’ we mean leveraging: 

  • Landing page builders
  • Marketing automation
  • A/B testing
  • Setting up different email campaigns 
  • *Creating drip campaigns (sending pre-written emails over a predetermined period)

*This is an example of a drip campaign: 

2. Promote your newsletter like a product 

Besides capitalizing on the other aspects of email, you’ll want to promote your newsletter like a product to build on your list. Think back to these questions: 

  • Why should anyone join your firm’s email list? 
  • What are its features? 
  • Most importantly, what are the benefits? 

Not all your clients will have the same reason to join your email listing. However, each individual will have their motivation to do so.


3. Practice email segmentation 

Recently we covered a webinar on the ‘Top 5 Email Marketing Strategies Law Firm Shouldn’t Miss’, and one of the strategies is email segmentation. 

Email segmentation is the act of separating email subscribers based on preference. For example, you can separate them by the stages in a sales funnel:

  • New prospects
  • Clients with an open case
  • Clients based on the type of case
  • Clients with previous cases
  • Clients based on engagement frequency 
  • Clients completing transactions and payments 
  • Client contracts 
  • Clients with a closed case


4. Analyze the data

With email marketing just about anything a subscriber does is trackable! For example, if you add a link to your email, you can follow the click-through rate for that specific link. 

We suggest 2 things here: 

    • A/B test 1 variable at a time and see what works best, e.g., changing the subject line.


5. Give users a reason to sign up 

People usually only provide their email in exchange for something valuable; give people a reason to sign up with you. In an email, this is known as a lead magnet. Here are a few creative ideas you can use as lead magnets to capture and grow your list(s):

  • A free ebook 
  • A free piece of content 
  • A free consultation 
  • A cheat sheet
  • A checklist with tips/tricks
  • A webinar registration 
  • A worksheet


6. Create pop-ups for your website 

Pop-ups may seem annoying, but when placed in the right place, at the right time, they can be a game changer.

  • Example 1 pop-up (based on activity) – You can create a pop-up box for users that have scrolled past a certain point on a page.
  • Example 2 pop-up (based on time) – You can create a pop-up box that appears after the user has spent some time on the page.


7. Create a referral program

Direct recommendations are fantastic and help convince others more quickly. Usually, people will spread the good word when offered something in exchange, e.g., a discount or a special offer. 


8. Add a way to sign up under your email signature

From the dozens, if not hundreds, of emails your firm sends out daily, there is no better (and more subtle) way than adding a sign-up CTA under your email signature to grow your list. Perhaps include one significant benefit, e.g., ‘Know and protect your rights. Don’t miss out on the latest legal updates.


9. Create a re-engagement series 

The beauty of email marketing is that not all is lost when you think it is! Naturally, some subscribers aren’t as active every once in a while. As you continuously analyze your data, it’s a good practice to keep an eye on the number of inactive subscribers. 

If you notice several inactive users, it’s an excellent sign to draft and send a re-engagement series. Think back to: what else can you offer? Is there a lead magnet they might be interested in?

The Money Is In The Email List

Regarding email strategies, some might argue that ‘the money is in the list,’ and we agree! 

As email continues to look promising, your firm should build an email strategy that’s robust from the get-go. If you’re looking to leave the intricacies and details in the hands of experts, we’re here to help out. 


The post How to Build and Maintain Your Firm’s Email List appeared first on Consultwebs.

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Monday, October 24, 2022

The Most Effective Legal Intake Process: Proven Tactics

The legal intake process is arguably one of the most important processes within your law firm. Don’t leave your leads (and business opportunities) on the back burner, discover the most effective legal intake process here. 

When a lead gets in touch with your firm, that is a huge opportunity however research shows that almost half (42%) of firms take 3+ days to respond to leads! 

We get it, law firms are busy with the practice of law. Lawyers and legal professionals alike have extremely busy schedules and oftentimes, the leads end up taking second priority. The good news is….there’s a solution to all of this and that is optimizing your legal intake process. 

The legal intake is the process of converting the leads to clients and cases. Why is it so important? That’s easy: 

  1. A solid intake process = more clients! 
  2. A weak intake process = missed opportunities! 

A weak intake process in a law firm could translate to having whichever staff member is available to answer the phone and provide responses that may (or may not) reflect your firm. Vice versa, a solid intake process means anyone from your staff (or the designated legal intake team) is 100% confident in your firm’s messaging and knows how to translate this to leads.

To help your firm eliminate any inconsistencies and create a solid, and uniform first impression let’s dive into the process itself. Stay with us and find out more.

The Best Tactics for Your Legal Intake Process 

Follow these steps and before you know it, you’ll be signing more of the cases you’ve been looking for.

1. Uniform Your Staff

Every firm’s intake process will vary, perhaps one firm has a dedicated team for intake while others may rely on whoever is not busy. Whatever the case may be, you can uniform your staff with this protocol: 

Legal Intake Process

2. Develop a Solid Qualification Plan 

Every firm and every case is unique like a fingerprint but you’ll know when there’s a good chance the lead will convert into a case.

Here are some tips that’ll help you figure it out: 

  • Create a questionnaire to determine whether the lead is actively looking for legal assistance and if they can pay. 
  • Define what steps follow rejecting and accepting leads.

3. Build Rapport

One way to build trust from the start is to be approachable and genuine. Don’t be afraid to deviate from your list of questions and ask probing questions. This way you’ll not only collect extra information on their case but it’ll show you’re actively listening (more on this next).

4. Practice Active Listening 

When a lead calls regarding legal services, chances are they’ll want to touch on their story/case and can easily become a one-sided conversation. If that is the case, don’t worry, you will get your time to go through your pointers. In the meantime, focus on what the lead is saying and perhaps some of your answers will be there.

5. Ask The Right Questions

No matter what questions you ask, in your legal intake you need to nail down 2 things: 

  • Determine the  likelihood of lead converting to case 
  • Develop a clear image of the legal issue at hand 

Before the questions, ensure you have the lead’s name, contact information (email, phone number) and preferred method of communication. With that you can begin asking these questions:

Legal intake process- Questions to ask

6. Discuss Fees 

Discuss your payment process and accepted methods of payment. After you explain your fees, ask if they have any questions. This will be the key to setting expectations from the beginning.

7. Discuss the Best Methods to Communicate 

One of the perks of investing in legal marketing is the options you have when communicating with a user. Ask the client what their preferred method of communication is and keep this for future reference. 

If by any chance you can’t share information via their preferred method of communication because of legal cybersecurity or other reasons; then specify how you’ll be reaching out. 

8. Respond, Respond, Respond 

Time is money, quite literally for leads and firms. Research shows that if a lead doesn’t receive a call back after just 5 minutes of submitting a contact form, the conversion rate drops by 72%, take a look:

9. Monitor Your Intake Process 

Acquiring leads is the first battle, monitoring and honing in on your legal intake process is the second. You’ll want to compile and analyze your data in order to gauge the intake process.

You can begin analyzing your intake process with the following metrics: 

  • Number of new cases opened 
  • Time to respond 
  • Call-to-case ratio 
  • Cost per case 

Don’t Give Up Easily! 

Ultimately, this is our last tip: don’t give up easily. 

Taking the time to optimize and build your perfect legal intake process can help your firm and clients go a long way. If you’d like to have a team working along your firm’s side honing in on your sales process we’re here to help.


The post The Most Effective Legal Intake Process: Proven Tactics appeared first on Consultwebs.

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Thursday, October 20, 2022

The Incredible Power of Legal Storytelling (Videos Included!)

‘Significant Objects’ was an experiment devised by Rob Walker and Joshua Glenn. The purpose of it was to demonstrate the power of stories. In short, they went on their computer, purchased 200 objects with the criteria of each being $1.25 on average, and spent a total of $129. Then 200 contributing writers wrote short stories for the items, and do you want to know what the experimenters did? 

They sold the items for around $8,000. That’s a 6,395% increase, and that is the power of storytelling! 

Since the beginning of time, we’ve been telling stories, and even if we don’t realize it, we also tend to think, remember, and talk in stories. In business, law firms included, building a strong narrative can be the differentiator between you and the rest. As humans, we are wired to respond to narratives. It is the best way to capture attention, retain information, build relationships, and more. 

There’s some good news to this; lawyers are storytellers too. Storytelling is similar to the legal profession in that both take a position and then find arguments to support that point.

A lawyer must find their winning stories continuously, and it’s possible with the power of legal storytelling. In our first part of ‘Storytelling for Lawyers, we’ve previously covered the more technical side of it. In this continuation, we’d like to help you understand its power more visually. 


Lessons in understanding human nature.

In Harper Lee’s American literature classic, To Kill a Mockingbird, the fictional attorney Atticus Finch stands quite stern but fair – he represents morality. 

He implements storytelling with empathy by stepping into his client’s shoes. He knows that’s he’s fighting an uphill battle with the court against him, but he valiantly tells the story using Aristotle’s 3 Pillars of Persuasion: 

  1. Logos – (Facts) The proof provided in the persuasive argument.
  2. Ethos – (Character) Atticus’ poise as a fictional lawyer makes us believe he’s credible. Although some might argue this doesn’t matter, it’s quite the contrary. When the body language matches the story, it is even more powerful.
  3. Pathos – (Emotions) Refers to the emotions conveyed. What emotions do you want to stir?


It is no wonder the actor who plays the attorney, Gregory Peck, won an Academy Award for his performance in this movie. He also shot this 9-minute closing argument in one take.  

Great acting, camera work, and most of all, a great story. 

The film “Philadelphia” is based on the true story of an attorney who sued one of the world’s largest law firms for firing him because he had AIDS. This snippet starts with the attorney’s opening statement in the courtroom. Do you want to know what makes Denzel Washington’s character such a great storyteller in this scene? Here are a few things we can learn:

  1. He starts by stating a fact from the get-go. In storytelling, beginning with a hook, a strong opinion, a shocking truth, or anything that catches attention is the key to a powerful intro. 
  2. He then walks the trial judges through the pointers he’s going to elaborate on. In storytelling, this means guiding the readers to the message. 
  3. At last, he eloquently plays into the jury’s emotions by showing them there’s a social lack of understanding of AIDS (in the 90s). 

Take a look at Denzel Washington’s opening statement:


Good stories create memorable impressions. 

It doesn’t matter if a video is 10 seconds or 30 minutes, it needs a story, and Joye Law Firm, a personal injury firm in South Carolina, knew how to seize the moment. 

They partnered up with Paul Teutul, Sr., the legendary founder of Orange County Choppers, and starred in the reality series American Chopper. Here are a few storytelling tips they know how to implement: 

  1. Celebrity endorsement. They captured the hearts of their audience by adding a prominent figure in motorcycle clubs.
  2. Finding a unique voice. For this, they’ve merged 2 stories in 1. First, they introduce Paul, and he quotes, “if someone gets out of line,” he doesn’t let that person away with it – and Joye Law Firm does this too, except with insurance companies. They want to show clients they’ll be on their side if the time comes and they have to prove fault.
  3. Using the pain solution emotion. They appeal to the problem of having a motorcycle accident and the pain it carries in dealing with insurance companies afterward. In the end, their solution and CTA is simple: “Just Call Joye.” 

PS – Joye Law Firm’s storytelling goes beyond this epic commercial. We translated their unique brand voice into their website – also made by us. 

Emotional storytelling: the best way to build a connection. 

In our first part of Storytelling for Lawyers, we talked about how we as humans do not make decisions logically but rather emotionally. This proves that emotional marketing in storytelling fortifies deeper connections with others, and from a sales point of view, it sells. 

Jebaily Law Firm knows how to connect with its audience using the power of emotions. Here’s how they implemented this:

  • The managing partner, George Jebaily, starts by pointing out the pain points his customers face, e.g don’t know the system.
  • Then, they build on trust by stating they’re there to help. 
  • Afterward, they provide the solutions to the pain points. 
  • In the end, the message is tied back to compassion by reinforcing the client isn’t alone and extending a helping hand. 

Wondering what Jebaily Law Firm and Joye Law Firm have in common? They’ve both ahead of the curve (without the headaches) by partnering with us! 

Influence with stories backed up by social proof 

Without a doubt, testimonials are influential for several reasons. If we’re speaking numbers, they help convert – they bump conversions on sales pages by 34%

On the flip side, your clients also want to see social proof like this. They’re curious to know how others did and what they got out of it. More so, customers trust each other even if they don’t personally know each other. This is the secret behind successful testimonials:

  • The foundation – In stories, there needs to be a conflict to overcome an obstacle. Why did the client seek out your firm? What problems were they facing?
  • The journey – The character goes on a trip to solve the conflict. In this case, the client seeks the firm for solutions. 
  • The end – There are no rules except to have a clear objective in mind. Think back to the main goal of the video. Do you want to build awareness? Trust? 

Jebaily Law Firm also has an excellent example of a client testimonial that follows this structure:


Storytelling is an integral part of your entire legal strategy – from the courtroom to your ads. In a world where we’re constantly bombarded by information, a unique narrative can help you cut through the noise, stand out and most importantly, grab the attention of those that need you and vice versa, those you need. 

If you’re looking to ensure your stories strike a chord with consumers time and time again, it’s possible. Our content experts are here to help. 


The post The Incredible Power of Legal Storytelling (Videos Included!) appeared first on Consultwebs.

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Thursday, October 13, 2022

Cybersecurity: Keep Your Firm’s and Clients Data Safe

As firms are entrusted with lots of sensitive (and legal) information, cybersecurity is a must. Learn about the different types of cyberattacks and download a FREE cybersecurity protocol.

The truth is cyberattacks can happen to any business and can be costly for those who aren’t prepared. Research finds that cyber crimes are increasing and costing trillions of dollars. Specifically, worldwide cybercrimes are set to cost over $10.5 trillion by 2025, up more than 3X the $3 trillion reported in 2015. 


Ransomware Attack Frequency



Our intent is not to alarm you by sharing those figures; but rather to inform you about the real danger posed by cyberattacks so you can arm your firm against potential threats. In today’s climate, most of our work is based on and even stored in digital platforms. Moreover, clients are demanding higher quality service propelled by new technological services. The simple truth is that the way we do business today puts us at risk of being the victim of a cybercrime.

If you’re thinking, ‘why would someone want to hack my firm and want all of my ‘boring’ clientele’s information?’ The answer is: hackers know how to get to what they’re looking for. They can get past ‘the boring information and get to the gold: your customer’s name, address, social security numbers, dates of birth, and credit card information.

Protecting your firm from such attacks is serious business. Stay with us and learn about cybersecurity, from the different types of cyberattacks to the best ways to arm your firm. 

Know Your Enemy: Types of Cyber Attacks & Counter-Attacking Methods 

Sun Tzu, the credited author of ‘The Art of War, ‘ said, “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.” Awareness is fundamental when trying to predict your attackers’ actions. The same goes for cyberattacks; you need to know your enemies to defeat them. 

These are the main types of cyberattacks: 

1. Malware attacks 

What it is:

Malware attacks are designed to cause damage to a system. Some examples of malware attacks include ransomware attacks and viruses. Tom Kirkham, founder and CEO of and Iron Tech Company, recently sat down as a guest in our LAWsome podcast and spoke about “Cybersecurity for Lawyers: Repel Cyberattacks and Protect Your Firm’s Business.” 

Here’s a small snippet with his take on ransomware attacks: 

What you can do about it: 

  • Keep your operating system, e.g. Windows or Apple, up to date. 
  • Keep all firewalls up to date. 
  • Train your staff on how to recognize an attack. 

2. Friday afternoon fraud 

What it is: 

A type of phishing attack that is common in the legal profession. Usually, criminals hack into email accounts between a client and you and may pretend to be you and ask for payment details, etc.

It’s called Friday afternoon fraud because many transactions occur during this time, but it can happen any day of the week.

What you can do about it: 

  • Tell your clients to please steer away from any public wifi when sending/opening sensitive emails.
  • Interchange banking details between your firm and client from the first meeting you partake in person.
  • Confirm payment before and after the client sends money via a phone call, in person, through a secure payment portal, etc.

3. Phishing 

What it is: 

Usually, the scammers pose as trustworthy people, e.g., police or bankers. They’ll usually attack through emails but might also scam people through phone calls, texts, and socials.

What you can do about it: 

  • Only open the emails and attached files from trusted sources. If it looks fishy, it might be some form of phishing.
  • Take a look at the links, and when in doubt, don’t be afraid to contact the sender to verify.

4. Vishing 

What it is: 

Similar to phishing, except it’s solely for phone-based scams. Likewise, the criminal will pose as someone trustworthy, e.g., police or bankers.  

What you can do about it: 

  • Never give out your banking details; banks will never ask for this type of information via email or phone calls.
  • Provide your clients with all banking details in the first meeting, in person.
  • Train your staff to recognize scam calls and provide details on what to do next, e.g., ask to be removed from the caller list. Legally, the caller is required to do that. However, they’ll likely keep calling if it’s a scam.

5. Data breach 

What it is: 

Releasing private unauthorized information into uncontrolled environments like the Internet. 

Unlike the other types of cyberattacks, a data breach can also be accidentally caused by someone on your staff! It can happen when a staff member sends sensitive data to the wrong person/email or when an encrypted device or paperwork is lost/stolen. This is why everyone at your firm must know how to handle sensitive information and what to do in the worst-case scenario.  

What you can do about it: 

6. Supply chain attacks 

What it is: 

A hacker is looking to control sensitive data or funds linked to a system with the least protection (this is usually the case for small businesses).

What you can do about it: 

  • Vet all your firm’s software and devices before use (preferably by IT).
  • Keep your operating system, e.g. Windows or Apple, up to date. 
  • Keep all firewalls up to date.
  • Make sure old devices no longer in use are completely emptied and disconnected from Bluetooth and Wifi networks.

Cybersecurity Protocol to Train Your Firm’s Staff 

We’ve provided some valuable tips based on each type of cybercrime. If you’d like to better arm your firm, download our FREE cybersecurity protocol with the top 6 best practices your firm can implement starting today! 

Download My New Cybersecurity Protocol 

Prepare for the Unexpected 

As you upgrade your firm’s services with new technology, you must have the appropriate safety layers in place. This is especially the case for firms working with third-party vendors, as they have access to a firm’s backdoor website, socials, passwords, sensitive data, and more.

At Consultwebs, we’re not leaving any backdoors open for cybercrimes. Whether you’re looking for a reliable agency, want to ask more questions, or want to secure all your channels feel free to reach out to us.



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Thursday, October 6, 2022

The Best Ways Your Firm Can Request and Acquire Reviews

Got any happy clients? Congratulations, they might be your best salespeople! Discover some unique ways your firm can get more online reviews. 

You’re offering the best legal services, your clients are satisfied, your team is motivated, you’re going the extra mile, closing more cases, and overall you are…winning! So, how can you ensure clients and prospects walking through your door know all of this? Through reviews!

While it’s incredibly important your business strives for excellent customer service, it’s also critical you cover the last steps within a customer relationship cycle, and that includes asking for reviews. Research shows that reviews are more powerful than you might have thought. Take a look: 




Reviews are powerful for many reasons, primarily because customers do not believe everything they read or hear. By now, most people know that brands will focus on the positives  and downplay any weaknesses Through client reviews, your firm can: 

  • Increase genuine trust 
  • Increase exposure
  • Increase rankings 
  • Increase conversions

In reality, reviews put your firm out there. We understand no firm wants to be known as the best-kept secret. So, how can your firm get clients to spread the word? Let’s dive in.


Unique Ways Firms Can Request and Acquire Reviews

Before diving into the fun part, let’s quickly touch on a real-life scenario: bad reviews (ouch!) They can happen, but if and when they do, you’ll want to ensure you know how to respond to a bad online review. We’ve covered all of this here:  


Now that we got that out of the way…let’s get to the fun part! Here are the best ways firms can get reviews: 

1. Meeting With Clients Online? Use Those Last Minutes Wisely! 

Are you meeting any clients through video conferences? Take advantage of the last minutes of the call. Our best advice here is, to know when it’s the right time to ask by observing the client’s behavior. If you think it’s the right moment to ask, ask away! 

Make sure to ask for the client’s permission to record and state why and how the recording might be used. In addition, make sure to ask for disclosure details, e.g., name, backstory, etc., and stick to your client’s wishes. Here are a few questions that’ll help you get the conversation started:


In Need of More Reviews for Your Firm? Ask These Questions! 

  • What was it like before you found us?
  • Where did you hear about us?
  • What made our firm stand out from the rest? What sold you on sticking with our services?
  • Is there anything we could have done differently?
  • On a scale of 1-5, how likely are you to recommend our firm to others?
  • Is there anything you’d like to add? 


2. Send Out a Text Message

There are 2 ways you can go about this: 

  • You can send a personal message with a link redirecting the client to your review site of choice, or you can use SMS service. 
  • You can use platforms like TrueReview to help customize and automate SMS review requests. 


3. Sending Out a Text Message? Use Short Codes

Would you like to offer some incentive for a review? Then, shortcodes might help. By definition, this is when a customer texts a keyword back to your firm and it prompts the customer towards an action, in this case, reviewing.  

AskNicely allows you to collect real-time customer feedback and customize your surveys. They include a diverse number of experience metrics like 5-Start and NPS. In addition, it fits your channel of choice: email, SMS, or web.

  1. Forward a Post-Purchase Targeted Email 

Email can also be powerful for reviews. Keep an email concise with 1 call-to-action prompting the user to one of your review sites. 


And great news for the firms running their email marketing services with Consultwebs – we can work out a personalized campaign centered around reviews!

  1. Add it Under Your Email Signature 

While it surely does help, you don’t necessarily have to create an entire email sequence for reviews. A simple yet effective way is to add a link to one of your review pages under your email signature. 


Think it might not work? Just think back to the hundreds of emails you’re sending every week!

  1. Leverage an Automated Video Review Service 

Written testimonials are great, but video testimonials are best, and today there are many tools to help you with getting them. 


Vocal Video is a video testimonial platform that allows you to create and send clients a ready-to-use video template. Feel free to check out what their customers are creating.

Your Best Salespeople: Your Clients! 

Besides other positive qualities, every business wants to be known for its excellent customer service. Today, it may be the key differentiating factor between you and the rest of the competition. But ultimately, your best salesman is your client! 


As you gain exposure, grow your business, and close more cases, don’t miss out on those last steps of your client relationship and getting those reviews. If you’d like a helping hand or want to ask more questions – we’re here to help.


The post The Best Ways Your Firm Can Request and Acquire Reviews appeared first on Consultwebs.

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Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Legal Update: Alex Jones’ Sandy Hook Defamation Saga

Although Alex Jones was banned from Twitter and other social media platforms almost exactly 3 years ago (Sept. 18, 2018) for abusive speech, it has done little to slow the stream of conspiracy-mongering he is known for. Political scientist Rebekah Tromble has attributed Jones’ continued success to the fact that his Infowars platform is not dependent on other social media outlets and has its own existing infrastructure. Even though it appeared at first that his traffic had taken a hit after the social media bans, it seemed to recover rapidly, continuing to generate substantial revenue. 

Image source:

Most of his claims have until recently had no repercussions beyond the social media bans. However, that has not been the case since 2018 when he was first sued. Defamation cases against him are now winding their way through the court system for his claim that the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was a hoax perpetrated to garner support for stricter gun control laws. The parents and family members of several of the victims, as well as an FBI agent at the scene, have been fighting back against Jones, suing him after enduring years of what one parent described as a living hell” of death threats, harassment, and ongoing trauma. 

So now, almost a decade after the Sandy Hook massacre, Jones is finding himself face-to-face in court with some of the parents and family members of those murdered. Two separate judges, one in Texas in September 2021 and one in Connecticut in November 2021—each entered default judgments finding Jones liable for defamation, in both cases for failure to comply with court orders. On August 5, 2022, after a two-week trial, a jury in the Texas case awarded the plaintiffs $49.3 million in damages,$4.1 million in compensatory damages, and $45.2 million in punitive damages. Soon after, on September 14, 2022, the trial in Connecticut began and is expected to last approximately 2 to 4 weeks. 

However, damages in the Connecticut defamation trial are subject to different rules than those in Texas. In an NBC report, first amendment specialist Kevin Goldberg notes that Connecticut really has one of the most stringent caps on punitive damages in defamation cases, even more than Texas, so that’s going to be limited to the attorneys fees the plaintiffs paid and also the expenses of litigation, and that’s really going to go nowhere near the $45 million in Texas for two plaintiffs.” He adds, however, that this case is a bit different from the Texas case since the Sandy Hook families and FBI agent also filed a claim under the Connecticut Unfair Trade Practices Act, which does not cap punitive damages. This, he says, gives the court “discretion to decide on a separate award of punitive damages to serve the purpose of deterrence when it comes to the Unfair Trade Practices claim.

In addition to the Connecticut trial, Jones faces a third defamation trial in Texas to determine the number of damages to be awarded. Jones’s lawyers have indicated that they plan to appeal the first award in Texas on the basis that is far above what is allowed under Texas law, which specifies that punitive damages may be as much as two times the economic compensatory damages but no more than $750,000 for each individual plaintiff.

One might think that the $49.3 million damages awarded by the jury would give Jones pause to choose his words a bit more carefully, but Jones is not one to back down. Although Jones apologized to plaintiffs during the first Texas trial, in an interview soon after the damages were awarded, he angrily stated that he was “done apologizing” to Sandy Hook families. In August, just a few weeks after being found liable in the defamation lawsuit, Jones alleged that the government was going to stage mass shootings and other similar events before the midterm elections to damage the GOP and create an authoritarian state. 

 As he awaits the jury verdict on damages for the Connecticut trial, the price tag (so far) for his Sandy Hook “free speech” stands at $49.3 million give or take. Although the plaintiffs’ attorney in the Texas case argued that only such a large sum would be enough to ‘take the bullhorn away’” from Jones, whether it ultimately has that effect remains to be seen. 

If past behavior is the predictor of future behavior that it is said to be, it seems highly unlikely that Jones will abandon his Infowars persona given the revenue it generates as well as the power bestowed by the bullhorn. It is more likely that he will continue to push his right to free speech as he has before, which now seems like a line drawn in the sand, getting pushed to later come back down. 

Nevertheless, the court has provided a remedy to these Sandy Hook plaintiffs through a defamation suit that has allowed them to achieve not only significant damages but also an important moral victory for the families involved. 

If you’re looking to learn more about all things law, from the best legal marketing advice(s) and breakthrough insights to the most recent news, then you’ve come to the right place! Also, if you’d like to ask more questions, feel free to call us. 

The post Legal Update: Alex Jones’ Sandy Hook Defamation Saga appeared first on Consultwebs.

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Monday, October 3, 2022

How Your Firm Can Take Advantage of the TikTok Market: Proven Tips

Think that legal topics aren’t ‘fun enough’ for TikTok? Time to rethink! TikTok is a powerful business tool. Whether you’ve already joined the app, or plan to and don’t know where to begin, we’ve got you. (we’ve included a FREE List! Dive in and claim your gift!)

Is TikTok a place solely for Gen-Z? Far from it! According to Prabhakar Raghavan, senior vice president at Google, “We keep learning, over and over again, that new internet users don’t have the expectations and the mindset that we have become accustomed to […] these users don’t tend to type in keywords but rather look to discover content in new, more immersive ways.

TikTok is a force to be reckoned with. Research states that, 


Want to know what’s even more surprising? TikTok is now being considered a search engine power. Yes, you read that right.

Data finds that almost half (40%) of people between ages 18 and 24 are using TikTok for searching, meaning it’s entering competing territory with long-time search engine dominator, Google.  

Since its launch in China’s app market in 2016 under the parent company, ByteDance, TikTok has proven to be more than just a platform for ‘silly dances.’ 

Should Lawyers Join #LegalTok? 

Absolutely! According to Consultwebs social media manager Paige York, TikTok has the power to replace streaming services:

Consultwebs Tik-tok testimonial

Many in law have a common misconception: “my audience isn’t there.” In reality, your TikToks may not be for everyone, but they are for someone! That is the beauty of legal niche marketing – no matter your service or product, there is a market for it. 

Lawyers that enter the platform with that mentality are also getting benefits like: 

  • Free exposure
  • Non-traditional ways of captivating all those interested in all things law
  • Building genuine connections 
  • Boosting credibility
  • Networking with others in the legal profession & more. 

If you’d like to find out how others in law are making the most of this app – or, better yet, want to get a head start and create an account – check out our first series on TikTok for Lawyers.

The Best Tips For Lawyers Looking to Create TikToks 

According to Paige York, these are some of the best tips for lawyers looking to venture into TikToks:

  1. Think of TikTok as a Long-Term Gain

    Many businesses fall into the trap of ‘one-to-one attribution’ and want to place all their eggs in one basket. Today, we know diverse channels uniquely contribute to a firm’s funnel – TikTok being one of them.

    Its best law firms go into it with the mentality that TikTok is a long-term gain.

  2. Tap Into Your Creative Thinking

    TikTok is all about non-traditional forms of branding your firm. Those in attorney-TikTok constantly reinvent themselves and show their human side while building genuine connections. For this, you must tap into your creativity. 

    We understand thinking outside the box can be challenging, especially when you’re running low on energy and high on stress but don’t worry, we’ve got you. 

    Learn How to Regain Your Creative Thinking Here

    If you’re still feeling a creative block, we’ve got a FREE list with some of the Top TikTok Topics for Lawyers, Download My FREE TikTok List Here:

  3. Consistency: The Key to Build Genuine Connections

    One of the beauties behind TikTok is the ability to build genuine connections and interactions; this is only possible when you’re consistent. 

    Think of it this way, a plant without consistent care and watering deteriorate; the same happens when you don’t consistently care for your customer relationship! To ‘water’ your customer relationship, we recommend firms post 3-5 videos per week. It’s the most realistic and easiest way to grow steadily.

  4. Focus on Building Genuine Connections

    A business at its core is about people, and firms can best expand their relationships in strategic channels like TikTok. To encourage a sense of community it’s best to actively comment, engage, like, etc. (that’ll really show customers you’re watching and listening!)

  5. Stick to Relevant Hashtags

    Remember, your TikToks aren’t for everybody, but they are for someone! Add fewer but relevant hashtags that drill down your niche to reach those interested in law.

  6. Jump on Trends

    Let’s take a step back and quickly go over the algorithm. When you’re scrolling through your TikTok’ Home’, the app will feed you videos ‘For You’. This is based on

    • Your interactions (likes/shares/accounts you follow, etc.)
    • The video information (captions, sounds, hashtags)
    • The account settings (language, country, etc.) 

    As you ‘feed’ the algorithm by following/liking/sharing/posting all things law, you’ll quickly be able to see trends where you can jump in! However, you don’t have to jump in every trend. Rather, think of a way to twist certain trends in your direction. Most trends aren’t about legal efforts, however this is where the power of creative thinking comes in handy! (Circle back to point #2: Tap Into Your Creative Thinking)

  7. Leverage the Power of Cross-Posting

    TikTok videos are often re-purposed on other platforms like Instagram and YouTube shorts. As your firm posts on TikTok, you’re not only growing your presence there, but also essentially creating your backlog of content for other platforms.

  8. Get Familiar with Stitching

    Stitching allows you to combine your video with other existing TikToks. Learn how to stitch to videos on TikTok here:


  9. Use TikTok’s Unique Video Reply Feature

    Last but not least, respond, respond and respond! One of the unique features of this app is the reply method. Instead of providing chunks of paragraphs, TikTok allows replying with more videos! Here’s how you can use video comment replies:

    TikTok continues to show us how much of a force it is. If you’ve decided to jump on the bandwagon, your firm must create a sustainable long-term strategy. For creative direction without the headaches, let our social media experts customize it for you!


The post How Your Firm Can Take Advantage of the TikTok Market: Proven Tips appeared first on Consultwebs.

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