Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Tips For Law Firms Writing Blog Posts

We live in a digital age. Nowadays, most people turn to their friends, family, Facebook, and other platforms like Google to learn about something new. You may be wondering what that means for you and your law firm, and the truth is that, if you want to continue to grow your business, you need to be online. You need to have a blog that will pull in potential customers when they are googling for information.

One way to pull prospects into your firm’s website and keep them engaged is through the creation of blog posts. Blog posts help engage different types of users and might even help your firm convert this traffic into leads.

Though you may not be a big writer, it is possible to write your own blog and consequently bring in more customers through continuous engagement. Although this type of content creation is vital, getting started may be challenging. Here are some tips to help your firm get started:

No Idea Where to Start? Start By Creating A List of Topics

When you first stare at a blank piece of paper, you might be completely confused about where to start. What should you write about? What shouldn’t you write about? Don’t stress it too much! Go ahead and brain-dump all of the different topics you feel comfortable writing about. 

A good point to start is by asking yourself questions like: 

  • What are the points of difference that make your law firm unique? 
  • What are your firm’s specializations? 
  • What are trending topics within your practice area? 
  • Are there news and updates your clients should be aware of? 

Coming up with questions like this can help you get the creative juices flowing. It can help to think of what your law firm does and what it can offer for its clients and readers. Besides the aforementioned questions you might also add topics i.e. within family law about surviving divorce, starting over, taking care of yourself during this time, and much more.

It is important your firm thinks of the bigger picture in terms of blog posts. Remember your clients are looking at your services but beyond that, they need you to take the role of the fixer and the problem solver. So your clients would appreciate you going the extra mile and providing them with external sources of information. 

Make Sure To Speak Your Audience’s Language

When you are coming up with a brainstorming list, really think about what your audience is searching online for. Some of the top questions law firm clients are searching for are:

  • What is your firm’s specialization?
  • How much money am I able to win within a settlement? 
  • What are your firm’s fee policies? 

Your potential clients may be looking for information on how to find the right lawyer and what they can do to protect themselves during their time of need. They might also be pondering whether they really need a lawyer, and they will typically turn to Google to find the answer. For this reason, it is vital your firm comes across as friendly and one that is ready to help and educate its clients and prospects. 

Having said this, when you are meeting with new clients take the time to listen to their concerns and see if that is something that you can blog about. You can also do polls in your office or on your website or social accounts to interact with your clients to see what topics are important to them. Don’t be afraid to ask your readers to let you know if there is something that they would want to read more about. All of these topics can be added to your list. 

Create the Perfect Publishing Schedule

Now that you have a list, it is time to sit down and figure out how often you should schedule your blogs. In the beginning, it is more important that you schedule blogs regularly so if you are only able to write once a month, that is a fine place to start. Then, as you get more comfortable, you may be able to increase it to twice a month or even weekly. If you have multiple partners and multiple areas of expertise, you may be able to blog even more than that! 

It may surprise you that when your blog is even more important than how often you blog. For this reason, it’s best if your firm publishes at the same time so clients know when to expect more content from you. 

When brainstorming the blog’s frequency you can start small and post small content once a week or once every two weeks etc. This is relative information that your firm can scale down or up. Nevertheless, it’s in your firm’s best interest to keep consistency when a blog post is launched.  

Consistency is Key When Publishing!

Now that you have plenty of topics and have a calendar set up, it is time to actually start writing! Most people find it helpful to set aside time every month to work on their blog. You may want to carve out half of a day once a month to devote to your blog, or it may be easier to find an hour or two every week to spend writing. You will have to find out what works best for you. 

Your consistency should match your answer in regards to, “How often do you want to post a blog?” If you decide you’ll want to publish once a week, then it is important you set some weekly time beforehand to brainstorm and work your way through writing the blog post. 

Above all, consistency will always win.

Go The Extra Mile in Case of Emergencies

That being said, just because you have time set aside for writing, doesn’t mean that you will actually have scheduled spurts of divine inspiration. Writer’s block is a serious problem, and it isn’t just for writers. Anyone who has to produce a piece of writing can struggle to get the words written down. 

So, what can you do? It is always a good idea to have a few spare blogs that you can publish when you are struggling to come up with an idea or write a blog. Then, hopefully, your next writing session will go over better! 

Before you even start your blog, you should take the time to brainstorm for ideas. Make some broad ideas and some that are more targeted to certain clients. You should continuously add to this list, so you have a base of ideas to come back to. Adding to this, always keep your audience in mind. At the end of the day, the blog posts are intended for them. Therefore, make sure you’re bringing something to the table (and someone to your door).

Most bloggers recommend setting aside certain times every month to work on your blog. You may want to write a month’s worth of blog posts at a time, or you may want to spend an hour or two a week on that week’s blog. This depends on your creative flow, time, and disposition.  

Team Up With Qualified Writers and Editors

If you are struggling to get your blogs written, don’t fret. You might be better off hiring someone to write them for you. You can guarantee a well-written blog every week (or whatever schedule you decide on), without worrying about the pains of planning and writing.

Above all, don’t waste opportunities to educate your clients and prospects. Go the extra mile.


Are you ready to wow your website’s visitors with information-packed blogs? Discover how Consultwebs can help you up your content game.


The post Tips For Law Firms Writing Blog Posts appeared first on Consultwebs.

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