Wednesday, March 31, 2021

EAT and YMYL: The New Slogan for Your Law Firm

For people to seek your services, they must have confidence in what you offer. A great website provides a few sections and breaks down information for the benefit of the clients. As clients have tight schedules, they need to see a proper tabled structure of information as they strive to choose. Using the EAT and YMYL algorithms, your law firm will rank well in search engines, translating traffic to your site as well as customers for your legal services.

How YMYL and EAT Combine for Better SEO Ranking

YMYL in digital marketing stands for (Your Money or Your Life) while EAT stands for (Expertise, Authority, and Trust). Both strategies work to enhance the productivity of your law firm. Our company provides these services so that your company will acquire more clients and drive heavy traffic to your website. A company without EAT strategy will not prosper without credibility because clients seek services that are worth their money. As a law firm, you will have to be authoritative, trustworthy, and an expert in your field if you want to increase your sales.

The YMYL strategy pushes for proper use of your finances in advertising to achieve results at a reasonable cost. Sometimes you can seek advertising, but when it comes to results, there are little to none. You find that you have lost money and you have no increase in sales. When you combine EAT and YMYL in advertising, your client number and sales will increase. The two strategies are fundamental, mainly because the first thing customers do is to search online for what they need.

How Google will Recognize the Credibility of Your Law Firm 

One of the most critical ways to make Google recognize your law firm as credible is through “link building.” Link building is the procedure of providing links to other sites for more information. When a client reads an article with a link to your site on, for example, Forbes, they can click that link from that article to your website, increasing traffic to it. When you are on the receiving end, your site’s link is called a backlink, which you can build by submitting your business information for free to online directories.

How to build credible links 

  • Guest posting. You can reach out to authoritative websites and offer them a guest post. They can give you a topic to write about, or you can write on your topic. The company will let you have a link to your site from your author bio, and even other companies will allow you to have links to your site in the article you write.
  • Online forums. As a lawyer, you can answer legal questions, and in the process, users of such sites might decide to look you up.
  • Hosting events. Hosting community-focused events will drive a lot of traffic to your site as other authoritative companies not necessarily in the legal industry will provide links to your site. Such events can be through webinars or virtual conferences if in-person meetings are prohibited.
  • Free directories. Strive to provide your business information for free to directories where customers seek information and clients will easily find you, whether new or existing ones.
  • Paid directories. Sometimes you might pay a fee for your information to be posted but be careful to work with good sites such as and
  • Outreach. When you do a lot of link building with no results, try outreach that reaches out to your competitors’ domains and asks for guest posting and a backlink to your site.
  • Unlinked mentions. A site may mention your business name but with no backlink, so you can reach out and ask them to link back to your site.
  • Linkable content. As a law firm, publishing content in demand for clients and other sites will link back to your content, increasing your credibility. The content includes; Infographics, E-books, videos, exclusive interviews, and online libraries, among others. 

How do I Improve EAT?

Industries such as health, law, finance, and politics fall under the category of YMYL, emphasizing the importance of such aspects in the economy and welfare of a nation. Lawyers need to enhance their expertise, authority, and trustworthiness in their clients and even potential ones to reap the EAT algorithm’s full benefits. 

Techniques to improve EAT.

  • Customer testimonials
  • Reviews
  • Content such as videos and interviews of authoritative voices
  • Guest posts 


The fact that the legal industry falls under the YMYL (Your Money or Your Life) category should implore an attorney to increase a law firm’s credibility. Clients might seek a referral from their friends, and therefore customer service is also a surefire bonus to get clients besides providing quality services. Following the EAT and YMYL strategies, your company will be at the top of the rankings when it comes to search engines.

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