Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Eight Tips on Facebook Advertising for Lawyers

With the sands of technology shifting under our feet, it’s hard to anticipate where the lawyer looking for leads can reliably go to find potential clients online.

Thankfully, the answer isn’t in a crystal ball, but in your client files. 

My advice for lawyers wanting to advertise for new clients online particularly through Facebook, is to; 1) better understand their existing clients social media habits and target accordingly, 2) ensure proper scope, budget, & expectations for campaigns, and intake capacity, 3) measure and track progress with advertising, connect it to case sign-ups, and 4) balance engagement on social between selling and sharing.

Want more advice? Here’s some more Facebook Advertising Do’s and Don’ts….

DO – Some research on your most valuable clients, how old are they, where do they live, ask them where they spend their time online. A large portion of FB users are over 45 – so lawyers working with family law or estates may find potential clients easier than IP lawyers. Use an online survey tool, like SurveyMonkey, to ask all of your clients where they consume content online – if it’s Facebook, go forth with your advertising campaign.

DO – Have a strong brand – Headers, images, marketing content needs to match your site. Remember the goal is to stand out, so make sure your ads get attention first, establish the brand, and then go for the ask. 

DO – Have a few options for Calls-To-Action to test in different ads – content to download, free consultations, a link to FAQ, resources on your site; test a few options to see which performs better, the results can be eye-opening and money-saving.  

DO Ensure leads go to dedicated staff able to sift through them. Are you tracking leads as they come in from your marketing? Are you then connecting the activity in a case management system? Set up digital analytics on your advertising before you hit the Spend button on Facebook and you’ll be able to measure your efforts.

Ok, so now the don’ts…..

DON’T FB wants your money and they will keep asking for it so before you Boost something or Promote something – you have to be strategic with your ad spend. Put your money behind brand campaigns with specific actions that you can track on your website. Likes and Shares aren’t Cases or Calls.

DON’T Targeting is essential to keeping a ceiling on your budget, so don’t forget targeting. How far will a client drive to see you? How long would you drive to see a client? Make sure you target geographic areas within 25+ miles of your office with your ads. Same with demographics and interests; based on your client survey, match your targeting on Facebook to mirror the groups you know are most likely to convert. 

DON’T Facebook advertising tactics are so intense and change so rapidly, don’t forget that it’s ok to outsource your digital advertising to a vendor with a successful track record. (cough – Consultwebs!)

DON’T Don’t expect miracles from social media without your constant input. You can’t just advertise on Facebook and expect results; you have to engage, post, react, share. Be a helpful part of the social media ecosystem, not just a selling pariah.

DON’T If you are running a branding campaign, results can take time so don’t give up. Be sure you have your expectations, and budget limitations, in order. 

If you want to learn more about digital advertising and marketing for law firms, listen to the LAWsome Podcast, or subscribe to the Consultwebs Newsletter.

The post Eight Tips on Facebook Advertising for Lawyers appeared first on Consultwebs.

from Consultwebs https://www.consultwebs.com/blog/2019/09/eight-tips-on-facebook-advertising-for-lawyers/
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