Thursday, November 17, 2022

Why Your Law Firm Practice Isn’t Growing & What to Do About It

Are you frustrated with the lack of growth in your firm? Looking for new ways to scale business? We’ll show you how to win at marketing despite rising costs and decreased demand for law firm services. 

Reuters, an international news agency, found a falling demand for legal services and a rise in overhead costs, which brings firms challenges…as well as opportunities. Here’s what we mean:

These factors are a concern only if they’re left unattended. 

So, where should firms laser-focus?

To unlock the legal industry’s full potential, Forbes states there needs to be a cultural reset. The good news is that law firms are already working on this! The industry is morphing from a labor-intensive and practice-oriented towards a tech-efficient profession.

Gartner, a tech consulting firm, has found that the shift toward a consumer-driven market pushes law firms toward digital transformation. In their Legal Planning & Budgeting Report, they found: 

Law Firms Are Tech-enabled Scalability

The industry’s metamorphosis catalyzed by today’s customers means firms must find new ways to scale their business. To begin this, you’ll have to start looking at law as a business. 

With that in mind, scaling a law firm requires looking at every aspect of your business, including the mishaps. To help you navigate the uncharted waters that business can sometimes be, let’s look at the 3 biggest mistakes law firms make and how to prevent them. 

The Biggest Scalability Challenges & Opportunities For Law Firms 

Mistake #1 – Relying on Traditional Marketing 

Scale business properly

Often, traditional marketing has a mixture of these 3 components, and while we won’t wholly discard traditional, it’s clear that digital is where it’s at. For example: 

  • With traditional marketing, to reach 1,000 prospects, you’ll probably need to spend $150 for a local radio ad, $500+ on a magazine ad, and $1k+ for direct mailing. 
    • Runs on gut feelings.
  • With digital marketing, prices will vary, but as a rule of thumb, Crisp finds that it costs roughly $15 to run a Facebook ad campaign and $50 to run a Google search campaign.
    • Runs on data and numbers.

If you want to reach 1,000 prospects and be 100% sure you target the right market, you’ll want to focus on digital. 

Solution #1 – Go Where the Attention’s At  

There is a reason why TikTok is the platform to be on: videos. Video content is 1200% more successful than any other content. More than half (66%) of people prefer to watch a short video to learn about a product or service. 

Previously we covered ‘How Law Firms Can Use Video Marketing to Win More Clients’, where we suggest law firms:

Want more tips? Check out our LAWsome episode – ‘How Law Firms Can Use Video Marketing to Win More Clients’  

Mistake #2 – Trying to Scale Organically Only

There are over 3.96 billion total social media users across all platforms. How can you stand out from the rest? 

Because there is so much noise, organic reach is not enough in this day and age. For example, if your firm solely relies on Instagram and organically posts a meme or an update here and there, chances are you won’t see much ROI from such an effort.

So, what should you do?

Solution #2 – Leverage Organic and Digital Advertising 

Paid & Organic working together

But why should firms add digital advertising services on top of organic? Let’s put 2 + 2 together.

  1. You need business within the specific jurisdiction you’re authorized to practice. 
  2. Digital advertising helps target users based on your location. 

Mistake #3 – Neglecting Your Client’s Needs When Hiring a Lawyer

Because every client and case is as unique as a fingerprint, you’ll want to cater to all in different ways.

Here are a couple of questions that’ll help you brainstorm: 

  • What are your clients looking for? 
  • How did your previous calls and cases find you? 
  • Why did they choose you and not the competitors? 
  • Are prospects looking at who has the most experience? 
  • Do prospects want to know if you solved a case similar to theirs? 
  • Do they go for the firm that has the most online reviews? 
  • Are prospects looking for a law firm closer to them? Or would they go out of their way?

The answer should always circle back to you! 

Solution #3 – Making Personal Connections 

We could go on and provide thousands of pointers for this solution, but we’ll stick with one: invest in social media. Specifically, leverage the TikTok Market. Yes, TikTok.

Often there’s the misconception around, ‘my audience isn’t there,’ but as we’ve said before, your TikToks may not be for everyone, but they are for someone! And that is the power of building personal, genuine connections through socials.

Our second part series on TikTok covered How Your Firm Can Take Advantage of the TikTok Market with the top 9 best-proven tactics to help you get started. 

And to take it up another level, download a FREE list with the top TikTok Topics for Lawyers.

Scaling Today Means Looking at the Big Picture

Scaling means keeping your eyes on the big picture while taking care of every aspect of your business, including: 

  • Keeping up with client intake and retention
  • Making the right marketing investments 
  • Leveraging new technology  
  • Maximizing effectiveness between your staff and third-parties 

We hope these recommendations give you the power to build on your firm’s business. If you’d like to effectively incorporate or revise any of these strategies without the headaches – we’re here to help.

The post Why Your Law Firm Practice Isn’t Growing & What to Do About It appeared first on Consultwebs.

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Thursday, November 10, 2022

The Impact of Law Firms’ Community Service

Are you looking to create impact and foster loyalty with those in your community? As the newer generations of clients demand that businesses take a stand on issues, now is the perfect time to give back. Find all the answers here.

Studies show social impact is where it’s at.

Today, people want to see law firms, and frankly, all businesses, go the extra mile; so how can you differentiate yourself from the rest? Through CSR, Corporate Social Responsibility. (We’ll delve into the details in the following chapter.)

Without a CSR plan, firms might run the risk of falling behind as the newer generations of consumers demand corporations take a stand on issues like race equity, the environment, mental health, and civic engagement. 

On top of that,, a leading legal news, states lawyers also want to be a part of something bigger. They interviewed Kent Zimmermann, a consultant for Zeughauser Group, and he said,

“Put it this way, law firms are in a very competitive fight for talent, and the competition is greater than it’s been at any time in recent history,” Zimmermann said. “And a lot of the upcoming lawyers want to be part of something that’s bigger than themselves. They want to align with organizations that have values that they agree with. They want to align with organizations that stand for something.” 

Before diving into creative ways, you can give back to your community, let’s quickly look into the elements of CSR.

What’s CSR and Why Should Firms Care?

CSR, Corporate Social Responsibility, is typically broken down into 4 categories known as Carroll’s Pyramid:

CSR also helps:

  • Attract and retain top talent – People are keen on seeing brands focus on more than just profits, and your staff is no exception.
  • Attract and retain clients – Besides retaining talent, you’ll enhance your credibility and loyalty.
  • Improve your community – Business relationships can be fortified through community. Besides, getting involved will show you are above par.
  • Improve your well-being – Ultimately, giving back means you’re also growing as a human being. It’ll positively impact your mental health, and ultimately, you’ll… 
  • Impact and change the trajectory of someone’s life (for the better)!

How to Attach Your Firm’s Name to Great Causes 

The beauty behind all this is that there is no linear or ‘right way’ you can give back. We encourage you to think outside the box here!

In some of the following, you may subtly attach your name and brand behind it with your firm’s logo. (And honestly, you can brand any item!)

1. Be a mentor 

Mentorship is a terrific way for law firms to get involved. With your accumulated knowledge, you can mentor at: 

  • Legal communities: Besides meeting other potential mentors, you can extend a helping hand to other legal professionals. The Law Community offers a virtual space to connect, mentor, and learn. 
  • Bar Associations: Join voluntary bar associations. According to LAWsome guest attorney Sean McQuaid, “It’s just a great opportunity to join these to give back to your community, get to know other lawyers, network, and learn a lot of what’s going on at your local bar.


Learn Why Voluntary Bar Associations are Great for your Law Firm Here


  • Legal mentoring associations: Do you want to help the next generation of lawyers? The NLMC, Legal Mentoring Consortium, offers legal mentoring associations.

2. Boost a non-profit 

Do you want to volunteer outside the practice of law? Then you might want to consider volunteering at a non-profit close to your heart. You can search for different charities here, and if you want to be more specific, you can search for more local charities by state here.


3. Help legal authors  

Many legal writers and editors are constantly researching a diverse range of topics, including rights management, copyright questions, defamation cases, legal updates, etc. Providing first-hand expertise is a win-win for both parties as the writer(s) may be able to attribute some credit or link back to your firm!

4. Host a Food Drive 

Insufficient financial resources create the most challenges for households below the poverty line, and this is a universal problem. If you’d like to help, then host a food drive!

There are 2 types of food drives you can participate in: 


5. Share your non-legal skills 

Got any tricks up your sleeve? Time to show them! No matter what kind of skills you have, there’s a chance you can teach your local community for free. 

Pro tip: If your skills are more technical, look out for any local events related to a career fair (and you might even end up mentoring others entering the practice of law!)


6. Participate in responsible waste management 

This is a big one. Law firms aren’t necessarily known for their green thumb. In fact, a single lawyer can print up to 100,000 sheets of paper every year! But, if you begin a waste management program, you can showcase this on your website.

Although law firms deal with piles of confidential information, firms can begin a waste management program with the help of Software as a Service (SaaS) such as TIE Kinetix, which offers companies and governmental institutions electronic documentation.


There are other ways you can begin a waste management program:

  • Adopt a block and host community activities e.g. food drives, clothing donations, neighborhood cleanups
  • Adopt a recycling system in your office


7. Work for the public good, AKA – Pro Bono 

Here are some fast facts related to Pro Bono:

The ABA recommends lawyers perform at least 50 hours a year of pro bono services to those unable to pay

In addition, firms can join the ABA Virtual Legal Clinic, where income-eligible clients post legal questions, and usually, pro bono attorneys provide answers.

8. Do your research! 

There’s no limit to what you can do when it comes to community engagement and volunteering. You can also: 

  • Connect with other professionals on LinkedIn and check on the conversations different groups are partaking in. Pro tip: follow relevant hashtags like #CSR to keep up with the discussions around this topic. 
  • Contact or keep an eye on your local reporters and see what’s mentioned about your community. 

Foster Loyalty Beyond the Brand 

Ultimately, CSR boosts something priceless: loyalty. As more clients demand corporations take a stand on different issues, you should attach your firm’s name to something great! 

If you’d like to brand your firm and create an outreach strategy with different communities, we’re here to help


The post The Impact of Law Firms’ Community Service appeared first on Consultwebs.

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Thursday, November 3, 2022

How to Take Full Advantage of Your Media With Content Recycling

Are you investing time and money in marketing efforts? Then you’ll want to know the secret behind creating consistent content without wasting time, effort, and money. Stay with us, and we’ll show you how.

Studies show around 60% of marketers update their content 2-5 times, but only 29% have a strategy for repurposing content. 

As marketers, we can 100% confirm: repurposing content is one of the most important aspects of investing in digital marketing – especially those investing in social media

One of the main reasons why firms should invest in platforms where they may or may not see a 1-1 attribution to the bottom line is to….stay visible! Not every user will have the urgency to hire an attorney right then and there, but if and when the time comes, you want them to think of you. This is possible when you constantly put yourself out there and repeat your message(s).

Repurposing content is a way to fully capitalize your content by repeating your messaging in the most creative ways and consistently posting without putting in a lot of unnecessary effort. 

Let’s dive into what this means, its benefits, and, most importantly, how to start recycling content. 


What’s Content Recycling and Why Should Firms Care?

Content repurposing, also known as content recycling, is re-using content and presenting it in a new format and/or with new information. Think back to: upgrading, adding extra value, and changing formats. 

 So, what are the benefits of content recycling besides saving time? 

  • Anything can be repurposed – There are no limitations to what you can re-create.
  • Greater content accessibility – You can repackage content and cater to your different audiences across different channels.
  • More content diversification – Publishing in different formats increases your visibility and reach. 
  • Improved SEO rankings – More content means more credibility and links redirecting back to you, thus improving your rankings.


We could go on and on, but now let’s see how you can recycle content with a strategy. 

The 7 Clever Ways Firms Can Recycle Content

1. Use your existing data

You can add extra value to your existing content without needing to do external research by going through your existing data. 

One of the greatest assets you’ll get from investing in digital marketing, e.g., socials or email, is that everything is trackable. Since there are hundreds of trackable metrics, it’s best to focus on a few metrics. Do you want to know which ones? 



Once you have a better idea of what metrics to look into, you can begin to interpret the data in several ways: 

  • Building case studies based on a previous case
  • Creating ebooks 
  • Turning relevant statistics and figures into images to repurpose on other platforms like Instagram, YouTube, etc. 
  • Combining the data with existing testimonials and sprinkling them around your site, especially on relevant pages like the testimonials page
  • Finding out what your top pieces of content were and repurposing them in other ways (e.g., revamping your top 3 blog posts into a series of educational videos)


2. Focus on evergreen content 

There are 2 types of content: 

  • Timely content, e.g., a trends report for the year 2022 or a Google update. 
  • Evergreen content, which stays ‘fresh’ for longer periods, e.g., guidelines, how-tos, checklists, and case studies.


For now, we’ll say: focus on recycling your evergreen content because of its relevance.

3. Maximize your blog posts 

Are you investing in content creation? Excellent, now it’s time to maximize it; this is where a newsletter comes in. You can link your blog to a weekly/monthly newsletter promoting snippets, tips, and tricks found in your blog. 


Learn How to Segment Your Email List(s) Here 


Besides linking a newsletter, you can also: 

  • Add mini infographics in the blogs that have loads of numbers and figures 
  • Create social media carousels with takeaways 
  • Create a Twitter thread or LinkedIn post 
  • Guest post your revamped blog with other relevant businesses outside your website
  • Highlight relevant quotes 
  • Use a VoiceOver service, add text-to-audio, and give users the option to listen to your blog! Fiverr offers this kind of service.


4. Extract quotes from industry leaders 

Outside law, not many people know the intricacies of the legal profession, so take advantage of this. Since law firms are thought leaders, feel free to gather quotes, statistics, numbers, and anything else you think is relevant and worth highlighting. 


Those heavy-hitting quotes can be repurposed across: 

  • PDFs
  • Ebooks 
  • Digital advertisements
  • Future blog posts 
  • Testimonials 
  • Social media posts 

5. Capitalize your podcast 

Do you host a podcast? Congratulations! Podcasts are incredible because they complement the rest of your marketing efforts. 


These are some ways you can recycle your podcast episodes: 

  • Extract quotes from other thought leaders 
  • Extract snippets and create shorter videos from them
  • Publish the audiograms 
  • Create your own infographics (when data/figures are spoken)
  • Repurpose the content for blogs


6. Recycle your social posts  

The limit doesn’t exist here! If you’re investing in any social channel, you can also: 

  • Turn tweets and industry thought-leader quotes into LinkedIn and Instagram posts 
  • Create memes! Yes, memes. They’re fun, and overall, people engage with them, so why not try them? 
  • Create a series of images with testimonials and reviews.
  • Collaborate with other legal professionals and create a series of partnership posts on a topic that interests your clients and other legal professionals, e.g., partnering with a legal billing business. 


7. Get the most out of your slideshows, webinars and presentations 

Did you present something that might give your client some extra value? Your clients don’t know what they don’t know when it comes to the law, but you do. If you can disclose any valuable information to them – do it. For example: 

  • How pricing works at your firm
  • Changes in law
  • Specific regulations 
  • How ___ works 


With this type of information, you can: 

  • Use the Q&A section of a webinar you hosted in creative ways. Lots of value can be mined from the Q&A time. Depending on the topic, you might be able to use the Q&As for your FAQs page, or find other creative uses for it 
  • Create videos, especially those related to FAQs your firm gets, e.g., how pricing works 
  • Post the recording (if possible) 
  • Create infographics with any relevant figures 
  • Transcribe and post it 

Content is King 

Compelling content is vital when trying to capitalize your channels fully. However, it still takes time and effort, especially when trying to create consistent content across different channels.

If you’d like the support doing this, or simply want to discuss your firm’s current status –

Feel free to schedule a 1-1 with our Senior Marketing Advisor here. 


The post How to Take Full Advantage of Your Media With Content Recycling appeared first on Consultwebs.

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