Thursday, June 23, 2022

How To Promote Your Law Firm And Get More Cases

“Discover how law firms are getting more calls to their office and cases through their doors with the help of digital efforts like PPC and SEO.”

Did you know that more consumers are using Google to evaluate local businesses than ever before? A recent consumer behavior study confirms that the majority of consumers begin their research online. More specifically, 81% of users are searching online today compared to 63% the previous year. Take a look at the findings: 

A better understanding of consumer behavior, precisely your firm’s consumer behavior, is critical in today’s digitized world if you want to be where the clients are, which is online. Besides that, one of the most apparent reasons to have an online presence is because you can be the best lawyer in the world, but if prospects don’t know your firm exists, they can’t hire you, and will instead hire the most seemingly reputable lawyer that shows up on search engines like Google.


Law firms shouldn’t miss out on tremendous opportunities for more calls and cases. If you want to find out more about these 2 undeniably profitable methods your firm can leverage for success, read on.


Thriving in Today’s Buyer’s Market 

Before diving into the 2 profitable methods, it’s instructive to take a step back and evaluate the current state of the legal market.

Today’s market is known as ‘a buyer’s market,’ meaning that clients have choices because supply exceeds demand. While this does mean that competition in the legal arena is challenging, firms are learning how to distinguish themselves in the oversaturated legal market with the help of combined digital efforts. 

For starters, the majority of firms recognize websites are powerful at: 

  • Helping them communicate their messaging
  • Boosting their brand awareness
  • Easing the burdens of day-to-day communications 
  • Improving the lawyer-client relationship 
  • Nurturing prospects down the sales funnel

This is evident in the numbers. As the latest tech report from the American Bar Association found: 

And there’s more! Law firms also get solid leads and cases through other mediums like family and friends, reviews, online searches, legal digital directories, and referrals. 

This brings us to an important question.


The million-dollar question – how can law firms get more clients today?

The answer lies in better use of your firm’s website, specifically by implementing: SEO and PPC. 

SEO refers to search engine optimization. With the help of SEO, your law firm can achieve better organic (non-paid) rankings and increase visibility, thus improving the quality of cases coming to your firm’s doors. 

  • This effort focuses on your firm’s long-term organic success. 

PPC refers to pay-per-click, which is the bidding process to place your ads in visible positions for relevant search queries in search engines like Google and social channels like Instagram.

  • This effort focuses on your firm’s short-term paid success. 

For example, if you Google ‘new york estate planning attorney’, you’ll get a combination of both SEO and PPC. Take a look: 

  1. Local services ads (LSA) are a type of paid advertising where you pay per lead. 
  2. Local pack includes a mix of paid and organic results.
  3. Organic results are organic results that appear based on relevancy. Those that rank on page 1 have most definitely implemented SEO strategies.

Greater Command and Greater Conversions With PPC and SEO 

The combination of SEO and PPC is powerful because it goes beyond what you have just seen. Here are some other unique ways these efforts help your firm’s bottom-line results: 


1. Improves the client’s experience 

Now that we’re living in a buyer’s market, all your firm’s digital practices should revolve around the client. The more attentive you are to your client’s pains and desires, the better their experience. 

For example, on-page SEO focuses on optimizing your internal web pages. One way it could improve your client’s navigation is by having automated appointment scheduling. This is a win-win for you and the client, as it eliminates the friction and time loss associated with scheduling appointments.


2. Collects your prospect’s contact information 

Firms leveraging digital strategies should help get clients down the sales funnel. For example, you can engage prospects through an educational piece you promote on channels like Facebook. The piece of content could be gated, meaning there’s a lead capture form before the content is given to the client. Again, this is another win-win because it provides the clients with information they need and, in addition, it provides your firm with contact information from a potential client.

Here’s an example of a basic content information form:

3. Keeps tabs on the most converting pathways 

Want to know what’s working and what isn’t working for your firm? If you’re investing in PPC and SEO, this is possible! You don’t have to rely on gut feelings and intuition to make your next move. Instead, you can rely on trackable and measurable metrics, and both digital strategies give you just that. 

In the end, your numbers won’t lie. By analyzing real-time data, you aren’t just keeping track of what strategies help you acquire the most clients, you’re gathering information that also enables you to develop an even better marketing strategy. 

4. Boosts your firm’s reviews 

Statistics show that the majority of people seeking financial and legal services consider reviews either important or very important

People trust others, which is why online reviews are as valuable as a personal recommendation from a close relative or friend. With the help of SEO, firms can actively seek and acquire reviews in prominent places like Google Reviews. In the end, your reviews = revenue.


5. Increases the amount of traffic, clicks, and eventually conversions 

Think of it as a domino effect. Your firm can increase its presence on search engines and social channels through highly personalized and targeted campaigns. This eventually helps your firm acquire even more significant traffic and clicks, which ultimately means more cases. 


Want to see legal SEO and PPC in action? 

Read The Case of the Firm Ryan Bisher Ryan & Simons


Be Where Your Clients Are

The idea that firms should be client-centered to be more successful is not new. Forward-thinking law firms have been taking this approach and succeeding past their goals for years. 

SEO and PPC are excellent complementary strategies that can help place you in front of the client that needs you and, conversely, the clients you need. However, it requires an excellent command of search engines, keyword bidding strategy, constant optimization, and more. If you’d like to learn how SEO and PPC works without the roadblocks and headaches – we’re here to help.

The post How To Promote Your Law Firm And Get More Cases appeared first on Consultwebs.

from Consultwebs

Monday, June 20, 2022

The LGBTQ+ Experience in the Legal Profession

Learn About the LGBTQ+ Community’s Current Status, Setbacks, and Breakthroughs in the Legal Profession. 

According to a report written by the National Association for Law Placement and released by Berkeley Law School, the percentage of LGBTQ+ lawyers reported in 2020 increased one-third of a percentage point, rising to 3.31%. Over time, the numbers have grown to 3 times the number reported in 2002. The percentages are based on a study conducted with 837 firms for the year specified. Take a look at the current statistics:

Regardless of the practice area, size, or other factors; firms today operate in a globalized world with diverse communities of clients and staff that include a wide array of races, ethnicities, disabilities, identities, and genders. In addition, law is the only profession in the world with a sworn duty to defend the law, and this dedication extends beyond the courtroom.  

For this particular community, it must be said that there are still many challenges, as well as opportunities, that LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer) individuals face these days. For example, Toni Lambert, a former associate at Orrick, identifies as a Black queer woman. She sat down with Bloomberg Law and said, “I think that people are less likely to engage when they’re uncomfortable, and oftentimes they’re uncomfortable not because they’re actively homophobic but because they’re uneducated in the issues.” 

As a result of this lack of understanding, the compounding effects of discrimination against the LGBTQ+ are often evident in areas such as the workplace, where gaps in economic, physical, and mental advancement for those in this community are seen. For example, 33 percent of Black LGBTQ+ individuals reported experiencing discrimination in 2019.

In addition to Bloomberg Law, other legal associations note the progress that has been made towards inclusion in the field of law as well as the many barriers that still exist today. Let’s take a look at the recent LGBTQ+ experience in the legal space.


Advancements with the LGBTQ+ Bar Association 

The National LGBTQ+ Bar Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization of lawyers, judges, legal professionals, activists, and affiliated lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender legal organizations. They aim to promote justice in and through the legal system and profession and have been instrumental in passing critical resolutions in the American Bar Association’s House of Delegates. 

All resolutions are based on the principle of equality under the law. Specifically, the LGBTQ+ Bar Association played a key role in ABA’s Resolution 113A and Resolution 108D

1. American Bar Association House of Delegates Resolution 113A

  • In layman’s terms, it states that the discovery of a person’s sex or gender identity, such as “gay panic” or “trans panic,” is not to blame for the violent reaction of the individual.

2. American Bar Association House of Delegates Resolution 108D

  • In layman’s terms, it states that it’s prohibited to discriminate against jurors on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity and expression.

Besides promoting justice throughout the legal profession, the LGBTQ+ Bar Association also believes in inclusion in law for 2 other reasons

  1. A culture of openness increases employee satisfaction, productivity, and retention. 
  2. A workplace that fosters diversity is better able to serve the needs of its clients and staff. 


The Pressing Issues of the LGBTQ+ Community in the Legal Profession

The Law Society of England and Wales, a professional association, conducted a survey in which 617 LGBT+ legal professionals and allies were asked a series of questions. Although the numbers reflect the views of only a portion of this community, primarily gay men, lesbians, and bisexuals, the following were found: 

  1. The top 3 pressing issues this community faces in private practice, in-house, and national/local governments bodies of law:  

In business, positive role models inspire and motivate people. However, the lack of mentors is one of 3 pressing issues noted by the LGBTQ+ legal community. The others are ‘coming out to clients’ and ‘microaggressions,’ which can include indirect and subtle insults. 

  1. Over one-third (37%) of respondents said they have experienced homophobia in their workplace. 
  2. The most common reason for not reporting an incident was because they felt it was not severe enough to report. 

  1. However, this is the percentage of LGBTQ+ members who indicated the following as a positive versus negative experiences in their practice area:

Positive LGBTQ Experience By Sector Chart (Private, Government, In-house ) Negative LGBTQ Experience By Sector Chart (Private, Government, In-house )

These statistics are informative, and invite taking a closer look at the role of law in relation to this community.  

The Role of Allies and Firms According to Law Associations

In addition to the previous findings, the Law Society also asked the respondents, “What are the three most important things the LGBTQ+ allies can do in the workplace?” Responders indicated the following:: 

What are the most important things the LGBTQ+ allies can do in the workplace Chart

To support and, equally important, protect your firm’s diverse clientele and staff, the following are some steps you can take: 

  1. Make it clear how staff can make a complaint if discrimination happens. 
  2. Have up-to-date equality policies and make sure your staff is informed about them.
  3. Introduce formal anti-discrimination training to staff, especially those with managerial and leadership positions.
  4. Publish topics related to the LGBTQ+ constituencies and rights according to the law. 
  5. Include discussions of your firm’s dedication to supporting diversity efforts.  


As noted previously, it bears repeating that firms today operate in a globalized world with diverse communities that include clients and staff of a wide array of races, ethnicities, disabilities, identities, and genders. 

Considering this and the fact that the legal landscape is constantly evolving, it’s best to fortify your firm’s image and name with the help of public relations management. If you’d like to strengthen and unify your firm’s image across all channels, we can help you achieve that. 

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Thursday, June 16, 2022

How Lawyers Can Use Storytelling to Attract Clients

Tanner Jones, your host and Vice President of Business Development at Consultwebs, welcomes you to another episode of the LAWsome Podcast by Consultwebs.


In today’s episode, Tanner is accompanied by Lubna Forzley, managing director of Stories, a consulting firm that helps companies and leaders create stories worth sharing. She has coached thousands of professionals on how to find and articulate their purpose. She’s a speaker, a writer, and a moderator on various business topics. In addition, she has her own TedTalk called, “Disrupt with Purpose and Create a Story Worth Sharing.


Key Takeaways:

00:15 Introduction 

01:18 What’s storytelling?

01:39 The main reason attorneys need storytelling.

02:20 How attorneys can develop their storytelling skills. 

04:19 The storytelling process. 

06:42 Advantages of using the storytelling process. 

09:19 Best practices to create an impactful story.

11:34 How lawyers can connect with their audience through emotions.

15:15 Fear of loss versus opportunity to win in storytelling.

18:20 How lawyers can share their narratives.

21:24 Are attorneys using storytelling incorrectly? 

23:23 Ending thoughts.


Best way to contact Lubna Forzley: 

Lubna Forzley’s LinkedIn 


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Monday, June 13, 2022

Significant Changes to PPC Advertising For Law Firms

“Discover the recent changes in the Google 2021 – 2022 pay-per-click landscape and learn how the updates impact your law firm’s advertising campaigns.”

Did you know that statistics show that 76% of people who search for something near their location on a smartphone will visit a business within one day? Imagine the number of opportunities your firm could open up just by being where people are searching. Being in the right place at the right time is the key to your firm’s growth. Digital advertising efforts like pay-per-click, PPC, make this possible. 

PPC is a prominent form of digital advertising that uses a bidding system to place your ads in visible positions (usually above the fold, where it’s most visible). It responds to users’ relevant searches and queries, using search engines like Google and social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Tik Tok. 

There are countless benefits PPC can bring to your firm’s bottom-line results. Still, perhaps the most important one is that it places you in the best position to take advantage of profitable advertising opportunities. The other benefits are: 

  • Immediate results 
  • Personalized campaigns that fit your firm’s needs 
  • Highly-targeted reach within your firm’s jurisdiction 
  • Increased exposure and brand awareness
  • Quantity and quality leads 
  • Trackable and measurable results 

While your digital ads can be displayed in numerous channels, the focus here is on Google PPC advertising. Besides being the biggest search engine in the market, Google ads’ economic impact has proven to be significant! Take a look at the estimates: 

With this in mind, stay with us to discover what’s new in Google’s PPC and learn how to make the best-informed decisions regarding your paid campaigns.


In Layman’s Terms, How does PPC for Lawyers Work?

Before delving into the most critical PPC updates, let’s quickly cover how PPC for lawyers works. 

Pay-per-click involves bidding on keyword phrases that are relevant to your target market. You pay for each “click” that you receive through these advertisements based on your bid. While a variety of components are taken into consideration, there are 2 advertising factors you should be aware of:

  1. Keyword strategy: In paid advertising, what you say in your ad is vitally important, and this is where keywords come in. Keywords don’t just magically rank; there is a bidding process behind them. 
    1. Therefore, by determining the keyword searches that are most relevant to your firm’s offerings, you can later bid to place your ads in search results related to relevant keywords. 
  2. Ad optimizations: This is the action of making your ads (from copy to design, and placement.) as functional and effective as possible. 

Those are 2 constants in all your paid campaigns, but what’s new in paid advertising? 


  1. More Automation with Google Performance Ads 

Google’s performance ads are a new campaign format that allows advertisers to access all their Google ads inventory channels from one campaign. According to Rebeca Guerrero, Digital Marketing Manager at Consultwebs, “[performance ads] are very much a powerful new campaign that is going to simplify a lot of the setup when it comes to campaign creation in PPC.” 

This is linked to one of the latest trends tech giants like Google are pushing: simplification and automation. As Rebeca adds, “we can sense that we’re moving towards a more automated landscape as far as ad copy, creation, and campaign creation.”  

Firms can leverage plenty of benefits from performance ads, e.g., maximizing conversion, but only if firms are crystal clear about their campaign goals. The other benefits one can expect from performance ads include:  


  1. Increased Conversions with Responsive Search Ads 

Google has focused on expanded text ads (ETAs) and responsive search ads (RSAs) for a very long time. However, starting June 30, 2022, businesses will no longer be able to create or edit ETAs, which means 100% of the focus is shifting to RSAs. This update will completely change the way legal marketing agencies write PPC ads.

By definition, RSAs are responsive search ads that let you create ads that adapt to show more relevant messages to your clients. Again, these recent updates favor Google’s shift towards simplification and automation. In this case, it opens up the number of creatives you can add to your campaigns. Here’s what we mean:  

RSAs also drive more conversion  as it adapts to your customer’s ever-changing behavior. According to Google, “we’ve seen advertisers that add responsive search ads in their ad groups achieve up to 10% more clicks and conversions.” 

This development raises a critical question, how does Consultwebs, a legal digital agency, deal with the discontinuation of expanded text ads? 

According to Rebeca, “One of the steps we have been taking within our client’s campaigns is to create several variations of our top contenders/ top ads to make sure that we have enough inventory for when the change happens.


  1. Better Keyword Matching Capabilities 

Remember that everything you say – or don’t say – in your ad is important. Every single word of your ad counts, and this is why keywords play one of the most critical roles in your legal campaigns.

Firms need to ensure that the keywords they’re bidding for match the terms prospect’s and client’s searches. Take a look at the different keyword matching options

Here’s a scenario to help you better understand how keyword matching affects your firm’s intake. If you use the term ‘personal injury lawyer near me‘ and prompt the exact match type, your ads would drive only the people searching for that very specific query.

On the other hand, with a broad match modifier, your ads match with phrases related to ‘personal injury lawyer near me,’ thus matching with different search queries like ‘lawyers near me‘ or less qualified keywords.

The question is, what happens when firms end up getting traffic from non-relevant searches and clicks? 

For example, using a broad match keyword like ‘law firm‘ or ‘legal services‘ attracts prospects looking for law firms but are perhaps looking for a different practice area than your firm handles. 

This is what Consultwebs does to ensure your keyword bidding strategy matches your prospect’s search query: 

To counteract this issue, Rebeca notes, “Now we’re able to create a more limited number of keywords that are going to bring all that traffic regardless. We’re spending our time more on recalibrating our campaigns to make sure we are directing traffic to the most relevant ad groups and ads.”


Stay competitive and drive immediate leads to your firm’s doors.

You can guarantee that will happen when an experienced legal digital marketing agency sets up your digital advertising efforts like PPC.

Additionally, driving traffic, improving your firm’s image, and producing more sales are other benefits you can expect from a robust PPC strategy. To see how it works, or if you have questions specific to paid digital ads for law firms, Facebook, YouTube, and more, we’re ready to answer them, so please don’t hesitate to reach out


The post Significant Changes to PPC Advertising For Law Firms appeared first on Consultwebs.

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Monday, June 6, 2022

Recession-Resistant Law Firms

The Case of Personal Injury Firms

According to banks and economists, the U.S. economy is heading towards a recession; some even argue that it’s here already. Factors like the lasting effects of the coronavirus pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine are raising concerns for both consumers and businesses alike. However, despite the negative economic indicators, a recession can be a pivotal moment for law firms to grow. 

Specific branches in law, e.g., personal injury firms, are already seeing the effects of today’s inflation. But that does not mean the situation is hopeless! Regardless of inflationary changes and gas prices soaring to an all-time high of $4.57 per gallon nationwide, for example, studies have shown that Americans continue to spend heartily. This is a clue that it is essential to look at the economic situation from different perspectives. (A more in-depth personal injury case study is provided in the following section.)

Despite the rising gas prices and current talk about a coming recession the job market and consumer spending remain constant, which also supports long-term rather than short-term thinking about it. Here’s an example of what we mean: 

During the recession between 2007 – 2009, known as the Great Recession, some big companies, notably Amazon, surprisingly continued marketing efforts when most companies decided not to. Wall Street analysts were stunned when Amazon’s sales rose 68% in the midst of the recession. Not only did Amazon continue marketing, but they also went so far as to launch the first of the now ubiquitous Kindle! This is the power of thinking long-term.


So, what can law firms learn from businesses like Amazon? 

History has taught us that marketing during economic slumps can be incredibly beneficial. It means signaling to your prospects, ‘Hey, I’m here to help, come rain or shine.’ Just like Amazon did back in 2009, firms can stay top of mind through constant exposure and coverage.

Hold that thought, and find out how other firms have remained recession resistant, and how you can, too.


Marketing During the Great Recession 

Before delving into specifics, understand that although economic declines can instill fear, it’s the right time to think about ways you can innovate. 

Economists still don’t yet know which type of credit stagnation we will ultimately be dealing with, but historically speaking, there are 3 types of economic declines

However, it does not really matter which type of slowdown we’re headed toward because  marketing is known to  have helped businesses ease the effects of a recession in 2 ways

  1. It softens the depth of the downturn by lessening the degree to which your firm’s business slows down. 
  2. It reduces the lasting effects of the recession by accelerating growth once the economy gets past the downturn. 

To see recession marketing in action, it’s educational to look at the case of personal injury firms.  

How Personal Injury Firms Remain Recession Resistant 

For many, economic decline signals blockages. Paradoxically, it can be the most exciting time for law firms. Let’s look at the case of personal injury firms. 

Generally speaking, consumption tends to fall flat in a recession. For personal injury firms focusing on automobile accidents, it may appear to signal a crisis primarily because the price consumers pay at the pump for gasoline may spark a decrease in driving. However, soaring gas prices do not necessarily signal that personal injury firms’ businesses will slow down. Here’s why: 

In the United States, gas falls under necessity goods because car culture is a staple in American culture. There are many reasons why this is true, but one of the reasons is that public transportation is still limited or unavailable for many. 

This was the case during the Great Recession, and this is still the case today. See how gas consumption remained steady during the 2007-2009 crisis:

How law firms find their way through economic downturns 

So the demand for gas remains constant, but how did law firms really do during 2007 – 2009? Here’s a closer look: 

Plaintiff Magazine reported the case of a single attorney’s growth during this time. Jonathan G. Stein, a solo practitioner, handled personal injury and mortgage defense cases and increased his caseload by 25% over 2008, in the middle of the economic downturn. When asked what helped him thrive during this time, he attributed his growth to the following: 

  • The increased number of people seeking legal help; he recognized business did not stop even during the worst economic crises. 
  • The public still sought him out for more minor legal matters, and he was there to help.
  • Last but not least, he improved his marketing plan. 

His is not the only firm to leverage marketing during times of crisis. We compared four of our law firm clients who continuously marketed during the recession and more recent global issues like the pandemic. These law firms continued to have steady traffic throughout the years:   

Not only did traffic increase for these firms, but research also shows that the companies that kept advertising during times of crisis actually increased their sales and market share during and after the recession

Conversely, 60% of the businesses that decided to ‘go dark’ during 2007-2009 saw their brand use decrease by 24% and brand image decrease by 28%. Often, these businesses come out of the downturn scrambling to get to where they were before, which takes a great deal of work to be successful.

So, what are the marketing differentiators that the most successful firms adopt? 


The Top Marketing Practices for Building Recession- Resistant Law Firms

The most successful law firms mix and match their digital marketing according to their needs. However, there are some standard best practices: 

  1. Lean on your loyal customers

    They are a real asset, especially during an economic crisis. They’ve already used your services, trust you, and they have ‘been there, done that.

  2. Invest in the right technology to reach your customers where they are

    In our LAWsome podcast, “How Clients Find/Hire Firms In A Post—COVID World,” we discussed how consumers are more discerning today than in the past. Because potential clients are likely to be looking at 12-14 different sources, it’s critical for firms to be where they are searching.

  3. Download our FREE 1-pager and find the top actionable steps to remain recession resistant

    Download Resource


Firms can emerge stronger than ever. 

Remember: the recession can be a pivotal moment for your law firm to grow. 

When the economy starts to go south, it can be tempting to take immediate action and cut your digital budget. Still, history has taught us that those that remained consistent with their marketing during a recession greatly benefited from delayed gratification. We saw this play out for personal injury firms and solo practitioners in 2007-2009. 

Although each business will weather crises differently, how do you want to weather yours? We can help ensure your firm’s image is one of strength and leadership.


The post Recession-Resistant Law Firms appeared first on Consultwebs.

from Consultwebs

Thursday, June 2, 2022

How Law Firms Can Manage Conflict with Clients the Best Way

In today’s episode, Tanner is accompanied by Kelly Keller, the founder & president of The Keller Law Firm. Her practice focuses on a broad range of domestic and international property issues, technology transactions and internet law. Kelly has been practicing for nearly two decades and has represented clients across a broad range of industries.

Key Takeaways:

00:19 Introduction 

01:01 Most common factors that cause conflict with clients

05:51 Steps to avoid disagreements in business

08:00 How attorneys can clarify the client’s assumptions

10:35 Constructing the best fee agreements 

14:12 More best practices for clear attorney-client communication 

15:10 The prospect’s research process when hiring law firms

19:40 Conflicts with clients law firms should avoid

21:40 Selecting the clients that match your firm’s expertise

23:27 How to tell clients their case is not a fit for the firm

25:50 Legal communication strategies to avoid conflict

28:26 Dealing with disputes in a professional manner

31:13 Last thoughts on conflict.


Best way to contact Kelly Keller: 


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Subscribe to the LAWsome Podcast by Consultwebs on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify

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Tweetables and Quotes: 

“One of the big issues in conflict is communication and the second one is mismanagement of expectation. With respect to communication: do your clients understand what’s going on? What do they need? Why do they need it? Because if you’re somebody that’s never worked with a lawyer, you really have to help them understand things using stories and analogies they’ll understand so it’s relatable to them.” @consultwebs

“When you begin an attorney-client relationship, you both come to the table with a certain set of assumptions and the first thing you [as a lawyer] need to do is make sure you’re both operating from the same assumptions at a starting point.” @consultwebs 

“Lawyers make, what I believe, is an unforced error by assuming the clients know what they need. Clients don’t know what they need, they know what they’re afraid of. Clients know what they fear, and they know what they don’t want to have happen.”  @consultwebs

“There are good facts and bad facts but the chances that the client will disclose all of the facts in your first meeting are very small for two reasons: they might not realize that something is a relevant fact and two, being raw and vulnerable in front of somebody they don’t know is tough. So, making sure the client feels safe in the disclosure is more art than science and it’s less about lawyering and more about interpersonal relationships.”  @consultwebs

“Firms need to be crystal clear in the fee agreement. Think back to: what is your client buying? Are they buying time? Documents? Or both?” @consultwebs

“[In client communication] you can never be too clear, and you can never go wrong with clarity, efficiency and restating questions like, ‘do you understand?’ And ‘do you have any questions?’” @consultwebs



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The post How Law Firms Can Manage Conflict with Clients the Best Way appeared first on Consultwebs.

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