Monday, May 30, 2022

Legally Conduct Social Media Background Checks

You no doubt know about criminal background checks, drug tests, and credit history checks for employment, but have you heard about social media checks? Let’s start by saying that it’s a real thing in today’s hiring process! 

Today’s hiring managers are looking beyond resumes and typical background checks and relying also on social media background checks. These background checks, also known as social media screening pertain to reviewing a candidate’s social profiles during the hiring process. It’s becoming more common for businesses to conduct social screens of professionals during the pre-hiring process. Take a look at the numbers:  

Type of Pre-Hire screening usedBetween 2018 and 2021, a 2% increase in social media checks during the pre-hiring process was reported. Although it’s difficult to predict how an individual may ultimately perform, the hiring process is still one of a manager’s most important roles. With the acceptance of social background checks increasing, it’s practically a foregone conclusion that more hiring managers will begin to rely on social screenings. 

The following chapters explain the technicalities and legalities behind social media screenings, but here is just a quick look at the top 3 ways social screening helps firms: 

  1. It prevents the cost of a bad hire. What is the price of a bad hire? For law firms, it can be costly, so ensuring that full-time associates and other staff members are the best fit for that position is critical. 
  2. It protects your firm’s image. Ever heard that there’s no second chance at a first impression? This is true for all businesses, and social screening can help determine how an individual behaves in other settings.  
  3. It gives you a comprehensive view of the candidate. Although social screenings are only one component of a background check, they can give you a more rounded view of the candidate before actually working with them. 


Despite the advantages to your firm of social screening, doing it inappropriately can be illegal. So, what are the dos and don’ts of conducting a legal social screening?

How legal social media screening works

The keyword here is legal. There is a heated debate between what’s legal and what isn’t when checking something so personal as an individual’s private social account. 

A social media screening is both ethical and legal when it’s done the right way. Even though research states that 7 in 10 employers check on a candidate’s social media presence as part of the hiring process, is it legal? The answer depends on how they’re conducting the research. 

Alian Wright, the author of A Necessary Evil: Managing Employee Activity on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and the Hundreds of Other Social Media Sites, found that many HR professionals are leery of learning about candidates through social background checks because of its legal risks. So, what are the dos and don’ts in social media screening?

The don’ts in legal social media screening 

1. Do not check a candidate’s social media activity by yourself. Doing so opens up potential problems, e.g., discrimination lawsuits, because a person searching social media backgrounds alone can be accused more easily of bias. There is no way to prove lack of bias in this situation, even if they really didn’t allow what they found to influence their decision. 

  • According to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, “it is illegal to discriminate against someone (applicant or employee) because of that person’s race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity, sexual orientation, and pregnancy), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information.”


2. Do not use any sort of hacking or illegal programs. For example, it is unlawful for an employer to ask a candidate to disclose their social media accounts and login credentials in many U.S. states. 

3. Do not rely upon protected class information. Anti-discrimination laws legally guard protected class individuals. These protected classes are:

  • Race
  • Color
  • Religion or creed
  • National origin or ancestry
  • Sex
  • Sexual orientation
  • Age
  • Physical or mental disability
  • Veteran status
  • Genetic information
  • Citizenship
  • Marital status

The do’s in legal social media screening 

The dos of legal social media screening are as important as the don’ts: 

1. Always inform the candidate if they’re being checked. Federal laws state that you must tell the candidate if you are running a social screening check on them. 

2. Focus on monitoring the following: 

  • Hate Speech
  • Insults and Bullying
  • Narcotics
  • Obscene Language
  • Self-Harm
  • Threat of Violence
  • Toxic Language
  • Drug-Related Images
  • Explicit/Racy Images
  • Violent Images

3. Keep in mind that the findings don’t automatically disqualify the person unless the hiring manager deems it necessary, and if that’s the case, they should have valid reasoning behind it. This is the reason that it’s critical to focus on factors like bigotry and never the protected class information.  

4. Always rely on legal social media experts and/or external third-party programs like Ultimately, the legal ramifications of a social media background check are real, and you may feel more secure with a service that will do it for you legally. 

  • Remember, when you’re opting for a DIY approach, it’s difficult to ‘unsee’ what you’ve already seen, which may land you in legal hot water. This is even more reason to rely on third-party programs or check with a legal marketing agency such as Consultwebs. 


Your firm’s hiring process is one of the most critical aspects of hiring top talent. Like all businesses, law firms want to employ A-list candidates with strong leadership, problem-solving, critical thinking skills, and more. 

Although a social screening is just one component of the background checks used today, it can provide additional useful information about a candidate. However, the line between a legal versus an illegal social background check is thin, and the repercussions from an illegal social background check could be severe. 

If you’d like to reduce the financial and human risk associated with hiring new employees safely, our legal social media experts are here to help you out


The post Legally Conduct Social Media Background Checks appeared first on Consultwebs.

from Consultwebs

Monday, May 23, 2022

New Technology for Law Firms: The Dangerous Side of Over-Customization.


Tanner Jones, your host and Vice President of Business Development at Consultwebs, welcomes you to another episode of the LAWsome Podcast by Consultwebs.


In today’s episode, Tanner is accompanied by Bim Dave. He’s executive vice president product and services at Helm360, a company that optimizes systems, data and processes specifically for legal and professional services.


Key Takeaways:

00:15 Introduction 

00:52 The risk in over-customization

02:35 Effects of over-customizing technology in the legal profession

04:50 Problems law firms face when over-customizing softwares

12:08 Explaining ERP 

12:50 How law firms can avoid the trap of over-customization 

16:05 Common mistakes law firms make when adopting new technology

20:00 Legal technology 20 years ago versus today.

25:22 Top tips for law firms implementing new softwares.

28:25 Best communication hacks when implementing new technology

31:35 Tips when dealing with difficult customers

34:35 Final advice


Best way to contact Bim Dave: 


Discover More About the Podcast and Consultwebs:

Subscribe to the LAWsome Podcast by Consultwebs on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify

Visit the LAWsome website


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Learn more about Consultwebs at the links below.

Law Firm Marketing Agency Services 

Law Firm SEO

Law Firm Web Design 

Law Firm PPC 

Law Firm Social Media 

Law Firm Email Marketing

Law Firm Digital Marketing 



8601 Six Forks Rd #400, Raleigh, NC 27615

(800) 872-6590


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Top PPC FAQs for Law Firms Seeking Success

Did you know that, on average, PPC has a 200% ROI? And this is just the tip of the iceberg. While SEO efforts focus on your firm’s long-term success, PPC can immediately propel your firm forward. It’s believed that it helps generate twice the number of visitors compared to SEO. However, is one better than the other?

The reality is that both are needed to stay competitive in today’s environment. A more straightforward way to see it is through the analogy of fitness. 

  • SEO means you are working out every day, and while you won’t see the immediate change on a day-to-day basis, you’ll be able to notice significant changes in the long run. On the other hand, PPC is like paying for a private trainer and taking steroids. With that, you’ll notice an increase in muscle mass and decreased fat within a few short weeks! 

When done right, you can expect many benefits, including:

  • Producing leads quickly. 
  • Testing and controlling your advertisements in the easiest way. 
  • Reaching the audiences that need you and vice versa.
  • Helping your SEO efforts and thus, boosting your organic rankings.
  • Providing intelligent insights into your audience’s behavior, wants, and needs. 

So, how can law firms like yours ‘cut in line’ and start gaining all these benefits and more? Opting to invest in paid ads is a big decision, and we want to help ease that process by answering the top 10 PPC FAQs. Now, let’s begin. 


The Top 9 PPC Questions Lawyers Need to Know

1. What is PPC and why should law firms advertise with pay-per-click ads? 

Pay-per-click advertising or search ads is bidding for visible positions (usually above the fold, where it’s most visible) in search engines like Google and social channels like Facebook and Instagram. Although we’ve previously mentioned some general PPC benefits, the technical benefits include:  


2. Do people really click on online PPC ads? 

100% – When done right, it can help you generate more visitors and ultimately impacts your bottom line. Highly-converting campaigns follow some of these best practices: 

  • Proper keyword selection: Overall, your keywords need to be linked to your firm’s offer and what your prospects are searching for. 
  • Excellent copy: In PPC, more often than not, the space to create impact is limited, but it’s possible to adapt. If you want quick tips feel free to check out our LAWsome podcast with the best “Legal Writing Tips to Communicate Clearly & Effectively.”
  • Highly engaging landing pages: Your landing pages should align with your user’s search intent. 
  • Strong bidding strategy: In paid campaigns, you’ll need to bid on specific keywords to rank on search engines. To avoid falling into the slippery slope that is exhausting your budget, you (or your vendors) must know which keywords are worth investing in.


3. What are PPC keywords? And why are PPC keywords for lawyers so expensive?

Keywords are the foundation behind all your campaign efforts. The best of the best PPC campaigns have a solid understanding of what keywords should be targeted and how to use them effectively!

However, not all keywords are worth the same. According to Hubspot, one of the most expensive industries is the legal profession. The cost is high for many reasons, primarily because there’s increased competition and legal services are a high ticket purchase.

Check out some of the numbers below:  


4. “What third-party tools can I use for keyword discovery?”

If you’d like to take a more hands-on approach and dive into the world of keyword discovery, here are some platforms that’ll help: 


5. “Where can I advertise my law firm’s PPC ads?”

Deciding where you want to place your best bet is essential. Here are some of the top channels where you can run your campaigns:

  • Google Ads: The most prominent player in the game. Statista found that Google continues to dominate the search engine market with an outstanding 92.47% of the market share. 
  • Facebook Ads: Offers incredible targeting potential. Your targeting options here are even more specific, from interests to demographics, location, etc.
  • Instagram Ads: Your Facebook ads can be interlinked to your Instagram ads. However, the visual nature of Instagram allows more room for creative photos and videos.
  • LinkedIn Ads: The social network for professionals is continuously growing and offers a space for direct mail campaigns, text ads, sponsored posts, etc. 


6. “What factors determine my PPC costs/ budget?”   

It depends upon many factors, including: 

  • Your keyword bidding: What’s a reasonable cost-per-click? The answer will vary from firm to firm; however, if you’re working with legal PPC experts, they can give you a more accurate projection based on your firm’s wants and needs. 
  • Competitors: The ever-changing presence of competitors and their need to stay competitive affects the keyword bidding strategy, ad positions, and CPC.
  • Quality score: Are you investing in Google Ads campaigns or planning to invest? If that’s the case, their quality score plays a significant role in your keyword price. Take a look at the 3 components influencing your CPC

7. “How do I define campaign success?”

Your definition of PPC success should directly tie back to your initial goals. Are you investing in paid efforts to get more leads? Gain traffic? Build on brand awareness? Create an impact on the bottom line?

Most, if not all, firms investing in paid campaigns want to see an impact on their ROI. The firms working with Consultwebs see this level of impact from PPC. For example, this firm managed to reduce its cost per lead by more than half, while increasing their leads intake by 43, as compared to the previous year!  

Need to see the proof in the pudding? Find out how PPC increased the firm’s bottom line ROI here.

8. “How often should I check my PPC campaigns?”

This will depend on how hands-on or hands-off you want to be. It’ll also depend on who manages your accounts- is it a contractor or an agency? 

If you’re opting for a DIY approach, it’s best to leave some extra time during the day to check on your campaigns. As a whole, PPC efforts require constant tweaks, updates, and optimizations. 

You can run a monthly check-up if you’re opting for a contractor or an agency and want to be less involved but still “stay in the loop” of things. Feel free to voice out how often and when you’d like to meet and discuss your campaign’s progress. If a campaign is new, try to give it some time. Approximately 30-60 days. This way, the advertisers in charge can present a more comprehensive dataset. 

9. “If I’m looking for a legal marketing agency, what kind of expertise should I look for?”

There are many factors to consider when hiring an agency; however, when we focus on expertise, a strong indicator of this is checking to see if they’ve got a partnership with Google. 

Consultwebs has been recognized for excellent performance with Google and has earned the status of Google Premier Partner. All in all, this ensures all campaigns are optimized with the best of the best practices. Ultimately, this leads to money-making, profitable campaigns.

Already looking at different vendor options? This resource may be helpful in your decision-making process.



It’s safe to say, ads are all around us. But, unlike traditional forms of advertising, new digital campaigns like PPC are trackable and measurable. And when done right, it has a tremendous impact on your firm’s ROI. 

Whether you’re looking to improve your firm’s brand awareness, increase leads, web traffic, and more – it’s all possible! More so, it’s all possible without the intricacies of doing it alone when partnered with legal digital advertising experts. If this resonates with you, then we’ve got the solutions you’ve been looking for – let’s talk. 

The post Top PPC FAQs for Law Firms Seeking Success appeared first on Consultwebs.

from Consultwebs

Monday, May 16, 2022

Work SMARTer, not harder

SMART Goal-Setting for your firm

Research suggests that strategies do not gain alignment down the organizational chart because objectives are oftentimes not clear. Only an alarming 22% of employees feel their businesses’ leaders have a clear direction for their organization. Less than half (41%) of US employees strongly agree with what their organization stands for. 

In today’s business arena, long gone are the days when one or two leaders issue a decision and expect the entire organization to just run with it. Nowadays, people require transparency. They want and need clear direction, purposeful communication, and responsible decision-making from their superiors. This is all possible with the help of SMART goals.

SMART is an acronym that stands for: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely. In 1981, business consultant George T. Doran first coined this in the article “There’s a SMART way to write management goals and objectives.” Since its publication, it has remained a powerful pillar in the decision-making process for many. 

The SMART goals concept has remained influential for several reasons:

  • It helps you meet your firm’s overall objectives.
  • It identifies strengths and weaknesses within your organizational structure and overall workflow.
  • It maintains your target challenging yet achievable.
  • It keeps your firm’s management team and staff on the same page about everything. Including plans of action, expectations, timelines, deliverables, etc.

Ultimately, setting SMART targets means your firm is working towards something bigger in unison. Spoiler alert: it doesn’t end there. These objectives are continuously ever-evolving, and the best part of it all is you can apply this strategy to your personal goals. It places you in the driver’s seat towards your professional and personal destination. 

With this said, let’s look at the five unique elements SMART goals share and how you can provide your team a target to aim for. Let’s begin. 

Establish clarity with specific goals


SMART goals need to be specific. There needs to be a desired outcome that’s clearly understood. For example, most firms want to grow their intake, so an objective for this might be, “I want more cases.” But is this specific enough? 

To establish clarity, you can apply the 5 W questionnaire

  1. Who is involved in this?
  2. What do we want to accomplish?
  3. Where/ in which channel is this goal to be achieved? 
  4. When do I want to achieve this? 
  5. Why do I want to accomplish this?

Instead of stating, “I want more cases,” to make it more specific, you can say, “Our firm wants to increase 20% of cases from the inbound marketing efforts in the next 12 months.” 

Self-assessment questions for specific goals: What do you want to accomplish? Who’s included? When do you want to achieve this? 


Accomplish the most with measurable goals







Besides being specific, you’ll need a criterion to determine if your progress is on track or off the rails. For example, firms looking to grow their case intake from inbound marketing efforts need to answer, “How do I know if my firm is meeting this goal?” 

To ensure your progress is reasonably measured, you’ll need quantitative or qualitative measurements. For example, “Our firm wants to increase 20% of cases from the inbound marketing efforts in the next 12 months.” How will you measure your percentage increase month per month? 

In this case, firms could rely on traffic, leads, and conversion rate to measure the percentage increase of their case intake on a monthly basis.

Self-assessment questions for measurable goals: How can you measure your firm’s progress to know if you’re on the right track towards obtaining your goals?


Maintain enthusiasm high with achievable goals 







Ambitious targets should be achievable, appropriate, actionable, and most importantly, attainable. While being ambitious is great, spreading your firm’s staff too thin can cost you in the long run. At the end of the day, there’s a fine line between risky and impossible.

Your firm’s plan of action should make your team feel challenged enough but remain on the feasible side. For example, it isn’t impossible for your firm to increase the inbound marketing caseloads by 90%… BUT (you knew this was coming), does your firm have the resources and capabilities to obtain this goal? 

Here are some self-assessment questions for achievable goals: Do you have the skills and tools needed to achieve X target? Is the amount of effort on par with your firm’s capabilities?


Align your wants and needs with realistic goals 







Besides having achievable goals, it’s important they’re realistic. For this, two factors are taken into consideration: resources and time. 

For the firms investing in marketing, a desired outcome is to increase their caseload. In this case, an unrealistic target would be, “I want to make  a million dollars from my marketing investment in the next 2 months.” Instead, a realistic goal would communicate more along the lines of, “Our firm wants to increase 20% of cases from the inbound marketing efforts, specifically with SEO and PPC efforts, in the next 12 months.” 

Self-assessment questions for realistic goals: Is X objective within reach given the time and resources I’m investing?


Meet your deadlines with timely goals 







Last but not least, a SMART goal ties back to time. Usually, when an intention isn’t timely, there isn’t a sense of urgency created. Therefore, there’s less motivation to complete it. If we were to use the previous example, “Our firm wants to increase our caseload by 20% cases from the inbound marketing efforts, specifically with SEO and PPC efforts,” – would your staff know from when to when this deadline occurs? 

A better answer would be, “Our firm wants to increase 20% of cases from the inbound marketing efforts, specifically with SEO and PPC efforts, in the next 12 months. We’ll measure traffic and leads every week and conversion rate every month.” 

Self-assessment questions for timely goals: When is my deadline? When should I achieve this? What KPIs will help me measure my progress?


Executing the SMARTest plan of action







We’ve discussed how firms like yours can create SMART goals. However, implementation is where strategies usually fall short. To counterattack this, here are some of the SMARTest practices: 

  1. Provide relevant KPIs – Your KPIs should reflect your ROI. There are hundreds of marketing metrics. However, in this case, money-tied metrics work best. Examples include: cost-per-conversion, cost-per-lead, leads, etc.
  2. Stay risky but reasonable –To get to where you want to be, it’s best to start small and scale slowly. Think back to what’s achievable for your firm based on your resources, time, and investment.
  3. Set deadlines and track progress- Want to know how close you are to meeting X objective? Taking a break and checking progress can help you highlight relevant changes and milestones. 
  4. Establish a support system- Setting SMART goals will bring changes to your firm’s day-to-day work. To ensure your staff isn’t overworked, have a support system to regularly monitor their progress.
  5. Celebrate your wins!- Did you meet your desired outcome? Did you make progress in a specific area? Then, celebrate it! Give yourself and your team members a pat on the back (or a dinner out as a team!). This helps maintain everyone motivated and energized toward the bigger catch. 


Make your SMART goals even SMARTer

For many, the ultimate goal is to work smarter, not harder. You can start working towards that with a list of SMART goals. These types of objectives can help improve professionally and personally. They provide a sense of direction, motivation, and clear focus.

If you’ve been looking to future-proof your firm’s plan of action – we can help you craft the best strategy for your firm’s wants today. 


The post Work SMARTer, not harder appeared first on Consultwebs.

from Consultwebs

Monday, May 9, 2022

Master the Art of Persuasion & Engagement

A High-Performance Coach’s Take On Successful Public Speaking for Attorneys.

 Tanner Jones, your host and Vice President of Business Development at Consultwebs, welcomes you to another episode of the LAWsome Podcast by Consultwebs.


In today’s episode, Tanner is accompanied by Ingela Onstad. She helps performing artists and other professionals in the public eye conquer anxiety, mindset and confidence issues. 


Adding to this, her professional and artistry background is quite unique. She’s a professional classical singer who continues an active performance career. She also holds a Master’s degree in clinical mental health and is a licensed mental health counselor practicing in the state of New Mexico. 


Key Takeaways:

[0:18] Introduction

[00:53] Lawyers and public speaking. 

[1:45] How lawyers can self-diagnose their public speaking skills. 

[4:00] Actionable tips for public speaking anxiety.

[6:15] Tips to overcome nervousness. 

[12:25] Body language in virtual environments. 

[15:14] Tech-tips for better body language via online platforms. 

[17:08] How attorneys can excel at persuasion and public speaking.

[19:44] Other tips and tricks for effective engagement. 

[22:08] Contact information.


Best way to contact Ingela Onstad: 


Discover More About the Podcast and Consultwebs:

Subscribe to the LAWsome Podcast by Consultwebs on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify


Visit the LAWsome website


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Learn more about Consultwebs at the links below.

Law Firm Marketing Agency Services 

Law Firm SEO

Law Firm Web Design 

Law Firm PPC 

Law Firm Social Media 

Law Firm Email Marketing

Law Firm Digital Marketing 



8601 Six Forks Rd #400, Raleigh, NC 27615

(800) 872-6590


Tweetables and Quotes: 

“While you learn many things in law school and have a very large body of knowledge to draw from, that doesn’t always translate into confidence presenting in front of others. Skills really targeting voice, body, mind and anxiety management are not usually a part of a law school education.”@consultwebs


“Oftentimes when we ignore physiological and emotional emotions such as anxiety, it ends up getting louder and stronger.” @consultwebs 


“What happens when we’re nervous? Well, we tend to shrink in on ourselves. What happens when we’re at ease and confidence? Well, we tend to be more open. We tend to stand taller, have our arms by our sides rather than crossed. All of these things can convey a lot of confidence to our audience.”  @consultwebs


“We tend to place so much value on the content of our communication that we forget about how much we’re communicating nonverbally.”  @consultwebs


“If someone wants to hire us, it’s in our best benefit if we can appear calm, collected, confident, at ease.” @consultwebs


“When it comes to persuasion it’s not just about the argument itself and the content. It’s the feeling of showmanship, being able to command attention via physical presence. And again, this doesn’t have to be something you’re born with. This is something that we can work on and it can grow.” @consultwebs


Want more tips and tricks? Follow us on socials:








The post Master the Art of Persuasion & Engagement appeared first on Consultwebs.

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Generate the Most Money With YouTube Ads for Law Firms

(Proven Results with Case Study)

Rather than just being another nice-to-have, digital advertising is now a must-have in a firm’s business strategy. There are many reasons for this, the main one being: finding the right clients at the right time. And where are your customers? They are everywhere, and on average, it takes 8 touchpoints to engage a prospect. This confirms that there isn’t a one-to-one attribution in legal marketing, thus emphasizing the importance of being present throughout your customer’s journey.

As a general principle, firms need to keep in mind that while prospects might not face legal issues now, you’ll want them to call your firm and not the competition if the time ever comes. This is why remaining top-of-mind is critical in today’s market. Top-of-mind awareness places your firm as the go-to firm. It also enhances your image, search rankings, and, most importantly, calls and cases.
As a rule of thumb: Brand awareness helps build trust. Consumers buy from brands they trust.

And how can you build on your firm’s brand awareness effectively and quickly? A powerful way to do so is through YouTube Ads. According to Statista, more than half (62%) of users access YouTube daily in the U.S. alone. On a worldwide basis, the advertising revenues look promising with a total growth of 46% from last year. Take a look:

Are firms seeing success from YouTube Ads?

The answer is yes, and the numbers back this up. The following case study from a Consultwebs’ client demonstrates the power of brand building through YouTube advertising.

Hackard Law is an estate planning firm based in Sacramento, California. They came to Consultwebs, back in March 2020 with an initial investment of $3,000. The primary purpose behind leveraging YouTube ads was to build brand awareness and remain top-of-mind. Since then, Hackard has increased its investment to $30,000!

They run four different types of YouTube Ads: 

  1. Beneficiary rights 
  2. Estate planning 
  3. Trust litigation
  4. Estates & business succession battles

While keeping this in mind, let’s dive into their performance analysis. 

Hackard Law’s Overall YouTube Ad Performance

Before diving into any numbers, it’s best to know that digital advertising experts measure a campaign’s level of success using the following metrics: 

As a rule of thumb, campaigns should run a solid 3-4 months before seeing results. This way, the legal digital advertising team has a chance to optimize the accounts and campaigns, fix any errors, and try new strategies. Plus, the timelapse gives the ads a chance to run, thus allowing the marketing team enough data to analyze and then measure what’s working and what isn’t. 

With that said, the focus will be on Hackard’s latest campaigns running from January 2022 until March 2022. While more is explained below, feel free to take a look at the numbers here: 

  1. When comparing a month-to-month growth from February to March 2022, their overall views increased by 2.3%. This may not translate as much; however, the average number of views is over half a million, and their reach goes beyond that. In other words, there were a total of 15,668 new views in just that month alone.
  2. The view rate from January to March 2022 went from 42.45% to 51.57%. The higher the view rate = the higher the engagement. Given Hackard’s percentage and considering the benchmark for view rates is 39.1% – they’re doing an outstanding job retaining their audience’s interest.
  3. The click rate between January to March 2022 increased by 376%. Although you’ll notice a slight decrease in clicks between February and March – this is normal. As you can see, the overall growth remains steady throughout the 3 months of the campaign.
  4. The watch time between February 2022 and March 2022 increased by around 1% (in hours). This means that there were 144.3 hours of new watch time added. That’s approximately 8,658 minutes added. 

Hackard Law’s LA Trust Litigation YouTube Ad 

In this section, you’ll be able to see their success through a specific campaign.

Hackard Law is within the jurisdiction of California, specifically in the Sacramento area. This isn’t stopping them from expanding their reach by targeting outside their region. Some other areas they target include: San Mateo, Santa Clara, and even Los Angeles.

  • In this case, the campaign was related to LA Trust Litigation. It ran from January until April 2022, and its main focus was building on brand awareness. In addition to that, non-skippable 5-second ads were placed at the beginning of the YouTube video. 

Take a look at the campaign here: 

How did the campaign perform?

  1. In 3 months of the campaign, they had over half a million views (541,809 views, to be exact.) 
  2. They had over 2,465 clicks on this ad alone out of the half-million views. 
  3. The view rate was 52.66% which is above average – considering the average view rate is around 31.9%
  4. The watch time is given in seconds, but we converted it to hours for clarity’s sake. This ad alone gathered a massive watch time of 1,3460.63 hours. 

With all this said, there are several reasons why Hackard boosted their advertising investment with Consultwebs further; the main reason being: 

During the first week of February 2022, Hackard Law Firm reported a PNC (pending new cases) count of 47. They signed several 1,000,000 (yes, $1 million) cases! 

How are Consultwebs YouTube Ads helping Hackard sign several $1 million cases?!

To begin answering this question, think back to the fact that it takes 8 touchpoints to engage a prospect. In this case, YouTube Ads are a vital touchpoint. Hackard Law stated that almost every client who came in, including the most prominent cases they’ve signed, indicated that they saw the videos before calling. 

Law firms can see great success with digital advertising investments. However, it requires expertise and consistent effort. For example, bidding for keywords in law can be highly competitive and expensive, more so when it’s poorly executed and managed. 

Because of such factors, our team takes a unique approach to legal digital ads. While there are hundreds of optimizations, here are some of the best practices you can expect with Consultwebs:  

  1. Adjusting the ad copy and CTA’s (call to action).
  2. Changing the bidding strategy.
  3. Reaching new(er) audiences, e.g., targeting users based on financial interest, age, etc. 
  4. Placing the ads as scattered as the firm wants them to be. The campaigns are 100% customizable to meet your unique needs. 
  5. Advertising to the exact audience you’re looking for and need to reach. Unlike billboards or TV ads, this is also 100% trackable. 
  6. Selecting specific hours firms want their ads to be live. The digital advertising experts at Consultwebs focus on tweaking the campaigns to meet particular niche markets from state-wide, countywide, and even by zip code.  


Legal digital advertising efforts are the fastest way to bring legitimate, high-quality leads to your firm. While many firms are starting to realize the power behind it, we also understand firms like yours do not (and should not) break the bank paying for expensive, non-performing paid advertisements. 

To ensure your ads get you the most in return, you need to ensure they’re placed in front of the people that need your services. To achieve this in a stress-free way it’s best to leave your firm’s paid campaign efforts in the hands of legal campaign experts. 

The post Generate the Most Money With YouTube Ads for Law Firms appeared first on Consultwebs.

from Consultwebs

Thursday, May 5, 2022

The Incredible Power of Legal Storytelling

‘Significant Objects’ was an experiment devised by Rob Walker and Joshua Glenn. The purpose of it was to demonstrate the power of stories. In short, they went on their computer, purchased 200 objects with the criteria of each being $1.25 on average, and spent a total of $129. Then 200 contributing writers wrote short stories for the items, and do you want to know what the experimenters did? 

They sold the items for around $8,000. That’s a 6,395% increase, and that is the power of storytelling! 

Since the beginning of time, we’ve been telling stories, and even if we don’t realize it, we also tend to think, remember, and talk in stories. In business, law firms included, building a strong narrative can be the differentiator between you and the rest. As humans, we are wired to respond to narratives. It is the best way to capture attention, retain information, build relationships, and more. 

There’s some good news to this; lawyers are storytellers too. Storytelling is similar to the legal profession in that both take a position and then find arguments to support that point.

Lawyers must find their winning stories continuously, and it’s possible with the power of legal storytelling. In our first part of ‘Storytelling for Lawyers, we’ve previously covered the more technical side of it. In this continuation, we’d like to help you understand its power more visually. 


Lessons in understanding human nature

In Harper Lee’s American literature classic, To Kill a Mockingbird, the fictional attorney Atticus Finch stands quite stern but fair – he represents morality. 

He implements storytelling with empathy by stepping into his client’s shoes. He knows that’s he’s fighting an uphill battle with the court against him, but he valiantly tells the story using Aristotle’s 3 Pillars of Persuasion: 

  1. Logos – (Facts) The proof provided in the persuasive argument.
  2. Ethos – (Character) Atticus’ poise as a fictional lawyer makes us believe he’s credible. Although some might argue this doesn’t matter, it’s quite the contrary. When the body language matches the story, it is even more powerful.
  3. Pathos – (Emotions) Refers to the emotions conveyed. What emotions do you want to stir?

It is no wonder the actor who plays the attorney, Gregory Peck, won an Academy Award for his performance in this movie. He also shot this 9-minute closing argument in one take.  


Great acting, camera work, and most of all, a great story 

The film “Philadelphia” is based on the true story of an attorney who sued one of the world’s largest law firms for firing him because he had AIDS. This snippet starts with the attorney’s opening statement in the courtroom. Do you want to know what makes Denzel Washington’s character such a great storyteller in this scene? Here are a few things we can learn:

  1. He starts by stating a fact from the get-go. In storytelling, beginning with a hook, a strong opinion, a shocking truth, or anything that catches attention is the key to a powerful intro. 
  2. He then walks the trial judges through the pointers he’s going to elaborate on. In storytelling, this means guiding the readers to the message. 
  3. At last, he eloquently plays into the jury’s emotions by showing them there’s a social lack of understanding of AIDS (in the 90s). 

Take a look at Denzel Washington’s opening statement:


Good stories create memorable impressions


It doesn’t matter if a video is 10 seconds or 30 minutes, it needs a story, and Joye Law Firm, a personal injury firm in South Carolina, knew how to seize the moment. 

They partnered up with Paul Teutul, Sr., the legendary founder of Orange County Choppers, and starred in the reality series American Chopper. Here are a few storytelling tips they know how to implement: 

  1. Celebrity endorsement. They captured the hearts of their audience by adding a prominent figure in motorcycle clubs.
  2. Finding a unique voice. For this, they’ve merged 2 stories in 1. First, they introduce Paul, and he quotes, “if someone gets out of line,” he doesn’t let that person away with it – and Joye Law Firm does this too, except with insurance companies. They want to show clients they’ll be on their side if the time comes and they have to prove fault.
  3. Using the pain solution emotion. They appeal to the problem of having a motorcycle accident and the pain it carries in dealing with insurance companies afterward. In the end, their solution and CTA is simple: “Just Call Joye.” 

PS – Joye Law Firm’s storytelling goes beyond this epic commercial. We translated their unique brand voice into their website – also made by us. 


Emotional storytelling: the best way to build a connection

In our first part of Storytelling for Lawyers, we talked about how we as humans do not make decisions logically but rather emotionally. This proves that emotional marketing in storytelling fortifies deeper connections with others, and from a sales point of view, it sells. 

Jebaily Law Firm knows how to connect with its audience using the power of emotions. Here’s how they implemented this:

  • The managing partner, George Jebaily, starts by pointing out the pain points his customers face, e.g don’t know the system.
  • Then, they build on trust by stating they’re there to help. 
  • Afterward, they provide the solutions to the pain points. 
  • In the end, the message is tied back to compassion by reinforcing the client isn’t alone and extending a helping hand. 

Wondering what Jebaily Law Firm and Joye Law Firm have in common? They’ve both ahead of the curve (without the headaches) by partnering with us! 


Influence with stories backed up by social proof 

Without a doubt, testimonials are influential for several reasons. If we’re speaking numbers, they help convert – they bump conversions on sales pages by 34%

On the flip side, your clients also want to see social proof like this. They’re curious to know how others did and what they got out of it. More so, customers trust each other even if they don’t personally know each other. This is the secret behind successful testimonials:

  • The foundation – In stories, there needs to be a conflict to overcome an obstacle. Why did the client seek out your firm? What problems were they facing?
  • The journey – The character goes on a trip to solve the conflict. In this case, the client seeks the firm for solutions. 
  • The end – There are no rules except to have a clear objective in mind. Think back to the main goal of the video. Do you want to build awareness? Trust? 

Jebaily Law Firm also has an excellent example of a client testimonial that follows this structure:


Storytelling is an integral part of your entire legal strategy – from the courtroom to your ads. In a world where we’re constantly bombarded by information, a unique narrative can help you cut through the noise, stand out and most importantly, grab the attention of those that need you and vice versa, those you need. 

If you’re looking to ensure your stories strike a chord with consumers time and time again, it’s possible. Our content experts are here to help. 


The post The Incredible Power of Legal Storytelling appeared first on Consultwebs.

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