Friday, April 22, 2022

Effective Time & Workload Management: A Solo Practitioner’s Experience in the Legal Profession.


Tanner Jones, your host and Vice President of Business Development at Consultwebs, welcomes you to another episode of the LAWsome Podcast by Consultwebs.


In today’s episode, Tanner is accompanied by Nadine C. Atkinson Flowers, an immigration lawyer in the USA that focuses on Jamaican legal issues affecting US immigration. In Jamaica, Nadine focuses on the areas of criminal and family law. She runs the firm Atkinson Flowers, she’s the author of many books; one of them being On Your Feet: Criminal Law Practice in the Parish Courts in Jamaica. She’s also actively participating in her communities and creates educational videos on YouTube.


Key Takeaways:

[0:18] Introduction.

[1:25] Tips and tricks for solo practitioners in law.

[3:53] Checklists for solo practitioners in law.

[6:05] Most substantial technological impact solo practitioners face today.

[11:35] Misconception of digitalization in the legal profession.

[16:35] Operating and managing a virtual law firm practice.

[21:15] Legal clients and their take on virtual meetings. 

[23:50] Advice for attorneys going down the authorship road.

[31:24] Networking for solo practitioners in law.


Best way to contact Nadine C. Atkinson Flowers: 



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The Dark Funnel and Legal Agile Marketing: What is it & Why should firms care?

Bob, a multi-business owner, is in the market looking for an estate planning firm that’ll take care of his finances. He might have a few attorneys top of mind based on advertisements, billboards, networking events, etc. However, most seeking legal services consider this type of business a high-ticket purchase. Because of this nature, consumers like Bob will not only draw from their awareness; he’ll most likely confide in his close circles, such as family, friends, and colleagues. It doesn’t end here. Besides that, he’s most likely also actively checking review sites like Avvo and more.

Eventually, Bob will have a list of potential estate planning firms, and he’ll start narrowing down that list. Once he has his top choices, he might keep digging to find out more. At last, the ideal dream would be him booking a call with your firm. Nonetheless, it’s clear to see the process is not linear anymore.

In today’s marketing, this convoluted process challenges today’s firms who are trying to identify a clear path of purchase. The one-way customer journey as we once knew it isn’t a linear, direct process anymore. To give you an idea, the traditional funnel looks like this:  

All customers going through the sales funnel should convert this way in a perfect world. However, we need to reiterate that today many customers are like Bob and their purchase process is unique and non-linear. They may go back and forth between different stages. So, what does this mean for law firms? Is this a bad thing? Far from it! 

We’ll explain this new underlying phenomenon and new opportunities you can venture toward. Let’s begin. 


Everything You Need to Know About the Dark Side of the Funnel

It indeed sounds like a concept straight out of the dark side of the force of Star Wars, but this concept was coined back in 2016.  We’ll use a small science lesson to help explain the name and the concept of the dark funnel. 

Dark matter is invisible and emits no light, yet it makes up over 80% of all matter in the universe. Amazing, isn’t it? There’s a similar theory in marketing, and it’s called the dark funnel.

The dark funnel refers to the often hidden yet critical insights many miss when trying to understand the customer journey. It’s the untapped source of hidden and powerful knowledge you can leverage in your marketing. Think of the dark funnel as tapping into uncharted territory, the same way NASA and other aeronautics explore the great mystery of space.

Perhaps the most significant advantage of tapping into the dark funnel is hitting the mark with clients like Bob. It may seem like you’re blind to understanding the consumer’s behavior when most users today are constantly jumping back and forth in the messy middle, but there’s good news. Customers leave a kind of ‘breadcrumb trail’ across the internet, and you can make the most of it too.

To follow the breadcrumb trail, it’s best to combine data and a thorough understanding of your consumer’s behavior. These are also some of the promises behind the dark funnel, and here are 3 of the main ones

  1. It helps you understand why people come to your website, read your blogs, watch your videos, listen to your podcasts, etc.  
  2. It helps you define why you should do something and what to do. 
  3. It helps you understand how things change over time and thus, helps you adapt and evolve.

Now that we’ve talked about a critical piece you shouldn’t miss out on, let’s talk about how you can pull the data “into the light.”


Moving Faster Without Compromising Quality With Agile Marketing

In 2012 a group of forward thinkers met to create a guide pertaining to the future of modern marketing. This event was known as Spring Zero, a two-day gathering where many provided their take on digital marketing’s future. This led to the question, “Which method is ‘the best?” With that question in mind, Agile Marketing was born.

Agile Marketing is an approach based on the principles of agile methodology. These are the 5 principles in agile marketing

  • Adapt to change: Your firm’s business is dynamic by nature; therefore, it’s best to modify your plan of action from time to time. 
  • Experiment and test: To find out what’s working and what isn’t it’s critical to have organized controlled experiments.
  • Quick iterations: A/B test with small changes in your marketing and re-run the modified strategies. 
  • Frequent interactions and feedback: For anyone in business, law firms included, feedback is necessary to grow. 
  • Constant learning and improvement: If you want to grow your firm, you’ll need to tweak your legal marketing. 

The objective behind agile marketing is to manage all projects related to legal marketing. In other words, moving faster without compromising the quality of the deliverables.

How firms can implement Agile Marketing: 

  1. Sprints A sprint refers to the timeframe you’re giving your team to complete the current projects. This isn’t set in stone, but sprints typically last between 2-6 weeks. More significant projects might not fit into this timeframe. Therefore you can break the projects into pieces. 
  2. Stand-up meetings – AKA a daily scrum is a short daily meeting where your team gets together to check-in. Each member goes over what they did, goals for the team, roadblocks, etc. 
  3. A board to track your firm’s progress – It’s your choice whether you prefer sticky notes or a digital Kanban board. As long as you have a central way of tracking your sprint efforts. 
  4. Teamwork – This is the most critical element. Everyone in your team should be prepared to collaborate and assist.


Measuring your Firm’s Agile Marketing Strategy

“How do I know agile marketing is effective for my firm?” This is perhaps the most crucial question of them all. Here’s the metric in agile marketing: brand recall. 

Brand recall correlates to your revenue. However, measuring direct-cause-and-effect is tricky because there isn’t a single-touch attribution. Today’s marketing focuses on being all around the conversion path to reach your audience at different stages. When your ads appear on a user’s screen, that’s an impression. This is important because before you get any user to click and convert, you need to know if you’re commanding their attention. 

You want to give users that ‘aha’ moment when they see you, and this is where brand recall comes in. It helps you answer questions like: 

  • Did users see the ad?
  • Did users engage with it? 
  • Did it make an impact on the viewer? 



Underlying forces like the dark funnel and agile marketing can help you control your firm’s messaging. With that, your firm can meet clients like Bob where they are today. What’s more, it can help you better allocate your investment in the channels where consumers are seeing your firm. 

Whether you’re already using a collaborative method or not, that’s okay. You can still tie it all together by implementing agile marketing techniques. More so, you can have a team of legal marketing experts researching and implementing new growth strategies for you


The post The Dark Funnel and Legal Agile Marketing: What is it & Why should firms care? appeared first on Consultwebs.

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Monday, April 18, 2022

Everything Firms Need to Know About the New Facebook Ad Targeting Update 

In today’s competitive field, platforms like Facebook go past being a place of social connection. For many, firms included, this is a marketplace. One of the most significant advantages of running your ad campaigns on this platform is the extensive ad targeting options. 

For the longest time, Facebook’s targeting options have been the super tool for all advertisers. According to Bloomberg, “Meta has been criticized for years over some of its ad-targeting options.” For example, back in 2019, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development accused Facebook because it allowed limiting housing ads from appearing to certain users based on their gender and race – this practice is barred by law. 

To change this narrative, Meta announced that by 19 January 2022, they’re removing some detailed targeting options. The advertisement option was either redundant or associated with sensitive causes like health, race, ethnicity, political affiliation, religion, and sexual orientation. 

This is relevant because the affected ads have been paused or automatically removed. However, these updates have a more significant impact than you might think. By understanding the new rules, you can create a positive domino effect. If you know who you need and want to target, you can then better allocate your campaign investments to people that need you and vice versa, the people you need. 

Stay with us as we uncover why and how you can invest your ad dollars in the smartest possible way. Let’s start with… 


Why Facebook ads matter beyond your firm’s campaign 

In a perfect world, all the users viewing your epic campaigns would convert, but the truth is, it takes time. Today, as high as 96% of visitors coming to your website are not ready to buy as of yet. This is especially the case for high-ticket purchases like hiring an attorney. Despite that, there’s a silver lining to it all. Although 96% of visitors are not ready to buy, they may be willing to exchange, e.g., contact information for a piece of valuable content! This is where campaigns on platforms like Instagram or Facebook play a crucial role. 

Today, law firms spend money on modern marketplaces like Facebook to make more money. By leveraging campaign strategies, firms can actively gain momentum, attract more leads and improve the bottom-line ROI. To get more leads to convert into calls and cases, you must nurture them as they go through their buyer’s journey.

With that said, how can you get the most of every dollar you spend on your campaigns after this update? Let’s dive in. 


The Best Facebook Alternative Ad Targeting Options

Before we get started, here’s a pro tip for your legal campaign strategies: All your ads should link to a goal in mind, e.g., increasing brand awareness or gaining more leads. Try to pair the targeting options with your campaign’s goal(s) as a rule of thumb. 

1. Broad targeting 

Is your goal related to reach or brand awareness? Then broad targeting is your best bet. Here you can build the biggest audience. In other words, expand your net to get the most fish. 

Go to your Facebook Ads Manager > Audiences. Then you should be able to create a saved audience: 
The great part about it is that you can create different targeting options based on:

  • People living in or recently in the location
  • People living in the location
  • People recently in the location
  • People traveling to the location


Check this example out: 

2. Engagement-based custom audiences

Let’s say you don’t want a big net; you want to reel in quality rather than quantity. For this, focus on ad options like engagement-based custom audiences. It targets people who’ve already interacted with your business. 


You can target people that interacted with your posts, any event you created, and videos. Here’s an example of what the audience targeting options look like for videos:



3. Ad-based custom audiences

Are you running, or plan to run, campaigns targeting the consideration level of the sales funnel? Or have you added any forms in your ads? If this is the case and you find yourself with a lot of engagement but few forms submitted, you can retarget them. 

Remember when we said 96% are not ready to buy?. If a user isn’t prepared when they see your ad the first time, don’t lose hope. With more convincing, they might be ready this second time around! This is where ad-based custom audiences with retargeting works. 


4. Lookalike audiences

Ad fatigue is when your audience sees your ads so often that they stop paying attention. One way to counterattack this is through lookalike audiences. It means targeting similar Facebook targets. 

Pro-tip for lookalike targeting: The smaller the audience size percentage, the closer it should resemble the lookalike source. Try testing out with the 1% to start because the higher the percentage, the less similar they are, which means the results might differ.


5. Customer List-based custom audiences 

Do you have to 100% rely on Facebook’s data? Not necessarily. We’ve previously covered some of the best practices firms can implement to build their data, AKA – first-party data.

For example, if you have a list of customers from your CRM tool, you can use it to build on your Facebook audiences.

6. Dynamic Formats and Creative 

Last but not least, this is not an audience targeting option, but if you are open to A/B testing your ad’s format, Dynamic Formats and Creative can help. It would look like this: 

If you toggle the ‘dynamic formats and creative,’ you’re allowing Facebook to automatically show your copy and media in what they consider to be the most effective placement. 


Changes to targeting options like such can happen, and it does have a tremendous impact on your firm’s campaigns and overall conversions. Whether you’re spending big bucks or have a more considerable budget, any investment in a campaign is still an investment you’ll want to safeguard. 

In the end, law firms are spending money on modern marketplaces like Facebook to make more money. To secure your peace of mind and fully capitalize your advertising dollars, it’s best to have your investment closely monitored by legal PPC experts


The post Everything Firms Need to Know About the New Facebook Ad Targeting Update  appeared first on Consultwebs.

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Monday, April 11, 2022

What Law Firms Need to Know About the Hidden Potential of a Google Business Profile

Let’s assume a potential prospect, Anna, visits a friend who lives close to your firm’s office. Anna has just been unfairly treated by someone and might have a case. While conversing, her friend suggests she speaks to an attorney as soon as possible. Like most people today, she confides in the Web and searches for “Top human rights law firms near me.” Within a few seconds, she sees several suggestions of law firms near her. If your firm were to focus on human rights, on a scale of 1 – 10, what are the chances you’re to be found, and ultimately chosen?

It is an undeniable fact that Google dominates the search space. Currently, 92% of all searches online happen on Google. To be a bit more precise, over 3.5 billion searches are done every day – and those looking for law firms are no exception to the rule!

Not only are people turning to Google for almost anything, but most will likely stay on the first page. Just think back to this: when you search the web, how often do you go past the first page? For most, the answer is: seldom. Those on the first page get the most; the first organic result alone gets approximately 26% of clicks from searchers (excluding ad results). 

So, circling back to the scenario with Anna and her friend. The question that now arises is: how can firms compete and position themselves in Google’s rankings and stand in front of users like Anna? The answer lies with Google Business Profile, formerly known as GMB (Google My Business).

What Is Google Business Profile?

Google Business Profile is a free resource that grants you access to a free listing on Google. You can manage your local business with it since you get access to a free listing. What’s more, you also get to optimize, customize, and professionally handle your Business Profile on Google.

In the following chapters, we’ll explain how to set up your Business Profile, but to give you an overview; once a Business Profile goes “live,” it becomes an “open” platform for others to add reviews, questions, answers, photos, and suggestions from the public.

In some instances, Google may populate a Business Profile with information from across the web. In the case of law firms, it is even much more critical to not “leave things to chance,” as your reputation may be as good as the information presented about your business on a Business Profile.

Thanks to Google Business Profile, you can make a conscious and professional effort to manage and control vital information about your business to the public. This leads up to the next question…

For Whom Is Google Business Profile Ideal?

According to the Google Business support team, this is ideal for all businesses (including firms) that meet the following criteria: 

  1. The business must be a legally operating business.
  2. The business must have a local physical address. 

Google recommends that most businesses meet these requirements by default because the Business Profiles are likely to be shown to locals closer to one’s location. Think back to the example of Anna looking for a human rights law firm near her. 

Law firms, this is good news for you. Most of you already have an office and practice within a specific jurisdiction, therefore automatically meeting the criteria. In other words, this platform is more than ideal for you! Now let’s jump to the next section. 

Why is Google Business Profile essential for Firms:

Regardless of the size, age, or location, law firms stand to benefit immensely from Google Business Profile. Here are some of the many benefits it can bring to your firm:

  1. Boosting Your General Online Visibility: When your Business Profile shows up next to search results, it almost seems to suggest or recommend your business to the searcher, especially when you share the same keywords with your competitors who do not have Business Profiles. This already makes you stand out.
  2. Appearing in Maps and Google Local Pack: It is one thing to appear in search results and a completely different thing getting found in Maps and Google Local Packs. The latter tells searchers about your firm, but it also directs them to your location. Getting listed in Google My Business automatically adds one’s business location to the mighty Google Maps engine.
  3.  Performing Local SEO: With a Business Profile, you can take your SEO efforts a step further by optimizing for keywords that match your location.
  4. Building A Reputation via Reviews: Did you know that around 78% of people trust online reviews as much as a recommendation from a family/friend? With this statistic alone, it’s clear to see people do business with people. Through reviews you’ll increase your trustworthiness and already give prospects (like Anna) an idea of what to expect before they walk through your firm’s door.
  5. Gaining Insights: Have you been looking to make the smartest data-driven decisions? It’s possible. Every month, you receive insights about how your business is fairing on Google. For example, you’ll be able to see how many people saw your profile.
  6. Communicating effectively: With the help of inbuilt communication tools such as messaging, free profile sites, posts, and more, firms can easily communicate with their audiences.
  7. Increasing Sales Funnel and Revenue: A well-built and complete Business Profile can draw in many prospects that are in the limbo of the sales funnel. Moreover, the more people find you, the higher the chances are of increasing your revenue!

How to Create A Google Business Profile:

Step 1: Sign in to Google Business Profile Manager

  • The first step is to visit: or Either takes you to the Google Business Profile homepage.
  • Like most Google products, all you need is a Google email and password, and it’ll automatically log in to the Google Business Profile. 
  • If you do not have a Google account, you may create one right from the login page, after which you are redirected back to the Google Business Profile Manager dashboard.

Step 2: Add your Business

  • In the short form that appears, enter your Business Name. Tip: Please join with the official registered name of your firm in this field. 
  • If you’re the official owner of the business name or have the authority to own it, you may click on the title to begin a process to “claim” the name. 
  • If your business name doesn’t appear, don’t panic. In the drop-down menu, click “Add your business to Google .”Next, choose the right category for your firm and click the “Next” button.

Step 3: Add your location information

  • Google asks you if you have a physical location where your customers or clients can visit. Select “Yes” and enter your firm’s physical location if you do. 
  • If your entered location is not automatically selected on the map, you may be asked to choose the specific location on the map using the marker.

Step 4: Add your contact information

  • What’s the best way others can reach out to you? Whether it’s via a phone number, a live chat, a website, other ways, or all of the above, enter all the details in the form. 
  • Then click “Next.”

Step 5: Business mailing address & verification

  • To ensure your details (especially your location) are accurate, Google requires all Business Profiles to verify their addressing. Fill the form with your physical mailing address (not a Post office box). 
  • Please note: unlike your business location, the mailing address details are not displayed on your Business Profile or seen by the public. 
  • Click the “Next” button after entering the correct information.

Important notice: Google will mail a postcard to your given mailing address within 5 to 10 business days. This postcard contains a five-digit verification code, which you must enter to verify your business address.

  • When you finally receive the postcard, enter it on the next page or login back to your Google Business Profile Manager account and click on “Verify” or “Verify Business .”A confirmation screen shows up to confirm your verification. Then, click “Next.

Step 6: Customize & Optimize

  • Congrats! You have successfully joined Google Business Profile. At this point, you can customize it with your working hours, business description, messaging preferences, and photos. 
  • Click “Continue” to go to the Business Profile Manager dashboard.

Best Tips To Get the Most of Google Business Profile:

Although there are hundreds of ranking factors, for this specific case, Google determines your firm’s local search rankings with these 3 factors:

  1. Relevance – of your firm matching the search query.
  2. Distance/Proximity – of your firm’s location to that of the user.
  3. Prominence – of your Business Profile in terms of how “well-known” it depends on your content, inbound links, reviews, review score, SEO optimizations, etc.

To ensure your local law firm stands out from the rest, here are some of the best tips to follow:

  • Completing all sections of your profile with the relevant, accurate, and up-to-date. Today, your firm is seen as reputable 2.7 times more and is 70% more likely to be visited by prospective clients if you have a complete Business Profile. 
  • Verifying your location(s). Verified Business Profiles are more likely to be ranked ahead of unverified ones.
  • Including Keywords. Your prospective clients are likely to use your profile. Tools such as Google Trends, Keyword Planner, and Google Analytics can be beneficial in discovering the right words to include in your profile.
  • Encouraging, asking for, and answering reviews and questions. Identify satisfied clients and ask them to leave reviews on Google.
  • Updating your profile with posts, photos, and other helpful content. Give users a feel of your office, staff, and anything else you deem necessary. 
  • Using other related features in your dashboard. For instance, service-based businesses can add a list of their services, add booking and reservation buttons, etc.


Takeaway: Attracting More Local Visitors is Possible

Now let’s tie it all together. Google Business Profile is a powerful business-listing platform loaded with features and benefits. When joined forces with the rest of your marketing, you increase the visibility and reputation of your firm’s business. 

Overall, it can cause what we call a ‘ripple effect’ in marketing. What can start as a ‘simple added benefit’ can be so much more. For many, it’s increasingly becoming their digital bread and butter – and it can be yours too.

As more and more of your prospects turn to their phones for help it’s paramount you position your firm as the go-to for Anna, her friends, family, community, and pretty much anyone else! Attracting more local visitors is possible, and we can help you every step of the way


The post What Law Firms Need to Know About the Hidden Potential of a Google Business Profile appeared first on Consultwebs.

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Embracing powerful legal technology to stay ahead from the rest.


Tanner Jones, your host and Vice President of Business Development at Consultwebs, welcomes you to another episode of the LAWsome Podcast by Consultwebs.


In today’s episode, Tanner is accompanied by Daniel Siegel, attorney and technology expert. For over 30 years Dan has represented clients in workers’ compensation, personal injury and social security disability claims. He owns his own office, the Law Offices of Dan J. Siegel as well as a tech business called (ITS) Integrated Technology Services, LLC


Key Takeaways:

[0:18] Introduction.

[1:30] Post-pandemic mind shift in law.

[4:25] New practical procedures proven successful for other firms.

[5:51] The 3-step approach in widespread adoption of technology for firms.

[7:51] Consequences firms could face when opting out of technology.

[11:23] Overcoming limiting beliefs in tech and law.

[15:00] How firms can save time with automation.

[17:51] The must-have software for firms.

[20:35] Cybersecurity for law firms.

[23:36] How law firms can secure their information today.

[24:56] Embracing new legal technology.

[26:17] Ending thoughts.


Best way to contact Daniel Siegel: 


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(800) 872-6590


Tweetables and Quotes: 

“You hear it no matter what they want to say, is they [lawyers] want to move backwards. They want to go back to the way things were, and really that doesn’t help [a firm’s growth]. Most people don’t want to go back.” @consultwebs


“I’m really concerned that a lot of lawyers and firms are going to wanna go back and just do things the old way. But there have been improvement, we [lawyers] don’t have to go to court for everything. There are certain things that are better in person but routine procedural things and a lot of those didn’t need to be and I hope that judges don’t wanna regress as well.” @consultwebs


““Ethically, you need to be digitized. You know people hear paperless and get nervous but it’s a digitized office – everything’s scanned.” @consultwebs 


“The challenge behind [opting for tech] is always the culture. But when they get the ‘aha’ moment and go, ‘wow, this is how it helps me’ and when they see that and it could be something in a mundane process where you prevent deadlines from being missed. That makes an enormous difference.”  @consultwebs


“If you can automate a process and you save 10 seconds and you do that process 6X a day you are saving 250 minutes a year in time just on that process so you’re saving 4 hours just because you’ve made it a little more efficient.”  @consultwebs


“Lawyers need to be acutely aware of cybersecurity issues because they are large targets, even if you’re a small firm because you have information as a lawyer that people want. You have people’s names, dates of birth, social security numbers, medical records, that type of information.” @consultwebs


“[Adopting new technology] can be scary but at the same point, that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. It means you have to learn something new. You don’t wanna go to a doctor who won’t do MRIs because they weren’t around when the doctor was in med school. Lawyers aren’t really any different in that sense.” @consultwebs

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Friday, April 1, 2022

Is A.I the Future of Online Content for Lawyers?

As technology advances, more and more businesses are turning to artificial intelligence (A.I.) for help with content marketing and SEO strategies. A.I. offers a wealth of benefits that can be extremely useful for online content. However, there are also some limitations and potential risks associated with its use. In this blog post, we will explore the pros and cons of using A.I.-generated content and provide tips on how to ensure your website’s safety when using it.

What is A.I.?

A.I. is a type of computer software that can learn and make decisions on its own, without human input. It has the ability to analyze data and recognize patterns, which allows it to perform tasks such as translating text, identifying images, or answering questions.

How can A.I. be used in content marketing and SEO strategies?

A.I. can help to create the best possible online experience for your visitors by providing them with relevant articles, blog posts, podcasts, and videos based on their interests or needs at the time of viewing these materials (based on an analysis of previous visits). For example: if someone has visited several pages on your website that are related to divorce, A.I. may suggest an article on the topic of divorce law when they visit the site again.

A.I. can also be used to improve your website’s SEO ranking by helping you to identify and target the right keywords for your content. It can also help you to track the performance of the content that you’ve created so far.

Benefits of using A.I.-generated content:

  • It’s easy to use and requires little technical knowledge or training, which means you can focus on the creative side rather than the technical aspects of producing quality material for your website visitors. For example: if someone has visited several pages on your website that are related to divorce, the A.I. may suggest an article on the topic of divorce law when they visit the site again (based on an analysis of previous visits).
  • It allows businesses to reach larger audiences by providing them with relevant content based on their interests or needs at the time of viewing these materials (based on the A.I.’s analysis of previous visits).
  • It can help you identify the most popular topics for your audience and create content around those themes, which is likely to be shared more often than other types of content (e.g., blog posts that are not related to any specific topic).

Limitations of A.I.-generated content:

  • The quality of the content may not be as good as manually-created content. It can be expensive to implement the technology and take time before it starts generating results for you or your business; however, if done correctly from the beginning (i.e., by carefully selecting keywords that are relevant to your audience) the benefits can be long-lasting.
  • There is the potential for the A.I.-generated content to go out of date quickly if it’s not regularly updated, so you’ll need to factor in the time and cost of doing this into your overall budget.
  • If you’re not careful about the keywords that you choose, the A.I. may generate content that is irrelevant to your target audience or even offensive (e.g., if you’re a lawyer and the A.I.-generated content uses legal jargon that’s not appropriate for your clientele).

How to ensure your website’s safety when using A.I.-generated content:

  • Always vet the keywords that the A.I will use before you start generating content so that you can be sure they are relevant to your target audience and won’t cause any offense.
  • Regularly check the accuracy of the A.I.-generated content against other sources (e.g., other websites, published books) to ensure its accuracy.
  • Use a plagiarism checker to make sure the A.I.-generated content doesn’t contain any copied text from other sources; the last thing you want to do is get sued for copyright infringement!
  • Regularly check the accuracy of the A.I.-generated content against other sources (e.g., other websites, published books) to ensure its accuracy; if it’s not accurate enough then don’t publish the post on your website as this could damage the reputation of your business.


We hope this blog post helped you understand the basics of A.I., how it can be used in content marketing and SEO strategies, its benefits, limitations, potential risks associated with using A.I.-generated content along with some helpful tips on ensuring your website’s safety when using A.I.-generated content to create online content for lawyers. Sign up for our Consultwebs newsletter below if you want more information about any of these topics or would like us to work with you on your next project! 

Here’s the biggest plot twist you didn’t see coming: 

This whole blog post except for this last paragraph was actually written by A.I! 

We have to say though, it has been edited a bit since it tends to repeat itself here and there. It’s also worth noting that when we checked it with the Hemingway App, an app which uses A.I. to “make your writing bold and clear” – this content received the worst score we’ve seen thus far! Usually we try to keep the score under 9 and this post ranked as high as 13!  It’s noticeable that A.I. is still a work in progress.

While the human touch is indispensable it’s still a good idea to work better, smarter and faster with innovative technology like this. If you’re looking to move ahead far and fast today, it’s possible! We’re here to help. 

The post Is A.I the Future of Online Content for Lawyers? appeared first on Consultwebs.

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