Monday, March 28, 2022

Proven Benefits of a Strong Online Presence – The Case of Ryan Bisher Ryan & Simons

If there’s one lesson we’ve learned from the past two years, it is that law firms must remain flexible in responding to rapidly changing events like the pandemic. With unprecedented factors like it, many recognize the power of having a digital presence to build a more robust line of reach and communication. While a website may seem like enough, there’s more to it than meets the eye.

The firms covering their bases offline and online are cutting downtime in tasks like, e.g., providing case updates through a website. However, the American Bar Association’s latest tech report found that nowadays only an alarming: 

  • 14% of the firm respondents provide clients with their case status through the website or other online means. 
  • 18% of firms offer client scheduling through their website. 
  • 31% of firms offer the ability for clients to pay online. 

These are opportunities we wouldn’t want you to miss out on. 

These are opportunities that other firms are actively and aggressively pursuing – Ryan Bisher Ryan & Simons is one of them. They’re a personal injury firm based in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. They knew that one of the best ways to stand out today is by building their brand awareness, achieving consistent and quality lead generation and case sign-ups, furthering their mission, and achieving their goals. They continuously accomplish this through the help of a team of trusted Web consultants.  

If this is something you’d like for your firm, read on and learn how other firms see the fruits of their investments (and how you could do the same!)

Moving ahead far and fast


We want to point out to law firms that aren’t here yet; worry not. The purpose of this is to demonstrate just how powerful an online presence can be nowadays. According to the latest 2022 Report on the State of the Legal Market, law firms are in demand, and the numbers don’t lie. The market seems to be recovering and going stronger than ever with a 4% YTD growth rate since its dramatic 2020 decline.

With that said, it’s best to note that everyone starts to build their unique digital footprint somewhere. Ryan Bisher Ryan & Simons took this step when they launched their new website with Consultwebs in 2018. Their main challenge was the website wasn’t converting. The managing partner in the firm, Philip Ryan, said, “We wanted something different, something that looked different from your basic landing page, something a little more user-friendly and would stand out, which is something that we’ve gotten through Consultwebs.”

Like in any business, in the business of law, you need to see bottom-line results, which is one of the main reasons many find marketing appealing. For this firm, this was no exception. The managing partner reiterates how lead generation is the most noticeable change since partnering with Consultwebs. Soon after, their website became their primary source of leads for all their practice areas and has seen noticeable growth in the areas of disability and worker’s compensation. 


Want to see it for yourself? Check their website here. 

Guarantee quality results – leads, cases and wins today

Now, let’s talk about the current state. For most, in the beginning, the growth is apparent without a doubt. However, afterward, if there isn’t consistent nurturing and commitment, it most probably falls short of the mark. 

Now, Ryan Bisher Ryan & Simons has been with us for five years. And do you remember how only 14% of firms provide clients with their case status online? This firm is one of them, and they’re achieving much more by integrating more digital efforts like, e.g., dashboards. The results reflect: 

  • Steady internal workflow.
  • Smart decision-making processes.
  • Quality visuals of case status boards.
  • Sturdy platforms introducing new cases and critical updates. 

Besides creating better internal workflows, they continue to grow despite challenges like the pandemic. Over the past years, e.g., 2018 and 2019, they were able to look back at their numbers and see a good correlation between new cases versus cases closed; however, in 2020, they saw an increase in new cases but fewer cases closed. Philip Ryan is the only lawyer in the firm that handles disability cases presently. He shared some numbers with us: 

  • In 2018, he opened 218 disability files.
  • In 2021, he hoped to open 350, about a 60% increase in cases. 

To see the best bottom-line results, it’s best to think of marketing as an interconnected web. There isn’t a one-to-one attribution because of today’s messy middle customer journey – in today’s ecosystem the joint effort matters. This leads to the question: Is ranking #1 all law firms should care about? 

The answer is that the bottom line results will reflect that firms actively ranking and competing still get a slice of the pie. While we’re not going to dive into all the details here, you can see how much this firm is biting. 


1. They have some of the top keywords in their area

– We’ll quickly point out: this was (and is) possible through a robust SEO strategy. 

You’ll notice from the organic traffic below how it pays off. However, it’s good to keep in mind that the best of the best SEO strategies entails more than betting money. It takes time too. According to our Director of Client Services Michael Gardner, “Months 7-10 are usually the most challenging for Consultwebs and our clients because they haven’t yet seen the results we intend to deliver for them.” 

But, the time, effort, and investment all put together do pay off. 

Our legal SEO experts work through extensive efforts with local, off-page, and on-page SEO – eventually, our clients see the results they need. In this case, the firm ranks #1 for the following keywords: 

  • Failed workers comp drug test
  • Nursing home abuse lawyers in Oklahoma 
  • Tractor trailer accident lawyer 


2. The firm’s cost per case went down

– We’ll quickly point out: this was (and is) possible through a robust PPC strategy. 

PPC and SEO are the two sides of the coin, they are different types of efforts, but they complement each other. While SEO focuses on long-term goals, PPC focuses on short-term goals. 

For the latter, one of the essential aspects is driving the cost per case down. In this case, the growing caseload and declining cost-per-case that Consultwebs has generated for Phil’s law firm speak for itself as the sort of results that any law firm would want to achieve.

From their start with us, they saw a dramatic decrease in their cost per lead, as you can see here: 



And how are they doing today? With more specific efforts like LSAs, local services ads, they see results too. When looking at the latest scope from Q3 and Q4 from 2021, the data shows their lead generation is increasing as their cost per lead decreases. Take a look at the numbers:


3. All in all, their overall organic traffic is steadily increasing. 

And there’s more to come!

Our Partnership: It’s more than SEO and PPC

We believe there’s no need to embark on this journey all alone. Philip Ryan and his team think the same – they’ve got big plans, and we’re glad to be there every step of the way. Don’t take our word for it. Hear it from Phillip Ryan here! 

For us, it’s more than SEO and PPC – it’s a partnership. As Phil said, “the approach with Consultwebs is very different from the industry norm.” They understand that all marketing comes with some level of risk; however, they’ve been able to mitigate risks and maximize results by building a partnership – and you can too. Whether you need to ask questions, check on your firm’s status or want to get a head start – we’re ready to go the extra mile with you.


The post Proven Benefits of a Strong Online Presence – The Case of Ryan Bisher Ryan & Simons appeared first on Consultwebs.

from Consultwebs

Friday, March 25, 2022

How Women are Taking the Lead in the Legal Industry.

Tanner Jones, your host and Vice President of Business Development at Consultwebs, welcomes you to another episode of the LAWsome Podcast by Consultwebs.


In today’s episode, Tanner is accompanied by Melody Eagan, managing partner at Lightfoot, Franklin & White. She’s the first woman to lead the firm in its history and she’s also on the executive committee. Melody brings decades of experience defending clients in catastrophic injury, wrongful death cases and more. 


Together, they sit down to discuss women taking the lead in the legal profession. Stay tuned to hear about the struggles, developments and most importantly, the successes women face in law. 


Key Takeaways:

[0:18] Introduction 

[1:23] How the legal profession has developed overtime.

[3:10] The 3 biggest challenges women face in law. 

[8:40] Balancing roles at home and at work. 

[11:13] Maternity leave: Being a mother and top-performer at work. 

[13:37] Culture and diversity within a law firm. 

[17:45] How women in law are helping other women advance in the workplace. 

[21: 02] Leadership styles in an office environment. 

[23:45] Results from a gender-inclusive business culture.

[26:51] Last advice and thoughts. 

[28:37] Best way to contact Melody Eagan. 


Best way to contact Melody Eagan:

205-581-0777 phone


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Subscribe to the LAWsome Podcast by Consultwebs on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify


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Learn more about Consultwebs at the links below.

Law Firm Marketing Agency Services 

Law Firm SEO

Law Firm Web Design 

Law Firm PPC 

Law Firm Social Media 

Law Firm Email Marketing

Law Firm Digital Marketing 



8601 Six Forks Rd #400, Raleigh, NC 27615

(800) 872-6590


Tweetables and Quotes: 

“Thinking back to the early 1990s, the practice of law was a male-dominated field. We had some female associates but we had no female partners at the time and thinking back even to the way that we used to dress to try to fit in with the men, we’d wear masculine jackets and even sometimes those horrible ties that we used to wear back in the 1990s.” @consultwebs


“As the legal industry’s recognition of the value of diversity has increased and evolved over I’d say in the last 30 years a similar recognition as to the importance of diverse leadership and women leadership in the organization has developed.” @consultwebs


“Women [in law] get pulled into so many different directions, and we can get stretched thin. And right or wrong, there are certain notions that are grounded in history and also just in practice about what men tend to do in the home and in the family and what women tend to do in the home and in the family.” @consultwebs 


““And then the third thing that comes to my mind is really more of a barrier that I would say women tend to place on themselves and that is that women, in my opinion, often tend to be our harshest critics.”  @consultwebs


“Another thing about having a diverse team is that we better represent the interests of our clients through having that team together, because we’re a trial firm. It’s all litigation and so we are advocates for our clients before judges and juries and when you look at our clients, and our judges, and our juries, they’re diverse.” @consultwebs

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Monday, March 21, 2022

The Incredible Power of Legal Storytelling

‘Significant Objects’ was an experiment devised by Rob Walker and Joshua Glenn. The purpose of it was to demonstrate the power of stories. In short, they went on their computer, purchased 200 objects with the criteria of each being $1.25 on average, and spent a total of $129. Then 200 contributing writers wrote short stories for the items, and do you want to know what the experimenters did? 

They sold the items for around $8,000. That’s a 6,395% increase, and that is the power of storytelling! 

Since the beginning of time, we’ve been telling stories, and even if we don’t realize it, we also tend to think, remember, and talk in stories. In business, law firms included, building a strong narrative can be the differentiator between you and the rest. As humans, we are wired to respond to narratives. It is the best way to capture attention, retain information, build relationships, and more. 

There’s some good news to this; lawyers are storytellers too. Storytelling is similar to the legal profession in that both take a position and then find arguments to support that point.

A lawyer must find their winning stories continuously, and it’s possible with the power of legal storytelling. In our first part of ‘Storytelling for Lawyers, we’ve previously covered the more technical side of it. In this continuation, we’d like to help you understand its power more visually. 


Lessons in understanding human nature

In Harper Lee’s American literature classic, To Kill a Mockingbird, the fictional attorney Atticus Finch stands quite stern but fair – he represents morality. 

He implements storytelling with empathy by stepping into his client’s shoes. He knows that’s he’s fighting an uphill battle with the court against him, but he valiantly tells the story using Aristotle’s 3 Pillars of Persuasion: 

  1. Logos – (Facts) The proof provided in the persuasive argument.
  2. Ethos – (Character) Atticus’ poise as a fictional lawyer makes us believe he’s credible. Although some might argue this doesn’t matter, it’s quite the contrary. When the body language matches the story, it is even more powerful.
  3. Pathos – (Emotions) Refers to the emotions conveyed. What emotions do you want to stir?

It is no wonder the actor who plays the attorney, Gregory Peck, won an Academy Award for his performance in this movie. He also shot this 9-minute closing argument in one take.  


Great acting, camera work, and most of all, a great story

The film “Philadelphia” is based on the true story of an attorney who sued one of the world’s largest law firms for firing him because he had AIDS. This snippet starts with the attorney’s opening statement in the courtroom. Do you want to know what makes Denzel Washington’s character such a great storyteller in this scene? Here are a few things we can learn:

  1. He starts by stating a fact from the get-go. In storytelling, beginning with a hook, a strong opinion, a shocking truth, or anything that catches attention is the key to a powerful intro. 
  2. He then walks the trial judges through the pointers he’s going to elaborate on. In storytelling, this means guiding the readers to the message. 
  3. At last, he eloquently plays into the jury’s emotions by showing them there’s a social lack of understanding of AIDS (in the 90s). 

Take a look at Denzel Washington’s opening statement:


Good stories create memorable impressions

It doesn’t matter if a video is 10 seconds or 30 minutes, it needs a story, and Joye Law Firm, a personal injury firm in South Carolina, knew how to seize the moment. 

They partnered up with Paul Teutul, Sr., the legendary founder of Orange County Choppers, and starred in the reality series American Chopper. Here are a few storytelling tips they know how to implement: 

  1. Celebrity endorsement. They captured the hearts of their audience by adding a prominent figure in motorcycle clubs.
  2. Finding a unique voice. For this, they’ve merged 2 stories in 1. First, they introduce Paul, and he quotes, “if someone gets out of line,” he doesn’t let that person away with it – and Joye Law Firm does this too, except with insurance companies. They want to show clients they’ll be on their side if the time comes and they have to prove fault.
  3. Using the pain solution emotion. They appeal to the problem of having a motorcycle accident and the pain it carries in dealing with insurance companies afterward. In the end, their solution and CTA is simple: “Just Call Joye.” 

PS – Joye Law Firm’s storytelling goes beyond this epic commercial. We translated their unique brand voice into their website – also made by us. 


Emotional storytelling: the best way to build a connection

In our first part of Storytelling for Lawyers, we talked about how we as humans do not make decisions logically but rather emotionally. This proves that emotional marketing in storytelling fortifies deeper connections with others, and from a sales point of view, it sells. 


Jebaily Law Firm knows how to connect with its audience using the power of emotions. Here’s how they implemented this:

  • The managing partner, George Jebaily, starts by pointing out the pain points his customers face, e.g don’t know the system.
  • Then, they build on trust by stating they’re there to help. 
  • Afterward, they provide the solutions to the pain points. 
  • In the end, the message is tied back to compassion by reinforcing the client isn’t alone and extending a helping hand. 

Wondering what Jebaily Law Firm and Joye Law Firm have in common? They’ve both been ahead of the curve (without the headaches) by partnering with us! 


Influence with stories backed up by social proof


Without a doubt, testimonials are influential for several reasons. If we’re speaking numbers, they help convert – they bump conversions on sales pages by 34%

On the flip side, your clients also want to see social proof like this. They’re curious to know how others did and what they got out of it. More so, customers trust each other even if they don’t personally know each other. This is the secret behind successful testimonials:

  • The foundation – In stories, there needs to be a conflict to overcome an obstacle. Why did the client seek out your firm? What problems were they facing?
  • The journey – The character goes on a trip to solve the conflict. In this case, the client seeks the firm for solutions. 
  • The end – There are no rules except to have a clear objective in mind. Think back to the main goal of the video. Do you want to build awareness? Trust? 

Jebaily Law Firm also has an excellent example of a client testimonial that follows this structure:



Storytelling is an integral part of your entire legal strategy – from the courtroom to your ads. In a world where we’re constantly bombarded by information, a unique narrative can help you cut through the noise, stand out and most importantly, grab the attention of those that need you and vice versa, those you need. 

If you’re looking to ensure your stories strike a chord with consumers time and time again, it’s possible. Our content experts are here to help. 

The post The Incredible Power of Legal Storytelling appeared first on Consultwebs.

from Consultwebs

Monday, March 14, 2022

Lawyers, here’s the secret sauce for Winning The Impossible Cases

Tanner Jones, your host and Vice President of Business Development at Consultwebs, welcomes you to another episode of the LAWsome Podcast by Consultwebs.


In today’s episode, Tanner is accompanied by Dan Callahan, former president and managing partner at Callahan & Blaine – a 28 attorney litigation firm based in Santa Ana, California. Dan is also the owner of Callahan Consulting Group. Here he provides consulting services to California-based law firms about litigation and trial strategies. 


Together, they sit down to discuss the secret behind winning even the most ‘impossible’ cases. 


Key Takeaways:

[0:20] Introduction 

[1:01] The world of litigation.

[2:04] The best mentorship advice for attorneys.

[4:40] The ‘facing Goliath’ concept in law. 

[9:29] Dealing with transformational moments. 

[11:43] How attorneys can better prepare when handling cases.

[13:40] The “lockdown” mode.

[14:44] Leveraging video in a firm’s marketing strategy. 

[17:42] The creative impact marketing has on firms. 

[18:31] The 3 characteristics of the ‘strong players’ in law.

[20:47] Thinking outside the box.  

[24:18] Contact information.


Best way to contact Dan Callahan: 

888 – 570 – 0000 


Discover More About the Podcast and Consultwebs:

Subscribe to the LAWsome Podcast by Consultwebs on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify

Visit the LAWsome website


Follow Consultwebs on social for legal marketing updates:







Learn more about Consultwebs at the links below.

Law Firm Marketing Agency Services 

Law Firm SEO

Law Firm Web Design 

Law Firm PPC 

Law Firm Social Media 

Law Firm Email Marketing

Law Firm Digital Marketing 



8601 Six Forks Rd #400, Raleigh, NC 27615

(800) 872-6590


Tweetables and Quotes: 

“How can you accomplish the objective for your clients? Creativity is the best way to do it.” @consultwebs

“Being in trial is like being a showman and you can be a showman when you’re prepared.” @consultwebs

“I also mentor other lawyers [outside the office] by doing seminars and the best advice that I can give is: preparation. I keep stressing preparation. You have to do everything to the best of your ability. Also you need to be creative – you have to think outside of the box.” @consultwebs 

“The biggest change in my life: changing to learn how to prepare. Fully and totally prepared, and be willing to do whatever it takes. Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today because tomorrow some other thing may come up and now you don’t have the time to do the full best job you can.”  @consultwebs

“If you’re not preparing to win, you’re preparing to fail.”  @consultwebs

““Get out, don’t just stay in your office. If there’s an event in your local community, get out there, meet people, pass out cards. You have to be a good lawyer to win a case but you gotta get the case before you can win it so you gotta get out there and let your name be known.” @consultwebs

“A really good lawyer is somebody that is prepared, communicates well with the client, has originality in thought and is prepared to do whatever it takes to win.” @consultwebs 

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The post Lawyers, here’s the secret sauce for Winning The Impossible Cases appeared first on Consultwebs.

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Friday, March 11, 2022

How to Design an ADA Compliant Website

As technology evolves, so does the responsibility of web designers. Today, they have to consider each element on a web page to adapt to the needs of users with disabilities. 

The ADA, Americans with Disabilities Act, was created in 1990 and it prohibits discrimination against those with disabilities, ensuring they have the same rights and opportunities as those without. This act covers all sectors, from public transportation to government facilities. 

And, where’s the catch for law firms? 

Well, in 2010, the Department of Justice (DOJ) passed the ADA for Accessible Design. In short, it mandates all information technology like websites to be accessible to those with disabilities by law. 

So, why is an ADA-compliant website such a big deal?

  1. Your website should be designed to meet the needs of all different users in need of legal services. This includes users with, e.g., visual or hearing impairment. 
  2. Courts are starting to see more compliance-related lawsuits. This is partly because the web and mobile applications have become more necessary in our everyday lives. 

We want to point out that while the ADA does not offer a set of web compliance guidelines, many follow the Web Content Accessibility Guideline(s) – WCAG. 

Stay with us as we explain the importance of these guidelines and actionable steps you can take today to ensure your firm’s website is ADA compliant. 


Why should my firm care about the Web Content Accessibility Guideline?

Many people with disabilities use assistive technology that enables them to use computers. Some of these involve the use of separate computer programs that includes but isn’t limited to screen readers, text enlargement, voice control, etc. Fortunately, this is where WCAG comes in. 

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines cooperate with individuals and organizations around the world. Their main goal is to explain how your firm’s web content can be more accessible to people with disabilities. The most recent guideline is the WCAG 2.1, and its purpose is to ensure your firm’s website is

  • *Perceivable: The content is presented in an easily perceivable way. 
  • *Operable: The navigation is easy to operate. 
  • *Understandable: The content is easily understood. 
  • *Robust: The content can be interpreted by different devices and platforms. 

*We’ll explain some of the best practices in the following chapter.

Overall, with the help of WCAG, firms allow all users to feel comfortable when navigating the site. Thus, end up using it for its intended purpose(s) like finding more information, learning about your practice areas, filling a form, booking a call, contacting a specialist, etc. 


The best way to have an ADA-compliant website

Now that we’ve clarified why a compliant website is a must, let’s look into what makes a compliant website. 

1. Evaluate your current site

According to Hackernoon, two programs rate your site’s usability. 

  1. Wave – This is an excellent place to start your site’s audit. However, you’ll run the possibility of bumping into a few false positives. 
  2. Lighthouse – Helps generate reports on potential issues.

2. Follow the ADA-compliant graphics

If you’re investing in quality captivating visual content, you’ll want everyone to enjoy it! Here are some best practices to ensure this: 

3. Add alt-text

The alt-text captions allow site readers to describe the image with audio. For example, people with a visual impairment might use a refreshable Braille display that translates text into Braille or use screen readers. 

  • There are no specific rules for this but try to describe the image as precisely as possible, keep it short, use a few keywords and avoid using “image of” or “picture of.” Here’s an example of an image with alt-text

Example of Image ALT text

4. Add readable fonts. 

Ensure there’s a high contrast between the text’s color and background. Besides that, pick a font that’s easy to read because research has shown that users over 45 and people with visual impairment find the following letters and symbols confusing. 

  • i / j
  • B / 8
  • D / O, 0, o
  • r / v / Y
  • k / R
  • a / o
  • F / f
  • g / q

On this note, it’s also best to limit greens and reds to make it more readable for people with color blindness.

5. Allow multiple settings in multimedia like videos

For the most part, videos are captivating, but they present a problem for people with hearing and visual impairment.  

For this, videos have to incorporate more features such as: 

  • Adding audio descriptions.
  • Providing text captions that are synchronized with the videos/images. 
  • Including skip navigation allows people who use screen readers to ignore the links.

6. Make sure it includes logical features

Users want a unique but logical experience on your website. To make it this way, here are a few basic rules to follow:

  1. Put a clear “X” to any pop-ups.
  2. Keep essential pages like “Contact Us” with a predictable and straightforward copy.
  3. Use an icon like a magnifying glass and add “search hear” to make the search bar stand out. 

7. Keep up to date with the ADA and WCAG compliance

The ADA doesn’t explicitly address these best practices. However, firms keeping up with these best practices are one step ahead. 


The gist of it 

People with disabilities should always be accounted for in your website’s design. In addition to that, new changes in technology bring new solutions to the table. In this case, you’ve learned how certain contents and formats pose serious barriers for some people. 

But, you can ensure your awesome web content is accessible to all and converts calls and cases ( without the headaches of having to do it yourself!) How? Pair up with a team of legal marketing experts that’ll do all of this for you

The post How to Design an ADA Compliant Website appeared first on Consultwebs.

from Consultwebs

Monday, March 7, 2022

Women in Law: Raising the Bar

Insight of International Women’s Day on March 8th, we’d like to pay tribute to the women in the legal field. Did you know that the first female lawyer in the United States, Arabella Mansfield, wasn’t allowed into the “boys club” until 1869? That was nearly 100 years after its founding! 

Since then, women have found their place in the legal profession, but that isn’t to say that many don’t still face challenges today. Although their progress differs dramatically across different nations and cultures, one thing’s for sure; a lot has changed since Arabella Mansfield made her way into the legal industry back in 1896. 

In 2016 women reached parity with men in law school admissions in the U.S. Studies show that women account for 52% of law students in American law schools. Yet, they’re still underrepresented in private practices, and only 24% reached a full partnership and had ownership stakes within the firm. 

For many, the exposure to grow has been challenged and limited not by ability but by the lack of opportunities. Luckily, trailblazers have paved the way for others in the legal profession. Take Ruth Bader Ginsburg, for example. She was a lawyer and an associate justice of the United States Supreme Court. As one of the most influential figures in law, she famously quotes, “Women belong in all places where decisions are being made.” Her words hold to this day. 

Celebrating the achievements of women in the world and recognizing the biases many still face today is essential. We will take a closer look at the current status of women in the legal industry in the following chapters. 

Challenges faced by female lawyers

Next, we’ll dive into actionable steps that aim at helping set women and law firms up for success. But, before we move two steps forward- it’s best to take one step back.  

The ABA (American Bar Association) reviewed a study called: Walking Out The Door. In it, you would be able to find the survey study of more than 12,000 senior lawyers at the nation’s biggest private law firms. So, what did the study find? In short, females are quitting the practice of law at a higher rate than males. Both have very different views on law firm policies. For example, when asked if the firm has successfully promoted women into leadership positions, 84% of males said yes while only less than half, 48%, of females agreed. You can see from the study’s results

As a whole, men thought their law firms treated women fairly, but women disagreed. 

The study provides more in-depth facts and figures – feel free to read the entire study here

How law firms can help women in the legal profession

We’ll provide more personal tips and tricks in the following section, but in this section, we’ll focus on what law firms, as entities, can do to help women in law. 

1. Include them in the planning for institutional and large clients. 

  • In law, networking matters a lot. Therefore, create a conscious effort to ensure the women at your firm are given the same chances to build relationships with clients. 

2. Combine forces in your firm’s pitch meetings. 

  • In any business, whoever is at the pitch meetings is critical to the economic power. Mix personalities, skill sets, and forces to get more ideas and voices heard. It can be a powerful thing working in your favor! 

3. Add more women to lead assignments. 

  • Are the women at your firm building their books too? Make an effort to level the opportunities for everyone at your firm. 

3. Rethink origination credit. 

  • Origination credit in law means that the lawyer who brings the client to the firm gets some credit even if they don’t spend time working for that client. However, this has plagued women for years because they are probably not originating partners – thus, missing on credit. 

5. Address issues through business surveys. 

  • We all have biases, but we can raise consciousness by checking our behavior and others. One way you can address concerns is through questionnaires. Be prepared to hear if things need to change and decide how you will handle it. 

Learn about the other trailblazers in law

Trailblazers don’t depend on a path. They create it. Here are some women in the legal profession who did just that: 

Sonia Sotomayor 

  • The first Hispanic and Latina Supreme Court Justice and the third woman to be an associate justice. 
  • She was an advocate for equal rights, justice, and gender equality. 

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

  • Associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States from 1993 until she died in 2020. 
  • Dedicated to fighting for gender-based equality, including co-founding the Women’s Rights Project at the American Civil Liberties Union. She changed many laws, including that Juries must include women, and state-funded schools must admit women as well.

Myra Bradwell

  • Arabella “Belle” Babb Mansfield was the first woman admitted to a state bar in the United States in 1869. This opened the path for many. “Belle” walked so Myra Bradwell could run.
  • Myra Bradwell took the test and passed it two months after Belle. She became an advocate for women’s suffrage and got admitted to practice before the U.S. Supreme Court. 

Explore more about women and leadership in our LAWsome Podcast. women and leadership

Become a trailblazer in law 

Women can also find ways to step on the plate. For many, this means taking risks and showing confidence, ambition, and strength. In other words, becoming a trailblazer too. 

Hear from Elizabeth “Betsy” Munnell herself. Munnell was a partner at the firm, formerly known as Edwards Angell Palmer & Dodge, and she also coaches women at Harvard Law School. The following are her 15 tips for women in the legal profession

  1. Build a network. Make a plan for this and figure out ways to develop your visibility and reputation.
  2. Make the most of the first 4 to 6 months as a new associate. Don’t take the meeting minutes; volunteer to do things that make you visible. 
  3. Take business courses and read the news daily. Read all about your client and learn to account. The latter is a skill that’s highly sought out! 
  4. Study negotiation. These skills aren’t only for “the few” – anyone can master this. 
  5. Find a mentor. Every successful person has a role model, a mentor, a figure, someone to look up to. Find someone that’ll check on your pulse here and there. 
  6. Be flexible, but set limits. Healthy boundaries at work can help safeguard your time and energy. 
  7. Be realistic about the demands of the job you want. What will it take to get to where you want to be? Prepare to put in the work. 
  8. Make your mark, especially with clients. For this, personal skills are essential. 
  9. Project confidence. As an attorney, you’re dealing with a lot of different people. You must come across as someone that’s in control. 
  10. Control your own direction
  11. Fight impostor syndrome by assessing with peers. This is where mentors are essential. Having a space to share experiences and problems allows room for growth. 
  12. Get a little help from other women. Finding allies is significant for women of color and minorities. 
  13. Don’t let anyone define your success. 
  14. If you believe you can do it…you probably can!
  15. Learn about broader business development. Understand what happens behind the curtains of law practice: the economic and operational sides. 


The legal profession remains one of the most influential and most respected professions globally. It offers a stepping stone in democracy, business, and public life. Therefore, actively opening the bar and setting everyone up for success at your firm is vital.

Even though women are actively pursuing law, many remain underrepresented in positions of great power. While we’d like to celebrate the trendsetters, many still travel the rocky roads of female entrepreneurship and leadership in law. Fortunately, law firms can help ease this process.  

Today, more and more firms are seeking new ways to address imbalances at work, and you can do this too, and we can help you out! Whether you need to find better ways to manage your team’s communication workflow or want to learn how to maintain and improve your firm’s reputation online and offline – we’re here to help


The post Women in Law: Raising the Bar appeared first on Consultwebs.

from Consultwebs

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Attorneys Investing in Digital Advertising: here’s everything you need to know

Tanner Jones, your host and Vice President of Business Development at Consultwebs, welcomes you to another episode of the LAWsome Podcast by Consultwebs.


In today’s episode, Tanner is accompanied by Matt Smyers, digital advertising advisor here at Consultwebs. He’s a non practicing attorney who brings more than a decade of experience in the legal marketing profession. 


Together they sit down to talk about what’s new in legal digital advertising: including local services ads (LSAs), new updates like the LSAs Vicinity and PPC


Key Takeaways:

[0:19] Introduction. 

[1:00] How’s the overall search landscape in legal marketing?

[5:13] Differences between LSAs and PPC.

[8:31] Conversion rate commonalities between LSAs and PPC. 

[9:55] LSAs tips and tricks. 

[11:11] More info. about LSAs.

[12:12] The “messy middle” and why it matters.

[18:38] How social proof helps the “messy middle”

[23:20] How do lawyers address one-to-one attribution?

[29:05] Last thoughts and best way to contact Matt Smyers. 


Best way to contact Matt Smyers: and in our team member’s ‘About Us’.


Discover More About the Podcast and Consultwebs:

Subscribe to the LAWsome Podcast by Consultwebs on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify


Visit the LAWsome website


Follow Consultwebs on social for legal marketing updates:







Learn more about Consultwebs at the links below.

Law Firm Marketing Agency Services 

Law Firm SEO

Law Firm Web Design 

Law Firm PPC 

Law Firm Social Media 

Law Firm Email Marketing

Law Firm Digital Marketing 



8601 Six Forks Rd #400, Raleigh, NC 27615

(800) 872-6590


The post Attorneys Investing in Digital Advertising: here’s everything you need to know appeared first on Consultwebs.

from Consultwebs

Attorneys Investing in Digital Advertising: here’s everything you need to know

Tanner Jones, your host and Vice President of Business Development at Consultwebs, welcomes you to another episode of the LAWsome Podcast by Consultwebs.


In today’s episode, Tanner is accompanied by Matt Smyers, digital advertising advisor here at Consultwebs. He’s a non practicing attorney who brings more than a decade of experience in the legal marketing profession. 


Together they sit down to talk about what’s new in legal digital advertising: including local services ads (LSAs), new updates like the LSAs Vicinity and PPC


Key Takeaways:

[0:19] Introduction. 

[1:00] How’s the overall search landscape in legal marketing?

[5:13] Differences between LSAs and PPC.

[8:31] Conversion rate commonalities between LSAs and PPC. 

[9:55] LSAs tips and tricks. 

[11:11] More info. about LSAs.

[12:12] The “messy middle” and why it matters.

[18:38] How social proof helps the “messy middle”

[23:20] How do lawyers address one-to-one attribution?

[29:05] Last thoughts and best way to contact Matt Smyers. 


Best way to contact Matt Smyers: and in our team member’s ‘About Us’.


Discover More About the Podcast and Consultwebs:

Subscribe to the LAWsome Podcast by Consultwebs on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify


Visit the LAWsome website


Follow Consultwebs on social for legal marketing updates:







Learn more about Consultwebs at the links below.

Law Firm Marketing Agency Services 

Law Firm SEO

Law Firm Web Design 

Law Firm PPC 

Law Firm Social Media 

Law Firm Email Marketing

Law Firm Digital Marketing 



8601 Six Forks Rd #400, Raleigh, NC 27615

(800) 872-6590


The post Attorneys Investing in Digital Advertising: here’s everything you need to know appeared first on Consultwebs.

from Consultwebs