Friday, February 25, 2022

Storytelling for Lawyers

According to Lisa Cron, from Wired for Story, “Stories allow us to simulate intense experiences without having to actually live through them. Stories allow us to experience the world before we actually have to experience it.”  

So, what’s so great about stories? We’ll tell you in 4 simple words: people relate to them. Whether you’re watching a movie, an ad, reading a book, listening to a podcast, or even standing in front of the juror: stories are central players.

Does that mean that only professional writers are storytellers? Not at all! As a matter of fact, lawyers are superb storytellers. They have to thread a storyline for the entire courtroom. What’s more, lawyers depend on stories told by their clients! In a way, you could say we’re all storytellers. 

But why do we narrate events? 

  • To provide a direction around the unknown. 
  • To bring people together. If your story resonates, educates, and informs – you’ll build deeper connections. And this will lead to higher customer loyalty. 
  • To inspire. We can all relate to the tales of the heroes, the underdogs, and heartbreaks. 

Storytelling, specifically business storytelling, is the art of sharing the experiences behind your brand, employees, customers, and advocates. Mastering this art is paramount to connecting with your audience. This is especially true for firms because people hire them based on trust.

Stick around and learn how to master the art of legal storytelling. 


Everything you do in business has a narrative

That’s a fact. Everything in business involves a narrative: your website, your values, your case, etc. When implemented correctly, you can expect to: 

  • Make your firm relatable and simultaneously memorable. 
  • Gain a better understanding of your audience(s). You’ll be able to answer questions like: what’s the client looking for? Are they looking for the most affordable or best solution? How familiar are they with the legal process? 
  • Highlight your “Why.” With a compelling story, you’ll be able to communicate your unique value proposition across all your channels. 
  • Drives emotional connection. This is big! Why? Because people make emotional decisions. We’ll explain more in the upcoming chapters. 
  • Foster brand loyalty.
  • Position you as a thought-leader, the guide, and ultimately the hero!

Is this something you aspire towards? Then we’ve got the formula that’ll set you up for success. To build a strong connection, you can follow the 5 C’s in storytelling

  1. Circumstance: Set the scene. By doing this at the beginning, you’ll help users understand the narrative.
  2. Curiosity: Spark the reader’s interest with a hook at the beginning or really just anywhere. You’ll want to create a thirst for more. 
  3. Characters: The human touch will always be key. By adding characters and faces, you’ll give the readers a person they’re able to root for. For example, in court, the ultimate hero is your client.
  4. Conversations: Although some people will want to see more numbers and statistics, most people tend to respond to conversations better.
  5. Conflict: Every hero goes through the hero’s journey where they face challenges that lead them to their ultimate transformation.

Besides following the 5 C’s, here’s a FREE checklist that can help you brainstorm epic stories around your firm’s vision and mission: 

Values – what does your firm stand for? Why was it founded? Ultimately, how do its values reflect your values? 

People – Who are the people behind your firm? What are their stories? What inspired them to join the legal profession? How do you connect with people in the language they understand best?

History – What is the narrative behind everything you do in the firm? How did your firm come to be? What problems do you feel are essential to solving?

Journey – What’s your firm’s current situation, and where do you see yourself in X amount of years?

Emotional marketing sells

According to studies, we do not make decisions logically but rather emotionally. Do you know how we use our rational thought? Well, it turns out that we use it to argue the emotional position we took! In the end, emotions require less effort than logic. Mind-blowing, isn’t it?! 

With just this fact alone, it’s clear to see that emotional marketing sells. 

Often we think happiness is the ultimate destination or state of being. However, all emotions are valid and play a big role in storytelling. Joy, gratitude, interest, anger, love, altruism, fear, satisfaction, and relief are powerful emotions. 

So, which emotions sell the most? The answer is, it depends. Like in storytelling and law, we take a position and then find arguments supporting that view. The trick is to identify the sentiment that best fits your message. 

To find out which emotions work best, think back to this question: what do you want the reader to feel? According to Princeton neuroscientist Uri Hasson (as found in HBR), “a story is the only way to activate parts in the brain so that a listener turns the story into their own idea and experience.” This is called neural coupling.  

Neuroscientists are still looking more into these findings. But, ultimately, when we dive into a story rich in details, data, expression, images, etc. – we put ourselves in that situation.

Touching on your prospect’s deep unspoken emotional needs converts more than you might think.

Storytelling Best Practices 

  1. Define the core message. Whether your story is 10 seconds long or 10 pages long, the core message must be established before anything.
  2. When using emotional marketing, begin with something relatable and something your audience can agree with.
  3. Focus on building a hero-centric story structure. Today’s marketing is more client-centric than ever. Therefore, lawyers should position themselves as the guide who helps the client (the hero) find a solution to fix their problem.
  4. Use client testimonials. No one can communicate how terrific your firm’s services are better than those who have already experienced them. 
  5. Build a strong connection by evoking your audience’s desires, dreams, and aspirations. 
  6. Show you care by demonstrating empathy. 
  7. Add case studies. There’s no better way to prove you can bring results than case studies. In them, you can:
  • Tell the client’s story using the hero’s journey: hook, introduction, rising action, climax, and the ultimate resolution.
  1. Choose the story’s medium. This will depend on resources and budget. 
  2. Publish it! If it involves the client’s information, make sure you get their permission beforehand. Once that’s taken care of, share and promote it! Creating is only half the battle. Sharing is the other half. 

Share your story  

Every tale told is designed with a purpose in mind. Whatever that purpose may be: convert, convince, persuade, and more – it’s paramount you share your stories. 

While we hope our weekly blog posts serve as a beacon of light, we understand that learning and incorporating all these archetypes can be a challenge. 

Luckily for you, our team of custom content experts knows the ins and outs of storytelling and ultimately focuses on conversion-focused content. Whether you want to create a custom plan, ask more questions, check on your current story strategy, or more – we’re here to help always. 


The post Storytelling for Lawyers appeared first on Consultwebs.

from Consultwebs

Monday, February 21, 2022

Local Search Ads: The Vicinity Update & Its Implications on Your Legal Marketing

Although we rarely think about it, Google is constantly renovating its algorithm. Why? They want to ensure the best user experience. These updates impact most, if not all, businesses that offer their services online. This time Vicinity rolled out, and there hasn’t been anything this dramatic in local search ads since the last update back in 2016.

In short, local search ads are Google advertisements that feature your firm’s information and guide users towards taking action.

It’s one of the best ways to attract people to your firm because it helps:

  • Target e-commerce customers based on their proximity.
  • Reach larger audiences who have the intention to buy a service/ product. 

When someone searches for, “family law firm near me,” they’ll see local search ads that feature your firm’s location, number, business hours, and reviews. This triggers Google into displaying either the Google Maps or the Google Business Profile (GBP). Check out the samples below:


With Google’s new Vicinity, smaller firms can now rank better than others who are ranking out of their area. This minor but significant update is leveling the competitive field for all law firms looking to get more calls and cases through ads.

All things considered, Google’s most prominent local search algorithm update is here! Let’s look into how it works, what this means for your firm, and what you can do to improve rankings.


Vicinity is leveling the competitive playing field for lawyers

When you think of the word vicinity, words like local, area, and zone might pop into your mind. Just think back to the many times you’ve Googled a salon, restaurant, bank, or any other service near you and found all of these in your location.

Proximity is significant in advertisements. But, up until now some businesses have found a way to rank outside their region. This is the problem Google is now trying to fix, and for law firms, this is a great thing! There are 2 reasons why firms investing in marketing should care about this:

  1. It will clear out competitors that were competing past their firm’s location and invading your geo. As a consequence, those firms that are following PPC guidelines by the books will have greater chances of appearing on top.
  2. From the user’s point of view, the search results will be more relevant to them.

When the new update rolled out many noticed the immediate change. Here’s a visual representation of it in action.

As you can see from this vicinity update example, in November 2021, there was one business dominating a massive area. Fast forward to December 2021, the playing field seems to be fairly distributed amongst the other competitors.  

Why your firm should care about the Vicinity update

Your biggest drivers for business are users. Today they want to be treated like a person rather than a number in the books. They have personal preferences and expect firms to generate content that’s curated to their wants and needs.

Google recognizes this, so relevance is one of their main ranking factors in local results. Relevance refers to how well your business profile matches what the user is searching for. The other two ranking factors are:

  • Distance: How far each potential search result is from your location, e.g., searching for a family law firm based in Union Square, San Francisco.
  • Prominence: How well known your firm is. This is based on Google’s information about your firm. It’s gathered across links, websites, articles, online directories, etc.

According to Grant Brott, Director of ROI Strategy here at Consultwebs, your firm’s location and quality user-oriented content are now “that much more important.” 

By understanding what’s behind the curtains of PPC and SEO, you’ll provide your users with the best experience from the comfort of their homes. Besides that, other opportunities you can get from Vicinity include:

  • Clearing out competitors that were ranking outside their office’s radius.
  • Increasing your chances of appearing on top of the search results. That is, for the firms that continuously follow Google’s guidelines.
  • Providing a more relevant search results page.


How to improve your firm’s local rankings

Google recommends the following best practices for better visibility:

  • Add complete and detailed business information in your Google Business Profile.
  • Update your firm’s general information.
  • Verify your location through GBP.
  • Keep your hours accurate, especially for holidays and any special events.
  • Manage your  reviews promptly (and we can’t stress this enough!) People like to do business alongside other people – they trust each other! 79% of shoppers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.
  • Add high-quality photos. Eye-catching visuals are powerful because they’re processed much quicker than text.

Rankings consist of more than bidding money – it’s best to also invest in SEO services for lawyers or follow the best practices we’ve shared with you. 

Be featured and stand out

Although Google consistently renovates its algorithm, the user experience is always at the heart of it all. For your firm to leverage these updates, it’s best to focus on providing the best-personalized experience out there. And we’re here to help.

Want to upgrade your Google Business profile? Need a ranking and review strategy? Seek to amp up all aspects of your firm’s presence? We’re here to help you out. As Google aims to level the competitive field for law firms, we’d love to see your firm getting the most with this update.


The post Local Search Ads: The Vicinity Update & Its Implications on Your Legal Marketing appeared first on Consultwebs.

from Consultwebs

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

The Best Method to Reduce Invoice Appeals and Increase your Firm’s Cash Flow

Tanner Jones, your host and Vice President of Business Development at Consultwebs, welcomes you to another episode of the LAWsome Podcast by Consultwebs.


In today’s episode, Tanner is accompanied by Andre Wouansi, a corporate tax advisor and CEO at ALB, Accurate Legal Billing. His mission is to improve law firm cash flow by billing efficiently and accurately. 


Key Takeaways:

[0:19] Introduction.

[1:06] How invoice payments work.

[2:27] One of the biggest pain points in a law firm business.

[3:27] Causes that affect a law firm’s payment process.

[7:32] Business consequences when opting out of newer technology.

[10:33] Small steps law firms can take to cut down billing errors. 

[14:14] The future of billing automation. 

[18:38] Possible cons of firms opting for AI.

[24:44] Technology is only speeding up. 

[27:12] Metrics to measure with AI-powered billings.

[35:30] Ending thoughts. 

[39:20] Best way to contact Andre Wouansi. 


Best way to contact Andre Wouansi: 


Phone: 516-279-1615 (Ext: 101) 


Discover More About the Podcast and Consultwebs:

Subscribe to the LAWsome Podcast by Consultwebs on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify


Visit the LAWsome website


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Learn more about Consultwebs at the links below.

Law Firm Marketing Agency Services 

Law Firm SEO

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Law Firm PPC 

Law Firm Social Media 

Law Firm Email Marketing

Law Firm Digital Marketing 



8601 Six Forks Rd #400, Raleigh, NC 27615

(800) 872-6590


Tweetables and Quotes: 

“One of the biggest pain points of law firms is the payment and collection. According to a survey, 60% responded reported over 60 days of payment delays.” @consultwebs


“We have to remember since the early 90s, the legal industry, when it came to billing, changed a lot. Thus creating an imbalance between law firms and e-billing vendors. That generates a big gap between the two parties when they’re supposed to work together.” @consultwebs


“Law firms still lack to adapt to technology and that is the biggest killer because it delays payments and causes more invoice appeals.”  @consultwebs


“Through a firm’s billing survey, 70% of firms said they’re losing 20% or more with their invoices being rejected or reduced by e-billing companies.”  @consultwebs


“Technology is not going anywhere, it’s here to stay. If law firms come on board, they’ll be in business. Big companies today are using AI tools to generate a substantial amount of money.” @consultwebs


Want more tips and tricks? Follow us on socials:








The post The Best Method to Reduce Invoice Appeals and Increase your Firm’s Cash Flow appeared first on Consultwebs.

from Consultwebs

Monday, February 7, 2022

Best Attorney Ads That Should Have Super Bowl Air Time (+ Extras!) 

It’s that time of the year: SUPER BOWL TIME. What’s so super about it? Millions of Americans gather around to watch the most anticipated championship game of the NFL, and yes, you probably guessed it: the epic commercials. 

For most years, the Super Bowl has been the most-watched television broadcast in America and the second most-watched worldwide. Due to the high number of viewers, big businesses want to secure air time. The price tag has gotten to as high as $5.6 million for a 30-second ad slot. From the viewer’s point of view, 25% tuned in 2021 just for the commercials. Let that sink in for a moment! 

In the spirit of this epic holiday, we’d like to show you some of the most memorable and striking advertisements within the legal industry. Many attorney advertisements are so good that we remember them and, most importantly, the attorney responsible for them. 

Now, let’s pop some popcorn and watch some of the best lawyer ads that are out there today. Psst…Do you love SNL? Who doesn’t, right? Stay until the end for the best surprise! 

PS – Can we all collectively agree that this should be an official holiday in the US?! If we want to prove just how big of an event this is, statistics show that more food is consumed on Super Bowl Sunday after Thanksgiving than any other day of the year! Talk about a feast. 

Callahan’s Consulting Epic Mission Impossible 

Many would think that firms have to keep up with an uptight formal image to sell and come across as the best. The truth is that the best strategy is different for each firm; it’s about finding the most authentic ways of connecting with your audience. 

PS – This firm sure does have personality! Want to see more of them? Learn more? We’re cooking a surprise that’ll feature in our LAWsome podcast soon! Stay tuned, so you don’t miss out

When two worlds collide: Texas Law Hawk and Coronavirus

We’ve said it before, and we’ll repeat it – if you haven’t seen a Texas Law Hawk commercial, you are really missing out. Allow us to introduce you to Bryan Wilson, America’s Loudest Lawyer.

It’s memorable from the get-go. It uses a lot of repetition by emphasizing the main character, who’s loud and proud: Bryan E. Wilson, the Texas Law Hawk. They sure know the power of repeating a marketing message, and they do so in a way that makes people laugh.

This time Bryan Wilson wrestled Coronavirus. Want to know who was the blatant knockoff? Find out here. 

Gomez trial attorneys show the power of understanding your client’s background

Gomez Trial Attorneys, a personal injury firm based in San Diego, CA knew how to make the most of their audience’s demographic. Their main theme throughout the video is around the community of San Diego. Since it’s based in a location where Spanish is the most common non-English language, they decided to include this important group. 

The Bull Attorneys For All Motorcycle Riders 

What makes this ad successful? In the short 30 seconds, they implemented marketing strategies similar to those of infomercials. These types of ads have always been successful because of their secret ingredients: 

  • Client testimonials (Proof that Bull Attorneys settled a case for $375,000.)
  • Presents information in an easy-to-grasp way. 
  • Positions the attorney as the thought-leader. 
  • Promises and benefits  (Avoid “getting bucked by the insurance company” and win with them by your side.) 

Russ Brown’s  

Just like the previous ad, this ad is short, sweet and to the point. In 15 seconds they’ll tell you everything you need to know: 

  • Motorcycle law is all they do. 
  • They support the motorcycle community because they are riders themselves. 
  • A quick CTA by placing their 1-800 number. 

Ads don’t necessarily have to be super long in order to get their message across and this is proof. 

Sam & Ash shows the power of emotional advertising 

Sam & Ash immediately come across as reliable, friendly, community-driven, and caring, which are emotionally attached values. 

They are aware that powerful ads like this bring in website traffic and besides that, they are implementing a more holistic approach that integrates digital and social media marketing campaigns. They are staying ahead of the curve without the headaches. How? They decided to partner with us, legal marketing experts. Want to see our work in action? Check out their website.

Shook & Stone’s puppy love ad 

This one’s short, sweet and simple. It focuses on putting a face to their firm by immediately introducing themselves as the lawyers at Shook & Stone, a Southern Nevada Personal Injury Firm. Besides featuring some of the cutest dogs, they mention some key components in just 15 seconds: 

  • Expertise: They’ve been in business for over 25 years. 
  • Their purpose: Fighting hard for the underdogs. 
  • Proof of success: Winning more than $500,000,000 for their clients. 
  • Clear call to action with promise and actionable steps like “call X number with a “no fees unless we win” promise.

In Advertising; What’s Silly, Stays – What’s Serious, Is Static

Jokes, laughter, and the associated emotions around humor have a powerful ability to impact memory and leave impressions on audiences when artfully (and even inartfully) applied in advertising.

Here are three memorable examples of humor in attorney advertising:

Orlando attorney, John Morgan, flashes medical marijuana card instead of ID

Okay, this wasn’t an ad, but it turned out to go viral. Orlando attorney and advocate for legalizing recreational marijuana, John Morgan, got over 200,000 TikTok views in just one day. It’s provocative, hilarious and stirs up some conversations. 

In advertising comedy doesn’t have to be loud or obvious; it can be situational and character-driven like in this scenario. 

Attorney Benjamin Crump featuring as the hilarious Benjamin “Grump”

Humor is a difficult thing to get right, but that didn’t stop this firm from making use of satirical humor. The attorney, Benjamin Crump impersonates his “alter ego” Benjamin “Grump”. Instead of playing the serious attorney, they were able to create a storyline that’s pretty much comedic genius. 

Marilyn York’s Comical “Duct Tape It” Method 

Marilyn York, a divorce attorney, and men’s rights advocate has been using humor in her advertising for years, and her latest ad is no exception. Provocative, hilarious, something to stir up some conversations – if we’re talking good attorney advertising, this checks all the boxes!

And the funniest SNL Attorney Skits…drum rolls! 

Okay, this isn’t part of a Super Bowl ad or a specific law firm, but it’s SNL. What connects this skit to advertisements is that they focus on creating the most killer scripts. 

Here’s SNL’s take on attorney advertisements. 

PS – We think Aziz Ansari’s character deserves justice! What do you think?

Couldn’t get enough with that last skit? We’ve got another one for you. And while it may seem like it’s totally fake, it’s loosely based on real-life events! After running out of hairspray, a Louisiana woman coated her hair with Gorilla Glue spray. With that back story, do you think SNL did a great job at ‘suing’ the makers of Gorilla Glue? 


Whether the marketing medium is paid, organic, online, or off, law firms that choose to advertise their firms need to have strategic goals and partnerships with agencies they can trust to deliver the results they desire from their investments.

If you’d like to know more about what paid ads can do for your firm, tailor a strategy for success or ask any questions – we’re here to help you out


The post Best Attorney Ads That Should Have Super Bowl Air Time (+ Extras!)  appeared first on Consultwebs.

from Consultwebs

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Why Voluntary Bar Associations are Great for your Law Firm

Tanner Jones, your host and Vice President of Business Development at Consultwebs, welcomes you to another episode of the LAWsome Podcast by Consultwebs.


In today’s episode, Tanner is accompanied by Sean McQuaid, president of the law firm Battaglia, Ross, Dicus & McQuaid based in Pinellas County, Florida. Among his many accomplishments, Sean is president of the St. Petersburg Bar Association, a professional organization with over a thousand lawyers and judges. 


Key Takeaways:

[0:18] Introduction 

[1:03] What’s a bar association? 

[3:20] Are there multiple types of bar associations? 

[5:09] Most noticeable and least underserved practice areas 

[6:55] Why lawyers need to join bar associations

[8:38] Benefits of being involved in a bar association 

[13:03] Philanthropic elements attorneys can consider 

[18:09] Events attorneys can take into consideration

[21:02] Other benefits of being involved in a bar association

[22:52] Other advices/ comments 

[27:18] Best way to contact Sean 


Best way to contact Sean McQuaid: 

(727) 381-2300 


Discover More About the Podcast and Consultwebs:

Subscribe to the LAWsome Podcast by Consultwebs on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify


Visit the LAWsome website


Follow Consultwebs on social for legal marketing updates:







Learn more about Consultwebs at the links below.

Law Firm Marketing Agency Services 

Law Firm SEO

Law Firm Web Design 

Law Firm PPC 

Law Firm Social Media 

Law Firm Email Marketing

Law Firm Digital Marketing 



8601 Six Forks Rd #400, Raleigh, NC 27615

(800) 872-6590


The post Why Voluntary Bar Associations are Great for your Law Firm appeared first on Consultwebs.

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