Friday, June 25, 2021

Your Guide to Law Firm Brand Reputation Management

It’s no secret that lawyers go to great lengths to manage their reputations. From sleek suits, a clean-cut to their won-case count, it’s elements like these that might project the attorney and overall firm as one that is successful. But nowadays, besides appearances and a physical office, law firms’ online reputation and branding are equally important. 


It is an unwritten rule that first impressions do matter (both online and offline). There are two important factors to take into consideration when it comes to first impressions online:

  1. Since the rise of technology, the human attention span has decreased from 12 to 8 seconds (due to information overload and filtering).
  2. Plenty of websites are fighting for the attention of the user. 


What does this mean for your firm?

Branding is a must. Think of branding as your firm’s driver towards success, power, and reputation. While your clients are in the passenger seat; branding drives the user towards a positive or a negative experience. 


Tips to Manage Your Firm’s Internal Reputation

Before diving into what your firm can do for clients, it’s important to first look within your firm. 


As we previously mentioned, first impressions matter (a lot). And within the online world, users are generating their perception of your firm in less than a second. Scientifically, it takes a user 50 milliseconds to form an opinion of your website. A powerful factor to enhance your firm’s brand reputation is through a strong and clear website layout that is also mobile-friendly. 


According to website statistics, around 80% of users will stop engaging with your site if it’s not mobile-friendly. Almost identically, 75% of the users judge credibility based on layout and design. (So yes, users do judge a book by its cover).

Here are some best practices for you to consider: 

  1. Provide a desktop and mobile-friendly user experience.
  2. Add strong and clear visuals. 
  3. Remove unnecessary information.
  4. Have a quick loading time which you can check here.


A complementary addition to websites is blog posts and social media. Most users begin their legal research with Google. And since Google can include verified social profiles; social posts should also be taken into consideration.


All of your branding items should go hand-in-hand with clear language. Remember your users likely do not understand legal jargon. Improving your law firm’s written clarity is a must. 


Tips to Manage Your Firm’s External Reputation

Your firm can also take advantage of many external add-ons.  On one hand, using third parties like Google is a helpful link between your users and you. You can claim your law firm using Google My Business. There are plenty of do’s and don’ts behind Google My Business but one very important factor your firm shouldn’t overlook is reviews. 

Reviews are so powerful that 93% of customers look at reviews before deciding on a service/product. 

Specifically, 70% of users would go out of their way to work with a less conveniently located law firm if they have better reviews. 

So, how can you improve reviews? 

  1. Adding a personalized response to each one.
  2. Respond promptly (within a day if possible).
  3. Answering all reviews (positive and negative).
  4. Providing further outside assistance to negative reviews.
  5. Reaching out to satisfied clients.


Besides reviews, social proof is a powerful marketing and psychological factor impacting reputation. As humans, we are wired to follow what others do. Therefore, providing legal community feedback is important. This includes: 

  • User testimonials
  • Client case studies
  • Ambassadors 


Powerful Benefits of Branding Your Firm 

Branding is a powerful driver to your firm’s success. A good first impression has many benefits. 

Your firm’s robust digital perception can bring you: 

  • Qualified leads
  • A satisfied client and thus more trust and retention
  • Recognition 
  • Conversions within the online sales funnel. 

And most importantly…branding brings you support for your overall marketing goals. 


A good branding plan for your firm includes more than just a pretty logo and slogan. Your firm’s successful branding should include an all-inclusive marketing plan of action. Besides a plan of action, consistency is also important. Google states that consistency is an important factor for your brand’s overall authenticity and verification process. 


A Robust Plan Towards A Positive Reputation

Having a vision and a mission for your firm is important. But what’s even more important is the actual plan of action. 


Through the plan of action, you might come across questions such as, “Is my firm’s website user-friendly on all devices?”, “How can my law firm deal with negative reviews?” Or “How do we measure our firm’s online and offline success?”


The answers vary amongst firms. There is not a one-size-fits-all approach. 


Luckily, your firm’s brand identity and reputation can be tailored to fit your firm’s long-term vision of success. Let’s talk. 


The post Your Guide to Law Firm Brand Reputation Management appeared first on Consultwebs.

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Thursday, June 17, 2021

The proven 3-step formula to improve your legal document’s clarity

The proven 3-step formula to improve your legal document’s clarity 

There is a famous saying by Albert Einstein that goes, “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” 


Simplicity is important. Simplicity in language means there is clear communication between two parties. If you think about it, if you understand a topic enough, even the most complex subjects should be simplified enough so a fifth-grader understands. (This is backed up by readability research.)


On one hand, clients seeking an attorney’s help are already going through a stressful situation that requires legal action. On the other hand, law firms today face the constant battle between simple language and legalese. This puts clients in an even more stressful situation. 


But leaving clients unclear of what they can expect with your firm is a preventable pain. 


Your actions matter. And within the legal industry, your words matter just as much. Continue reading as we unravel a new formula that’ll help your legal writing become understandable for all audiences.


A Linguistic Barrier Between Firms and Clients 

Before diving into the proven process, it’s important to look back at the historical relationship between law firms and clients.


It is undeniable that clear communication is a must between law firms and their clients. But, without a clear communication strategy, law firms cannot expect clients to confidently take the right steps towards succeeding in their legal endeavors. 


On top of this, the legal industry is changing. In the past, law firms have been inward-facing. Clients now have a very important say within the legal industry, and hugely impact a firm’s reviews and overall reputation online. Clients want to see law firms as a service that embraces all aspects of technological, business, and legal expertise. Whether you get knocks on your door and calls to your phone with new business all depends on what your online presence looks like. 


In fact, one of the main changes within the legal industry is the plain English movement. This movement focuses on “wording that is clear and understandable to its intended reader.” Clients want clarity and they want law firms to embrace this as well. 


Resisting industry changes like this can: 

  • Confuse the clients and the legal ecosystem.
  • Discourage professionals entering the legal industry.
  • Deny the clients the opportunity to better understand the legal industry.
  • Impede the client’s complete and clear decision-making process. 

Your clients call the shots. They are looking at your website, reviews, and your digital presence. 


It’s important the legal industry learns how to adapt to its clients’ wants and needs.


Increase Impact and Clarity In Your Law Firm 

Let’s be real. As a society, there is a level of expectation when it comes to lawyers and law firms. 


Don’t take it from us. Lawyers are in fact expected, “to come to the table with bigger words”. This is quoted from Judge Robert Bacharach’s podcast episode. 


Judge Robert Bacharach from the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals recently sat down with us and shared insights of his latest book, Legal Writing: A Judge’s Perspective on the Science and Rhetoric of the Written Word. 


Many years of experience and research led to this incredibly insightful book. It can be seen as a bridge between legal communication and the new plain English movement. He explains that the plain English movement is the first effective effort to change the way legal documents are written. 


To briefly note, three action guides law firms can follow are: 

  1. Contextualizing any details before the reader actually gets to the details of the document. 
  • If there’s too much detail, the reader will be lost. One example he mentions is the use of topic sentences since it focuses on the main idea of a paragraph. 
  1. Simplifying your wording. 
  • As Judge Robert Bacharach adds, “also using $64 words when a $2 word would work just as well,” is simplifying.
  1. Linking information.
  • He adds that law firms should “create meaningful chunks of information.”

Through generations, law firms have written documents for clients at a level that the average population does not understand. This is also why Judge Robert Bacharach adds that law firms should place themselves “in the shoes of someone who is not familiar with the content.”


Embracing the Legal Industry’s Shift in Language 

Language is a big part of the legal community. Language is also complex. Arguably, the legal industry handles some of the most complex languages amongst all other industries! 


On one hand, legalese can quickly turn into gobbledegook” for clients and prospects. Here’s an example:, legal Latin terms such as “Cestui que trust” hold no meaning to clients.  


These are barriers to clear communication between a firm and its clients and prospects. Clients want to be assured of a clear strategy of action, clear steps to take, and clear language. 


Judge Robert Bacharach reiterates this with the use of psycholinguistics, the psychological study of language. Within the use of psycholinguistics, he notes that it’s vital law firms take into account:

  1. Clients – Who is your law firm speaking to? Can this person understand the legal document?
  2. Sequence – What steps do you want the client to take? Is this clearly communicated? 

Your firm’s language can also improve by: 

Communication is a Two-Way Street 

Although lawyers face the expectation to come with the “big words” it is best to say that when it comes to clientele communication, clarity will always win over legal jargon.


At the end of the day, clients want to know if you will be able to help them with their problems. In order to do so, they need to truly understand what you are trying to tell them, and the more simplified you can get your point across, the more likely it is that you will win them over.


Clarity can be your firm’s differentiating factor.


Learn how your firm can build a clear client-centric communication strategy. 


The post The proven 3-step formula to improve your legal document’s clarity appeared first on Consultwebs.

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Thursday, June 10, 2021

Email Marketing – Is Above the Fold, Where It’s At?


We know the phrase that goes, “don’t judge a book by its cover”, but let’s rethink this concept. 


When it comes to marketing like email marketing, we do judge a book by its cover. The cover of this proverbial book is where law firms grab users’ attention. 


Within email marketing, as well as website designs, there is a concept known as above the fold. It refers to the website or email that being visible when the user first opens the page without having to scroll down. This concept evolved with the birth of print media and the way newspapers were, and still are, read. (It dates way back to the 1700s!) Incredible, isn’t it?


Although it was a rule of thumb to always place the centerpiece content above the fold (digitally speaking), in today’s world it carries a heated argument in regards to its functionality. So, how exactly does the above-the-fold content placement work? And is it really still relevant? Is it applicable to law firms?


Stay with us as we uncover pros and cons, fun facts, tips, and tricks for above the fold. 


Pique your visitors’ curiosity  

We’ve mentioned that the concept of “above the fold” dates back to the 1700s. The reason is that the entirety of the printed newspaper was too large for a newspaper stand, so the paper was folded in such a way that the front page was split in half. Because of this, the concept of above the fold and below the fold emerged.


Still to this day, if you decide to buy a printed newspaper you’ll notice the upper half is where the attention grabbers, shocking headlines and initial interest takes place. 


The same concept can be applied to digital media. In the realm of email marketing and websites, above the fold is considered the visible section without the need to scroll. 


Before a user decides to scroll (or exit), it is crucial to grab the user’s attention… and this usually proves to be easier said than done. 


According to Tribute Media, the current human attention span is shorter than a goldfish’s. We have an attention span of 6-8 seconds while a goldfish has an attention span of a whopping 9 seconds. (So, our ADD is up to 30% worse than a goldfish’s. Isn’t that mind-blowing?!) Digital-first impressions clearly require a lot of work in sight of this. OptiMonk states that whatever you place above the fold does matter.


OptiMonk argues that content placement above the fold optimization should be part of content marketing. To do so law firms can: 

  1. Optimize a responsive design – if a website and email look great users want to stay for longer periods of time, interact and purchase more. (For law firms, it could mean calls and cases).
  2. Add Calls to Action at the beginning Powerful CTAs can directly impact conversions.
  3. Place the important content first  – Headlines, calls-to-action, other vital information should be the first thing a user reads. 

OptiMonk argues that if the user is not initially intrigued, they will leave and find someone else. 


While all of this may be relevant, others argue the contrary. Let’s look into that…


“In Your Face” Sales and Marketing Can Be Too Much

On the other hand, the counterargument is that above the fold is now outdated because it is too much of a “in your face” sales approach. 


Users online are very different from users in the 90s and early 2000s. Before, the internet was evolving. Now, the internet is intuitive. Let’s face it, in this day and age, even babies can scroll without giving it a second thought. The big difference between then and now is that back then information was limited. Now? It’s the opposite! We have too much information that is readily available.


For this reason, VWO argues that not all the necessary information has to be above the fold. To support this argument, they add: 

  1. Users are familiar with scrolling. Users already expect information below the fold. 
  2. There are a lot more mobile users than desktop users according to Perficient. This means it’s near impossible to define where above the fold is for all types of devices and a single content piece. 
  3. “In Your Face” approach by adding too much above the fold can counterattack and drive people away. Plus, it may increase the user’s anxiety. 

Neil Patel reiterates this. He emphasizes that “Higher conversion rates have nothing to do with whether the button is above the fold, and everything to do with whether the button is below the right amount of good copy”.


Learn to Pave The Way 

We’ve given you the pros and cons. But whatever road you decide to take, you can pave your firm’s way with some actionable tips. 


As MailChimp adds; you can ‘break the rules’ with email marketing and make it your own. There is not a one-size-fits-all and what works for your firm might not work for another. Be flexible with what you want versus what works for your clients. At the end of the day, you should always have your clients in mind. 


Hubspot also adds that what your firm should focus on is grabbing attention, and to do so you must: 


  1. Keep a simple design – don’t overwhelm your users. 
  2. Create engaging content – use your unique brand voice.
  3. Design with usability in mind – have content that is easy to interact with and see. 
  4. Solve problems – Include answers, keywords, images, and designs that will help your user.

The Ball Is In Your Court

There are clear pros and cons for focusing on what content to place above the fold for email marketing (and your website). Like it was said earlier, there is not a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to digital marketing for your law firm. Every firm requires a unique digital marketing approach to get quality results and cases. 


At the end of the day, the ball really is in your court. But whether you decide on the extent of your firm’s needs to implement optimizations to your current content placement strategy (or not), you’ll need a strong digital marketing team by your side. 


Do you want to know how you can implement a plan of action for growth? You don’t have to go through all the trials and tribulations by yourself. Get started with us now. 


The post Email Marketing – Is Above the Fold, Where It’s At? appeared first on Consultwebs.

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Friday, June 4, 2021

How to Compile a “Power Page” to Grow Your Firm

A power page, better known as a pillar page, is more than a simple blog post. Your law firm should not be missing out on the opportunity to easily supercharge its SEO potential. According to Rocket Content, when implemented correctly, you can expect to:

  • Boost SEO rankings.
  • Increase your content marketing promotion.
  • Fill in informational gaps.
  • Keep clients on-site for longer periods of time.
  • Have scannable and searchable documents in one page.
  • Get more leads.

As you can see a power/pillar page really does do its name justice.  So, what exactly is a pillar page?  In short, it is a web page that is dedicated to extensively offering information on a given topic, and that links to pages that cover related topics on the same domain.  And how does a pillar page apply to my law firm?  It will serve both sides of the coin:

  1. Your clients will benefit from a pillar page when they’re looking for information and answers while reading through your law firm’s website.
  2. Search Engine algorithms use pillar pages to navigate and rank your site based on keywords and relevant information your law firm adds to this page.

If you want and need to retain more clients AND improve your ranking, then keep reading! We’ve taken a close look at how pillar pages function, and how they can serve your website to help you achieve the growth you want for your law firm.

A Foundation to Grow Your Firm

Think of your pillar page as the architecture structure that houses many scattered themes around a common theme.

This house made of “pillars” helps the bigger building: your firm. And how do all the pillars help the firm? By giving your firm’s inbound marketing an extra push. Inbound marketing is, in essence, the process you take in order to help prospects find your business. This means you’re not attracting just any ‘ole’ visitor to your firm’s website, you’re attracting the people who are most likely looking to convert to clients! (They are the people that want to be in your house.) How convenient, right?

Take Your Existing Content to The Next Level

A pillar page is convenient when it’s built with efficiency in mind. To do so, you’ll first need to gather copious amounts of content. And as overwhelming as this may sound; worry not. Your firm has options.

Option 1 – Audit your content.

According to Fulcrum Forge, you can work with what you already have. There is no need to start a pillar page from scratch. You can put on your thinking cap and search for themes by:

  • Reviewing existing content and collecting possible themes.
  • Reviewing the previous campaigns.
  • Reviewing promotional content pieces.

Fulcrum Forge emphasizes that once you’ve looked into either, you can decide to find a core topic based on popular themes in:

  1. Topic titles.
  2. Keywords and hashtags.
  3. Social metrics (likes/shares).
  4. Conversion metrics.

If you need help measuring the best-performing content, Google Analytics and Hubspot can give you a quick overview on your firm’s track engagement.

Option 2 – Build around a common theme.

If your firm already has data in regards to popular keywords/hashtags etc. you can work around those.  Brafton focuses on seven simple actions to follow if you do have a list of core topics:

  1. Focus on one primary keyword – pick a keyword that has a high search volume but isn’t too broad.
  2. Identify relevant subtopics within that core topics.
  3. Link your firm’s internal content and related external content.
  4. Create a table of contents.
  5. Write a pillar page within the table of contents.
  6. Look into additional designs to add to the pillar page.
  7. Add a CTA (Call-to-Action).

Brafton did their pillar page explanation in pillar page format. To take a look at what a pillar page can look like, check out the structure here.

Decide on Your Pillar Page’s Purpose

Now, you already have an idea of how your firm can benefit from a pillar page and implement it. But, what exactly is the purpose for your firm’s pillar page meant to be?  Semrush emphasizes three kinds of pillar pages:

  1. The “Guide” Pillar page
    • If your firm is looking to establish itself as an authority within a subject, then a guide pillar works best. It can help your clients gather information from an instructional approach. This builds on your firm’s expertise and trust.
  2. The “What Is” Pillar page
    • Covers a topic that is interesting, controversial or timely. If your firm wants to tap on the desire and curiosity of clients then this is it.
  3. The “How-to” Pillar page
    • Unlike the previous pillar pages, this one is primarily focused on the question of how something is done. The main purpose here is to help solve a problem.

Decorate Your Pillar Page

Let’s say your firm gathered all the relevant content and wrote it all in one document. Great! But there is one last crucial factor missing. Content like a pillar page without visuals can push your clients out of your site within seconds. Luckily, that is preventable with the help of visuals. Besides relevant content, clients want to scan/read content that is easy on their eyes. You can do this by assuring your pillar page covers the basics:

  • A designed structure that is easy to follow.
  • Additional visual images/videos/graphs/charts etc.
  • Easy navigation.
  • A clean table of content.

If you want to give your firm’s pillar page an extra push, Semrush notes that there are eight additional interactive content pieces your firm could add:

  1. Quizzes
  2. Calculator and tools
  3. Infographics
  4. Image sliders (before/after pictures)
  5. Interactive game
  6. Interactive map
  7. Webinars
  8. Film and video

Walk The Extra Mile

With the help of a pillar page, you can assure your firm is able to provide an answer to all of your client’s questions. We know how ambitious this initiative can be, and have experts on call and ready to have a chat with you on how we can help you walk, or run, that extra mile to give your prospects the added value they deserve. Contact us to propel your firm ahead.

The post How to Compile a “Power Page” to Grow Your Firm appeared first on Consultwebs.

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Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Call us your SEO MYTH-BUSTERS!

Search Engine Optimization, also known as SEO, is not something you want to overlook. Why is that? The relevance of SEO in today’s digital landscape is increasingly predominant and can be considered a necessity in your strategy to ensure marketing success.   According to Semrush, you can improve your law firm’s online presence in many ways including (but not limited to):

  • Credibility.
  • Get relevant clients.
  • Improve your organic traffic.
  • Conversions and ROI.
  • Leads through your sales funnel.
  • Low cost.

And the list goes on! The options you have are countless!  Of course, this is great but you may have questions like, “How do I apply it?” “What works?” And most importantly, “What doesn’t work?” There’s a lot of local SEO misinformation, so let’s focus on what doesn’t work for your law firm’s GMB (Google My Business) account first to work our way up from there..  Before we dive into some local SEO myths we have a powerful tip to help your firm dominate the local market:

Don’t underestimate the power of GMB.

Let’s face the reality here: Google dominates search engines. As Google dominates today’s search engines, it’s important law firms take full advantage of Google’s FREE Google My Business (GMB) tool. On it, your firm can collect reviews from past clients, you can have full information on all of your locations and  Yes, you heard this correctly, it’s a free tool! When (and if) your law firm uses GMB correctly you can expect:

  1. Improving your law firm’s local exposure
  2. Boosting revenue to calls and cases

GMB is not only important for your law firm’s SEO, it is vital for your law firm’s online survival!

If you’re still not convinced of GMBs’ importance, hear it from Awebco. GMB can help your law firm by:

  1. Boosting your local SEO
  2. Helping potential clients find your law firm online
  3. Giving clients the chance to leave a good review for your law firm
  4. Communicating with clients
  5. It’s a FREE tool (who doesn’t like free stuff?)

If you’re starting to realize the importance of GMB for your law firm’s reach and revenue then read along and let’s debunk popular SEO myths.

A GMB Service Area will Impact Rankings

Having a GMB account is definitely helpful. If your business has multiple locations you can use this platform to add all of them, which also helps your clients make personal references of the individual locations and decide which one suits them the best.  BUT…the truth is that it will not have an impact on your law firm’s overall local ranking.


“Keyword Stuffing” the GMB Description Improves Rankings

Have you heard of keyword stuffing? Basically, it’s trying to manipulate your site’s position in the SERP by using relevant keywords repeatedly, hence the term “stuffing.” Though this tactic is used quite frequently, the reality is that keyword stuffing is not helpful within the description box of GMB. Google doesn’t look at this box for rankings. (Plus, keyword stuffing is considered a black hat strategy, and may cause your site to be de-indexed by Google if it is identified on it.) So, what’s the best thing to do here?  Sales writing! AKA – Sell your law firm! Add interesting, captivating and relevant information about your law firm. If you need a question to get inspired perhaps think: “What solution(s) does your law firm offer that others don’t? And how will you fix a prospect’s problem?” Make sure to get prospects interested enough to take the action you’re aiming for and call your firm.

Stuffing Keywords to GMB Reviews Impacts Rankings

Piggy-backing on the previous myth, getting reviews on GMB is great! But what’s not so great is “keyword stuffing” your responses to those reviews with keywords. It doesn’t improve rankings however, we do recommend you give the reviews an authentic human response back. It may not help your rankings, per se, but it will give your clients a personalized view of your law firm.

Call Tracking Has a Negative Impact On Your Rankings

The short answer is: No. A call tracking does not have a negative impact on your Google rankings…if you do it the correct way.  Before diving into what’s right let’s look into a common mistake: using different phone numbers on different listings.  Having an inconsistent number around the web means clients will have different contact results around search Google, Apple Maps, Bing and other forms of directories. Losing a client due to jumbled up phone numbers would be a painful loss that’s completely avoidable!  To assure this doesn’t happen here’s how you can verify you’re using the correct numbers:

  • Your primary number should be within the “call tracking number”.
  • Your business number should be within the “additional field”.

Organic Rankings Improve By Paying Google Ads

You’re in luck, because as the saying goes, you’re “hearing it straight from the horse’s mouth!”  Law firms cannot request Google to improve their organic rankings. Organic rankings are called organic because they aren’t influenced by paid ads. Organic rankings occur due to the client’s natural search for your law firm and consequently leading to a natural response to review/rank your law firm’s service. Google even states that “There’s no way to request or pay for better local rankings on Google. We do our best to keep the search algorithm details confidential, to make the ranking system as fair as possible for everyone.”  You can pay for an ad and rank #1 in the paid world, but it doesn’t necessarily mean it’ll lead to organic rankings.

All That Matters is Ranking #1

False! In fact, sometimes businesses that are ranked #1 have FEWER LEADS than other businesses ranked under them.  So, what should your law firm focus on?  Improving your GMB listing

  1. Add photos.
  2. Respond to reviews.
  3. Add the opening hours.

See the differences for yourself here:


“It Will Take a While Until You Rank Within Your Local Search”

Will it take a month? Six months? A year?  You can start ranking the minute your listing goes live. Whitespark clarifies that businesses start ranking within their immediate area. Businesses don’t immediately start ranking in a whole city, though. Your law firm will start to grow out of the immediate area’s ranking once there’s a higher accumulation within the GMB listing for that specific area..

You Need to Geo-Tag Images

Before debunking this myth let’s look into what’s geo-tagging. According to Romain Berg, it is “the process of adding precise global positioning data, such as specific latitude and longitude, to a website or image found online”.  And why do businesses do geo-tagging?  Geo-tagging helps search engines make the link between the added location/information and the photo. Romain Berg even adds that “web search engines are factoring the person’s current location into the search results they deliver”.  Adding metadata to your images can help Google understand when and where the image was created. But the reality is that when it comes to local SEO rankings it has little to no effect. According to a geotagging study conducted by Tim Kahlert, “Only areas with very little or no competition offer good opportunities to rank using only geotagged images.”  In short words, save yourself the time (and headache). There’s no evidence behind this working. Stuffing keywords into an image has little to no effect with the Google ranking.

A Google Map on Your Website Will Impact Rankings

Embedding a Google Map to your site does not directly improve rankings. However, as Sterling Sky notes, there are still benefits to adding a Google Map to your website:

  1. Saves your clients from leaving your website.
  2. Business contact is already there.
  3. Gives your clients reference points (for example: ‘a parking area near me’).
  4. Clients stay longer periods of time on your website.

In Conclusion…

Bottom line, law firms should not fall under false pretense that any of these myths “might work” for them.  Recognizing what does not work is a step forward for your law firm’s online success. Applying what does work is a science of its own…and our team has crafted the art and science behind SEO optimization for law firms. Want to optimize your law firm?  Expand your law firm’s reach + ranking and get results with us today.

The post Call us your SEO MYTH-BUSTERS! appeared first on Consultwebs.

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