Monday, September 21, 2020

Reallocating Legal Advertising Budgets During Election Blackout

Not sure if you’ve heard, but there’s an election coming up in our country, and with it, a slew of political ads for local and national candidates all over the media, in what’s referred to in the media planning industry, as a ‘media blackout.’

Besides encouraging folks to vote, the legal marketing team at Consultwebs, would like to get the message out to TV advertising law firms, that you can take steps to ‘election proof’ your advertising campaigns, and find ways to avoid losses, resulting from your TV campaigns being preempted by political ads.

Let’s first take a look at the loss and costs associated with a media blackout, and then we’ll offer a few alternative marketing tactics any law firm can employ, to maintain marketshare, and even increase leads.

How will the 2020 election disrupt my law firms advertising spend?

Most law firms who advertise on TV can expect to have 5-25% of their TV spots preempted by political ads during this election cycle.

Once this happens, advertisers have a choice to run a ‘make-good’ or get a refund. Problem is, make-goods aren’t always available fast enough.

  • Example:Law Firm A
    $50k per month TV budget
    25 cases per month, signed from TV intakes
    Average fees per case: $14,000
    Potential Revenue: $350,000
    20% reduction in air time = 20% reduction in cases = $70,000 reduction in fees

What are you going to do to mitigate the potential loss?

Invest your marketing dollars elsewhere, and feel confident in doing so.

According to the marketing researchers and analysts at WARC, in their whitepaper, “Anatomy of Advertising Effectiveness,” TV spend maintains the highest ROI for brands that can afford it, but Radio, and Online Video, have just as good as returns.

Since TV is almost guaranteed a bust during this election cycle, lawyers can feel confident reallocating their ad budgets towards the following marketing practices.


Mass Media:

  • Radio ads – Radio is still a powerful driver of cases for local law firms and a great way to stay connected to your community. Law firms with TV ads can take the scripts used for their TV spots, and adapt them for radio. Sample your intake staff to see which station they listen to, and make inquiries on rate cards.
  • Spotify Ads – Once you have a few radio ads, makes sense to puch them out where you can, so Spotify is a logical choice.

Content Marketing:

  • Branded podcast – Another way to invest in content that will attract an audience to your law firm, is a branded sound experience, similar to the Sawaya Law Firm’s “Colorado Vibe”, a 10 episode, Colorado sound experience, that lets you hear the sounds, listen to the locations, and discover the frequencies and folk that define the “Colorado Vibe.”

Interested to learn how we can help improve your law firm’s marketing?

We are here to help take your law firm marketing, beyond the campaign. Get in touch with us for a quote, Sign up for the Consultwebs newsletter, follow us on social media, and subscribe to the LAWsome Podcast.

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